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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Epic Farming Game


Okay, so, uh, I ended up starting and finishing my submission for the jumble today. I actually really like it XD

Now, back to farming! :D
I'm throwing together more of a guide as we go, Tusitala. Just been winging it from the very start with things that I'm learning and figuring out as I go. Tomorrow will bring more details on farming and cooking, just have to finish experimenting. :D
Where are houses being built in relation to the starting area (if they are being built)?
Interesting. When I F5 and I'm not full screen with my browser, I get a much wider field of view.
Agent, the houses are due south of the tent. Or southwest of the campfire. There's four spots.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Oh Gab, that's awesome! :D

I think it's pretty cute and unique-ish (hasn't been done in previous jumbles, at least) :3

I just wanted to try my hand at making something, even if my little merdog may not get into the jumble XD
Woof, only 6 food per corn muffin sent out.
Quick question for Kim... does the map respawn? if you chop wood or take stone... will it grow back/regenerate?
In time, yes!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Things do respawn over time, yes. :)
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

OKAY if you refresh the game, you can now use Q to toggle player names
Well, I figured out how to drop things. XD And I tried to pick it back up, but it apparently decided to stop existing when I did.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Sometimes you can underp the inventory by expanding it and contracting it again
I had the same over here zelphyr
When you pick it back up, sometimes it doesn't immediately reappear in your inventory. But its there.
fair enough
I've been giving this little game a pretty thorough test since it went live. xD
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

I'm struggling a lot with trying to underp the inventory XD

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