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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • A proactive and friendly community member. It's almost easy to forget she's a mod. That's not a bad thing. The community here rarely needs to be reigned in and she keeps productive conversation going! - Minerva

  • This guy is just so...I dunno how to explain it but I ain't had a constant stream of reasonable long posts in a long while and something about RPing with this Sith lord is bringing out the better RPing side of me. And it's not even a SW RP! WTF!?!? - Hurricane_Lance

  • Heimdall is an amazing person and one of my close friends. Be they chose to be a raging dragon, or an old uncle to a certain viking, they are really amazing. c: Overall, an awesome person. - SemiRealism

  • Kim
    I've never actually role played with her, or had particularly long conversations with her, but that doesn't mean I don't think she's awesome! She deserves SO MANY KUDOS for creating this place and for being so friendly. - Minkja

  • She never fails to make me laugh, seemingly always cheerful and ready to bring everyone else to the same level! Absolutely lovely, don't know what I'd do without her! - Eve

  • Kyra has become a regular sight in the chat, always friendly and ready to join in the conversation :) - Darth_Angelus

  • Thanks to this guy's challenge, I was able to make and release ten videos in 2011! :) - Darth_Angelus

  • What a sweet person! Always upbeat and very helpful, as well as a grand RPer. I love Crea to pieces and this individual makes RP a great experience. I can't show enough love for her! <3 - CrescentNomad

  • Won't lie. This woman use to terrify me to the point I use to run whenever she'd post in my directions. After getting to know her, it was a wonderful feeling to feel like I'd been an idiot all those years I creeper watched (It's true!) Why I still worry about bothering her when she's busy, she's an ever source of good information,knowledge, and help if I just remember to ask. - TheCoffeeWolf

  • Eve
    Delectable woman who's a heart just as big as her imagination. Constantly keeping you on your toes with the beauty of individualism in her characters. - TheCoffeeWolf

  • Shane, is one of the few kind people I know and thoroughly enjoy talking to. That is equally so with the diverse characters Shane has created so far. A sight for sore eyes they are <3 - Lyssic

  • Eve
    THIS WOMAN IS ALSO AMAZING. An absolute sweetheart with so many interesting and diverse characters <3 - Prince

  • Kim
    Okay, so I was going to write about how she's an amazing admin, where would we be without her etc. Then I saw 'The Snail'... and now I just love her - Eve

  • If I could I would enslave Andy and make him draw for me all day long whilst feeding him bacon mugs filled with cheese. He's got a great drawing style. - Sanne

  • I barely know Mister Bones, yet I feel we'd be bff with Andryn if we ever got to meet up irl! Silliness and awesomeness is an epic combination, and I <3 how well behav- censored Bones can be! :D - Sanne

  • You, Sir, are awesome and it is an honor to have you at our side in our great legion that is RPR.
    *BROHOOF* - Earendill

  • Outside of the characters she plays, she has a very sweet nature and is pretty fantastic to sit and discuss ideas with. Always encouraging with a dose of heavy reality that she can deliver without making you feel like a imbecile. Don't get me started on her brains either! Just a wonderful person to know and be on the "I wont ignore you" list :D - TheCoffeeWolf

  • She has a vast amount of good looking characters ;D She also plays them very well and gives thoughtful posts! - InquisitorCat

  • We're dealing with a fervent cat-appreciator here, beware! When cats take over the world, this will be your Vice President. Bonebag writes essays instead of posts, even when it's just one sentence, and they never cease to entertain, providing RPR with its daily dose of surreal wittycisms. He's also putting in effort to create the best ever TES RP, which is already highly appreciated! May beans and cotton candy litter his path! - Pyrroglaux

  • While one of my other friends is a HUGE Star Wars nut as well, I can safely say that he is neither a Sith Lord, nor does he have TIE FIGHTER SOCKS. I look forward to hearing about how they take down the X-Wing slippers. - Bonebag