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Serenity The Wavelength Hero

QuinnRose Transgender Male Japan's No. 36 Hero. Known for his bad temper and beauty.


Bluebeldy "Ah.. What a joyful place!"

Aesara Lyrise

SiriaiNova Female Jedi Master

Alkaid Valberos

Eurea_Seven21 Female A defiant Half-Elf breaks free from the chains of slavery, driven by an unwavering determination to reunite with her long-lost mother.

Marisol Quinn

Anonymous Cisgender Female


Kaisai_ Gender Fluid


Kaisai Male Lizard boi

Caius Thorne

Invicted Cisgender Male A plagued thief.


Drake_Lie Hermaphrodite What do you want with the Evil queen of dragons

Azolin Frost

Anonymous Male


Sniper01 Cisgender Female A cosmic being, something of pure light. Born in the far off nebulas from a black hole imploding. She explores the planets aimlessly and had come to earth to explore, it seems shed taken a liking.

Copper Shvets

Teenage_Disaster Transgender Man “Hit the piano keys and I confess; I get dizzy, depraved, and I obsess.”

Kwon Joon Ho

silentruth Male Curiosity hasn't killed this cat yet (Gifted, Engineer)


Slendy Gender Fluid


FadedTapestry Cisgender Man


AgitoAceXIII Female "Hoshiguma, Defender Operator. I will be your shield, your blade, your fortress. Very glad to meet you, Doctor."

New Light

nounbeast Cisgender Female

Marianne Briarthorne

Anonymous Intersex


LadyMalware Female One virus that bypassed the firewall.

Celia Walters

Anonymous Female Western Werewolf Protecting Her Ranch

Jason Myers

ALLSTARGUNNER Male A shy average guy at first, but an obsessive man who will do anything to get his ways for a special person


Anonymous Cisgender Male


Libertine Male An enigmatic entrepreneur, nobleman, and monster extraordinaire.