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Forums » Forum Games » Characters Horror Movie Roles

Rubedo Sanguis (played anonymously)

Here we goooooo!

Yup. That's pretty accurate.
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 10.
Ellis (played by LeftScout)

Giving this a go!

1 - The first to die…you poor, sweet bean
Yeah he probably would to be honest!
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 1.
Cyber 'surf' Lightseeker (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

Surf joins

edit: 100% accurate
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 1.


Seth McAllen (played by VoliminalVerse)

"That last one was BS for both me and the Marine."

Edit: I'll accept it because I've hid from gunfire.
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 2.

Note: The Marine and I get a mulligan because we're veterans lol

Adrian Hawthorne (played by VoliminalVerse)

"What part of 'I'M A MARINE don't you get?" he growled with an orange crayon between his teeth.

"False. Any soldier, sailor, airman, or Marine that's worth a handful of sand knows that 9.5/10 that lone-wolfing doesn't work."
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 8.
Teacher (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

Teacher joins the battle

slightly accurate--
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 7.
Slime Bunny (played by Taro_Nuke1)

The Slime Bunny joins the fray.

We always need a heroic sacrifice.
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 8.
Superion (played anonymously)

Jumps out of no where, "Ta ta! Superion is here to save the day!"

But ends up dying the moment he appears in comical fashion.
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 8.
Leah Cassette (played anonymously)

Cracks knuckles. "Let's do this"

Edit; "Let's not..." (She probably would be the hypocrite lol!)
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 4.
Jack Wright (played by _Skylark_)

Pumpkitten wrote:
Characters Horror Movie Roles

9 - The one who sacrifices themselves two minutes before they would have escaped

It's spooky season! Let's use my most cowardly character. Rolling the dice...

Aw... Jack. Yeah, that's pretty par for the course. Poor guy.
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 9.
"Hope for the best, expect the worst."

Edit: 5: Scream at EVERY little noise

"Oh, well, guess this is how I'll eventually go into labor. Sorry everyone, but I think I've doomed us all this way! Because as life has it, a stressed mom means stressed babies. Not to mention I'm passed my due date!"
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 5.
"This can't be worse than trying to smuggle a flash drive out of a country in your CENSORED."

Edit: "I'll never forget your sacrifices, and they will not be in vain." Salutes while taps plays
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 10.
Shelby (played by Rayne_Storm)

"I'm hoping for the best-"
Shelby (played by Rayne_Storm)

((Forgot the dice roll-))

Edit: "Not the most accurate but I'll take it!"
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 3.
Slime Bunny (played by Taro_Nuke1)


"guess i'll kill everyone with healing magic-" XD
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 7.
"Alright, what dark fate awaits me?"

3. The practical one who makes the plans and sets the traps

"Well, alright, if you can trust me on that."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 3.
Tari - The Meta Runner (played by randomentity777)

"Let's do this."

EDIT: "We did it, everyone! Wait...where's everyone else?"
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 10.
Okay, let's see how accurate this is.

Edit: The idea of this is so funny? Doze is naturally a fairly monotone person, so if he was screaming at every little thing I feel like it would make everyone else on edge. That or maybe they're stuck in a horror movie about an irrational fear of his. Maybe dolls or enclosed spaces... or even both?
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 5.
Round two, with Zwei this time.

Edit: Could not be more accurate. They'd be way too cocky and go and check out every little sound on their own. Zwei lives life like there's no tomorrow, and I guess if they're ever in a scary movie, there really won't be a tomorrow!
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 1.
Azazel (played anonymously)

"Hope I don't die first!"
"Oh.. I'm somehow... alive?"
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 10.

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