"Does my Shattercraft count as a shuttle? If so, I can drive it, yeah." Nine said, eating on a mint he found.
The character below can make blueprints for things
The character below can make blueprints for things
"I can if that is what you request. Beep boop."
The character below is 40 mental illnesses in a trench coat
The character below is 40 mental illnesses in a trench coat
K 4 wrote:
"I can if that is what you request. Beep boop."
The character below is 40 mental illnesses in a trench coat
The character below is 40 mental illnesses in a trench coat
(You might want to think of something less specific)
Nayuta Kazekage wrote:
K 4 wrote:
"I can if that is what you request. Beep boop."
The character below is 40 mental illnesses in a trench coat
The character below is 40 mental illnesses in a trench coat
(You might want to think of something less specific)
((Roleplayer Learns What Hyperbole Is, Circa 2024
It is purposefully exaggerated, and just means the character below is heavily mentally ill.))
K 4 wrote:
Nayuta Kazekage wrote:
K 4 wrote:
"I can if that is what you request. Beep boop."
The character below is 40 mental illnesses in a trench coat
The character below is 40 mental illnesses in a trench coat
(You might want to think of something less specific)
((Roleplayer Learns What Hyperbole Is, Circa 2024
It is purposefully exaggerated, and just means the character below is heavily mentally ill.))
(Ok, no need to be rude about it, just saying…)
Nayuta Kazekage wrote:
K 4 wrote:
Nayuta Kazekage wrote:
K 4 wrote:
"I can if that is what you request. Beep boop."
The character below is 40 mental illnesses in a trench coat
The character below is 40 mental illnesses in a trench coat
(You might want to think of something less specific)
((Roleplayer Learns What Hyperbole Is, Circa 2024
It is purposefully exaggerated, and just means the character below is heavily mentally ill.))
(Ok, no need to be rude about it, just saying…)
((Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to come off that way. I just woke up a few minutes ago))
K 4 wrote:
"I can if that is what you request. Beep boop."
The character below is 40 mental illnesses in a trench coat
The character below is 40 mental illnesses in a trench coat
"What am I here for?-" she said looking around
The person below would be willing to fight for their peace
“Hmmm, perhaps it might not be my peace, but it is for the village.” She looks out across the landscape of sunagakure, smiling.
(I feel like this is just a massive cross multiversal interview.)
The character below has a hidden power
(I feel like this is just a massive cross multiversal interview.)
The character below has a hidden power
Peristéri was preening themselves, getting all those old pin feathers out of their plumage. They gazed up for a moment to answer: “my hidden power is that i can make some BOMB-ASS homemade pancakes.”
The character below is undead.
The character below is undead.
Kazehiki, as he was walking in, accidentally hit his halo on a low-hanging sign, which made a ethereal, chiming noise when it hit it. Then he promptly sneezed.
The person below likes singing.
The person below likes singing.
Percy was offended that he was the subject of this statement. "Now listen, it ain't like I dislike baths and all." The fella was trying to reason. "It is hard to find time for a bath out there in the plains", Percy concluded.
The character below has a nifty skill in sewing.
The character below has a nifty skill in sewing.
Aborah flushed pink with the faint shock of being somewhat recognized. "A-Ah, I suppose...I grew up in the city, after all..."
The character below has a beautiful singing voice.
The character below has a beautiful singing voice.
"My Roleplayer is a common user of my software. He describes my voice as breathy, mature, and realistic"
The character below watches way too much anime
The character below watches way too much anime
"Anime? Who is that? I've never heard of such a being."
the person below just rolled their eyes
the person below just rolled their eyes
Donatos Aphael wrote:
"Anime? Who is that? I've never heard of such a being."
the personnbelow just rolled their eyes
the personnbelow just rolled their eyes
Donatos Aphael wrote:
"Anime? Who is that? I've never heard of such a being."
the person below just rolled their eyes
the person below just rolled their eyes
((Wait, if your character doesn't watch anime, then why did you reply to it?))
((I hate when people do that))
Donatos Aphael wrote:
"Anime? Who is that? I've never heard of such a being."
the person below just rolled their eyes
the person below just rolled their eyes
"Yeah. I did. Because you clearly didn't understand the assignment. Reading is an essential part of academic performance, and something tells me you won't be scoring well in exams."
The person below has done something others thought impossible.
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