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Forums » Forum Games » Digging Deeper into your Charas (dice prompts!)

I'm trying super hard to be cognizant about making sure I don't spam these things, but I'm sorry either way! It's been a hot minute since I've made a proper one of these, a la die roll prompts... so, here we go again!

Also a quick note, but thank you to everyone who's joined in and even reached out to me re: these forum games. It really means the world! I love creating these lists, and I love reading everyone's responses, so thank you all so much!

Anyways, I tried to make it a little more niche this time. Hopefully things that people might not have considered. I hope it's helpful for development!

The usual rules apply - multiposting is highly encouraged. I'll be dossin' round and posting my own cuz I'm incorrigible, haha. Feel free to use all your characters, one character, write IC, OOC, full pieces or just info... whatever!

Here's your list!!


1. What's something that never fails to turn your character into a pile of emotional goo?

2. What request for help would your character never be able to turn down?

3. When was the last time your character cried? Why? Was it in front of anybody? Did your character accept their emotions, or did they see it as weakness?

4. How well can they handle stress? What generally stresses them out? What's their ideal way to de-stress; what do they treat themselves to, after a tough day?

5. What's something your character does that's entirely frivolous, and serves no purpose, but that they still enjoy? Bonus points if they're usually serious and no-nonsense 🥰

6. On the other side of it - what's one thing your character does that they wish they could stop doing? This can be a compulsion, superstition, trait, habit; whatever.

7. Let's hear about a really embarrassing moment for your character 👀 And make sure to pull no punches; let's hear all the details!

8. When's the last time that your character was completely content? Why was it such a good moment for them? Do they think back to that time?

9. How does your character deal with call centres/retail/general customer service? Do they get into shouting matches when things go wrong? If so... do they feel bad afterwards? Definitely not inspired by my current day at work 🤔

10. How easy is it for your character to acknowledge their emotions, internally? Now - how easy would it be for them to talk about those emotions?

11. Has your character ever been to therapy? How did it go? Would they go, if they had the ability/option?

12. Does your character have any health issues that they struggle with often? How does this affect their daily life? If not, what was the last big injury your character had and how did it happen? Did it affect them permanently in any way?

13. What would your character consider their biggest flaw? Their greatest attribute? Would those close to them agree, or disagree with these answers?

14. Is your character prone to guilt? How loud is their conscience? Do they ever feel guilty over things they shouldn't feel bad about?

15. How easy is it for your character to start a conversation with a stranger? Are they outgoing? If not - what holds them back?

16. It's been a nightmare of a day. Everything has been going wrong, and your character is on their last thread of patience. But, after a long day, they're finally back home and eager to unwind. Just as they get to their front door, somebody runs up to them and begins to beg for their help. Your character is apparently the only one who can save the universe, but they have to start now. What is your character's reaction? And what attribute do they have that means they're the only one who can do it?

17. Your character finds an injured creature, innocent and weak. If they don't act, this helpless creature will be in grave danger. What do they do? Bearing in mind, there's nobody else around to provide any moral checking. (Keep it SFW for those less kind characters, please 🥺)

18. How easy is it for your character to fall asleep? To stay asleep? Is there anything that helps or hinders? What kind of dreams do they have, if any?

19. Does your character have any superstitions? Do they believe in luck, fate, karma, or anything else?

20. Does your character fear death? Have they ever come close? How did it impact them? If none of this applies, what do they fear the most, and how does this impact them?
Zubairad (played by hexblading)

torpedoes myself into this, nchyooom.
These are some fine prompts, Skylark, thank you!

Scarffles suggested my favourite blorbo into this, and heed their words I shall.

7. Let's hear about a really embarrassing moment for your character 👀 And make sure to pull no punches; let's hear all the details!

Zubairad, righteous arrogance made manifest, was not always a family man nor was he always a suave and romantic person. No, once upon a time he was careless, obnoxious and obstinate, very much headstrong. Being a reader of minds did not factor in him being a reader of hearts, and through a steel dragon friend of his was he brought to be more empathetic and learned to be a far better partner than to just be a notch in a bedpost, a line in a song.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 7.
Majima (played by Luscinioide)

<rattles dice> come on sonny boy let's get a YAHTZEE

edit: of course majima gets a nat20, anything less would be terribly unbefitting of them
20. Does your character fear death? Have they ever come close? How did it impact them? If none of this applies, what do they fear the most, and how does this impact them?


in majima's canon setting, netrunning is a bit more "playing in an active world war 2 minefield where one wrong move will fry your neurons and leave you with less cognitive function than a piece of broccoli" than the modern representation of it. cyberpunk 2077 likes to make it look like a fun minigame, but i like to think that in reality, it'd be a terrifying endeavor.

you're using your brain as a supercomputer. it's probably a lot like taking your $5k computer with no malware protection into a pirating website overloaded with viruses that will absolutely brick it if you click on a bad link. ...except if you mess up in netrunning, it's your brain that gets bricked, and you can't just slap a fresh version of windows 11 on that bad boy and continue on your merry way. instead of a text-to-speech purple gorrilla harassing you as you peruse yahoo news, you get a neurovirus that hijacks your hypothalamus and raises your body temperature until you're burning alive from the inside out.

naturally, that is a bad thingâ„¢. some might even go as far as to call it 'incompatible with life'.

after 30-some-odd-years of being a full time netrunner, majima's pretty apathetic when it comes to the idea of getting killed on the job. or getting killed period, really. as far as they're concerned, that's a skill issue (a very not pro gamer move, if you will) and anyone who dies can blame only themselves. i'm sure it doesn't help that the matsundai academy they went to chose their students through a hands-on field test...where just surviving was considered to be a hell of an accomplishment. majima must've seen dozens - if not more - bright-eyed, bushy-tailed initiates like themselves get wheeled away in plastic bags. death is/was considered an inevitable matter of "when", not "if".

tl;dr: majima actively flips off the grim reaper while eating hot cheetos
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 20.
9. How does your character deal with call centres/retail/general customer service? Do they get into shouting matches when things go wrong? If so... do they feel bad afterwards? Definitely not inspired by my current day at work 🤔

ooh, good one!

