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Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Perfectly described." Claude smirks as she finishes her 1000 push-ups. "Doc assigned that I have a addiction to chaos and adrenaline."

The character below puts safety above all.
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"...Soon. Just soon enough."

The character below once tried to do the BLJ (backwards long jump)
Moved to Other Characters (played anonymously)

"I've tried, multiple times." Luigi smiled.

The person below has a wonderful brother
Malvolio Twins (played anonymously)

The twins went to speak at the same time. Then they looked each other and laughed.
"You could say I have a wonderful brother." Marius stated. Sangre weakly nodded, "Same here."

The character below has water powers
Jooters Blaccat (played by Jooters)

He shoots a bubble at the twins. "Haha! Sorcery is so cool, we get bubble powers! I can also use ice magic, if ya wanna count that!"

the character below either underestimates or overestimates their power
Both unfortunately, but that's the thing with military strategy it's a game of probabilities and odds, where you're gambling lives for power. Some you win, some you lose.

Marcus has been fortunate enough to win often but the defeats he's faced have been severe and bitter, it's the law of the world, you can't expect mastery over any art without ever having tasted failure.

He's danced with death and faced great humiliation upon those incidents. In the events that lead up to the fall of the empire, Marcus was part of an Ill fated coup in the capital, what should've been a success. His contemporaries were slain and he was imprisoned, those who survived were either amputated or blinded and though he was tortured he was fortunate enough to retain his faculties. Moreover, he was the only one to escape, nude, in a barrel of olives no less and spent three months in the city of Epicrotea disguised as a beggar.

But Marcus always perseveres, and his vengeance spared no one, infact he was instrumental in orchestrating the fall (or more aptly, burning) of what were once the Empire's northwestern provinces.

The character below has a difficult relationship with their relatives/family
Mono (played by Botol_O_Wata)

Mono has a tough relationship with people in general, but especially so his "family". He calls his family those that help him learn, and have killed them too, especially because they tend to treat him as a burden or servant. Despite not knowing much, he has enough pride to not allow such a thing.

In my Chemcore world, He is the guard dog for his creator and the cruel leader of a totalitarian regime, Ahdren Klant, who branded him as he came into "the Lord's" retinue.

The character below will eat anything
Jooters Blaccat (played by Jooters)

Currently chewing on a bug he thought was a piece of candy. "Huh? Wait why was I brought here?" He says, reaching for another one.

The character below is in a happy, healthy relationship.
"Hey, that's me!" The floating vampire nodded, standing alongside her girlfriend whom appeared to be a humanoid made of candy.

"We grew up together, had a rocky breakup, and then came back together hundreds of years later. It's... kinda the happiest I think I've ever been," Marceline flushed, raising a fist to her mouth and clearing her throat, "We're all domestic 'n biz now. It's nice."

The character below cannot brush their hair without catching at least 3 tangles in the brush.
He shrugged whilst chuckling "you got me"

the person below doesn't like curry
Ciel (played anonymously)

"It's not that I dislike curry, per se." Ciel leaned on his hand, propping his head up. "My stomach just can't handle the spices of curry."

The person below has tattoo or something similar on them (a contract symbol, a magical rune, etc), somewhere
Adael (played by Claine) Topic Starter

Yes, my binding sigil is on my back.

The character below dislikes their job.
Castella (played anonymously)

My job is very hard, so yes. I kinda dislike it. T^T I'm a First Sergeant at a Military High School Academy.

The person below likes their job.
I must admit, I am rather fond of my profession even if it is a grisly affair, I think it captivates the mind like nothing else. If anything I appreciate a good challenge especially if the stakes are high and the stakes are never as high as when you are lord of a realm or general of an army. I think also there's a sense of purpose to it, you need to keep power in check especially when it is at risk of falling into the hands of those too irresponsible or self-consumed to wield it.

The character below has a farm
"It's an extremely large garden, and a small peach and apple orchard back at the Fate's Circle temple, but I doubt it qualifies as a farm. I never really gave much thought to whether or not it qualifies as a farm...."

the person below has never been in a fight
Catelyn (played by Alliyus)

Catelyn sat there with her camera on her lap and her backpack on her back with Sophie's cat head poking out, meowing quietly. She never been in a fight. She was a peaceful photographer.

The person below would let her take a picture of them.
Salor Maggo (played by Kotomi657)

"I suppose you can capture me if you want to? I have some bugs that would make for better subjects."

The character below is itching to steal something.
Poquito (played anonymously)

"We.. Well, not itching to steal, per se." He said a bit quietly. "But! Boss said I had to get a certain amount of money today, so.." Poquito quickly snatched Salor's wallet and ran off, quickly putting it in his pocket.

The character below has trust in the wrong person/people.
Mads Rhinehart (played anonymously)

Mads frowned, putting their hands up defensively upon hearing the word 'wrong'. "Oi, said person not a bad guy! We've saved each others' lives out on the streets, and I'd trust him with my life still. Sure, he's easily enraged, and he gets real violent when things don't go his way, and nobody, not even I, would like to get on his bad side..." Their voice trailed off as they realised it did not make things sound better. "The thing is, good or bad, sometimes guys like him are all you have. If it works, it works. And it did work out between us."

The person below leaves little gifts in public for strangers to find.
Gekiyaku (played anonymously)

Gekiyaku laughed cruelly, more of a cackle actually.


The character below likes pickles.

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