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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • I've always wanted to play a magician or some sort of character with magical abilities! It also seems so complicated. Earendill has put in some great descriptions and details when it comes to Ulrin's chaos magic. The details he has put in for his characters 'Transformation' gives me a good idea what the character goes through and what he becomes. - Dylan

  • Aaah Ulrin. This chaos wizard of epic proportions has got to be in the top list of my favorite characters of all time. I've seen him go through everything from marriage to family to werewolfism-- and let's not forget his shows of heroics with rope at the times you need 'em most! To top it all off, he does so with a magical and scholarly flare that's always a joy to watch and even more fun to interact with! <3 for you, Master Lightbringer! - Copper_Dragon

  • Oh wow, how have I not given you kudos yet? SHAME ON ME. I've known Copper for quite some years now and let me tell you that she's one of the more enjoyable people I've ever shared an RP continuity with on Furcadia. Don't let the fact that she's a dragon scare you. She doesn't bite, hard. - Earendill

  • Rosenhall (played anonymously)
    Gorgeously eerie visual design :) - Yuka

  • I`ve been rping with Kyle for about 5 years now (on n off) and he`s always up for rp. Weather it be fights, character development, or even just lazy common bar rp. Lots of Love for this character. - Pineapple

  • Siuloir (played anonymously)
    I've always admire this character! Edward seems particularly quirky and looks like he must be an incredibly fun character to roleplay and roleplay something with. He's a character I could see easily fitting in one of Terry Pratchett's novels. - Dylan

  • Frileux (played by reedles)
    Frileux is such a well done character. There have been so many delightful surprises with this character. He is unique and the player is an absolute doll and friendly to boot. - Dylan

  • Willheim (played by Oidche)
    Come back! I miss you! The roleplay we had between Willheim and Siena was loads of fun. Just please don't go stealing her reindeer from her! - Dylan

  • Maniere (played anonymously)
    You know what I think of Lawrence. Siena and him get along like a house on fire. Wild, passionate, and fiery borderlining violence, heated discourse, and competition. A constant need to one up the other, with neither willing to submit. - Dylan

  • Dobson (played by Sherlock)
    Since the first time we've roleplayed, I've enjoyed Dobson immensely. He's a little bit strange, but in a way that is entirely unique. He has visible flaws, but is a man that is trying to work against those faults. I've certainly enjoyed our roleplay together! - Dylan

  • Bajonet (played by Erotisch)
    Have I given Bajonet kudos?! I don't recall! I think I have.. well, if I have, here is another! If I haven't, well, here I am making one! I've always enjoyed Bajonet as a character and just wanted to let you know. ;) - Dylan

  • Lance is the friendliest person ever :D He's always open for any kind of Rp and he posts almost as fast as the Celly Post Monster :P - f0x1nth3b0x

  • Though she may be quiet at first, but get to know Kyra and you'll love her! She's an exellent roleplayer and a fun person to talk to! Kyra's worth your time folks! ^^ she's a great friend and worthy rp partner. - DL909

  • The foxy one is a good friend and a very well versed RPer and due to RPs I've had with her, she has given me inspiration for a part of my book series I had been drawing a blank on. I mean what better plot twist then for a character to meet a person then meet a younger version of that same person later due to their ability to traverse through the space/time fabrics at will? - Hurricane_Lance

  • I have yet to do a one on one RP with her far as i can rememberbut from what I've seen in the group RPs me and her have both participated in, she is indeed a skilled RPer with a creative mind to match. - Hurricane_Lance

  • Selene (played by Selene)
    Awesome character, Awesome Art, Awesome RPer, Awesome site. :D - Meli

  • A wonderful (as well as insanely talented) person! Endless, endless kudos to the creative flair and engaging works of Hooke via text or visuals~ - Toriko

  • Kim
    Quite possibly the most hilarious site admin I've ever come across. She's also a hard worker to the best roleplay site I have found to date. c: - bblueprintlovee

  • Kim
    Kim has done alot of hard work to make sure that everyone on this site has an awesome time and that it runs smoothly for everyone. She is willing to do what is needed, and I hope she gets that amazing thanks she deserves :D - Iokua

  • It's not too often one crosses paths with a Sith as kind as this guy is. He's helpful cool and from what I've seen, an extremely calm and chill guy. And he does his moderator duties with the skill awesome moderator. - Hurricane_Lance