Harte: most of the time, harte treats service workers well, although there is definitely an air of arrogance and superiority around him. if there's some kind of issue and he's unhappy with the service, though, there could be issues. it's difficult to get him to actually be outwardly mean, but when things do go wrong he can flip that condescending switch reeeally quick. he definitely wouldn't get into a shouting match, but he'd certainly find a way to make the person on the other end feel bad if he found it necessary. and he often finds it necessary. and nah, he wouldn't feel bad afterwards at all.

Adrian: on the flip side from harte, adrian's a perpetually cheerful person. he would never dream of shouting at some innocent person just trying to do their job. if things do go horribly wrong or someone makes a mistake, he's more bewildered than anything, but he'd never take it out on them. if anything, he'd probably try and joke about things to lighten the mood and hopefully charm the worker. everyone winds up having a good day, gg

Nat: and finally, we have... the person who doesn't care one way or the other and just wants to get outta there. he might seem a bit cold in such a situation, but he seems like that pretty often anyway, so it's not personal.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 9.

Note: ahhh!!!

10. How easy is it for your character to acknowledge their emotions, internally? Now - how easy would it be for them to talk about those emotions?

Kiran - Easy, he is a giant crybaby but he struggles to communicate them to others. Often bottling it up inside himself until things get too bad or it gets found out.

Rene - Terrible, he's too broken, numb and jaded from his affliction to understand his emotions.

Yaaz - For the longest time they were a brick wall, not allowing emotions to show other than the ones they wanted others to see. Recent events have had them break down into ugly crying on several occasions. Still don't like showing that to others.

Amu - She's not that insightful despite having so many eyes

Zreek - *both eyes go in different directions*
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 10.
_Skylark_ Topic Starter

((Thanks, everyone! Let's give it a whirl myself, as per...

Oh this is a tough one. I might as well do all of my kiddos ahaha. I'll edit this.))

Ok let's see--
1. What's something that never fails to turn your character into a pile of emotional goo?

I regret my own wording here, because 'emotional goo' is very variable. Like, I'm gonna take it as a fairly positive vibe, but that's not set in stone?

Anyway. I'll go down in alphabetical order!

Beaman - Cats, obviously. Most animals, really. Babies fall under the scale of "vulnerable things he needs to look after", too. Beaman's protective instincts are pretty strong, and he's a sucker for instinctively taking care of anything weak.

Bex - Not much, if I'm honest? I feel like puppies would get her, though, if only because "wolf needs pack". Everything else, my gal is pretty cold towards.

Fie - I mean... honestly, I don't know if Fie has that capability? Back when he was alive, though, he definitely got warm fuzzies from his so-called job. Reuniting people with loved ones that have passed, passing on messages, settling consciences and easing minds... he did enjoy it, back when he could enjoy anything.

Indie - People complimenting her artwork. In a negative way, people watching her do her artwork cripples her. She's lost a lot of her own accent, but heavy East Mids accents remind her of home - as do sunset forest walks and birdsong. Depending on her mood, these things can make her cry easily.

Jack - Jack is mainly emotional goo. Anything cute and fluffy? He's here for it. Even things that aren't; he can find anything cute, should it be anthropomorphized. You know that thing where you take something away from a kid and you're like, "ok, say goodbye"? Yeah, Jack will find himself immediately not wanting to say goodbye at all, even if it's literally trash. Beyond that, kind words and genuine compliments are enough to put him on cloud nine.

Sab - First and foremost, positive physical contact. He prefers it from romantic partners, obviously; but pretty much anything platonic will do, too. He's massively tactile and will appreciate it - as long as it's not, like, totally out of the blue. As well as that... honestly, any woman with a commanding enough presence can get him flustered, and he's very quickly attracted to them. Totally separate, but even though Sab has an actual sibling, he still has a harder time saying no to his adopted one. If Jack hits him with those puppy dog eyes, Jack gets what he wants. As a random, last one: birds. Sab loves the things. Expect to see pure delight from him concerning anything bird-related.

Sol - I think he'd be offended by the very idea, honestly. There was perhaps one common situation, and that was mostly just when Eri was a baby. He chalks that one up to fatherly instincts, though.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 1.

Note: Hmm

Ok, so let me check and see if I have this straight. We post as our account and talk about whatever characters we have? Or do we roll with a character and have that one character answer ?
7. Let's hear about a really embarrassing moment for your character 👀 And make sure to pull no punches; let's hear all the details!

Hmm.... Nina had an embarrassing thing happen at her July 4th BBQ but can't really say here.
Dana embarrassed herself a couple weeks ago in the university library when it was quiet and she farted a high-pitched 'freep' that had heads turn...
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 7.

Note: For the question...

Damien (played by sarcasyms)

sure, let's give this a shot
Damien (played by sarcasyms)

Damien is painfully aware of their emotions, though unless around close friends, they tend to push them down and deal with them later. She has the tendency to focus on negative emotions and passive-aggressively externalize it, so it's actually quite easy to tell if they're upset, since they're usually chill and laid-back.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 10.
Terrane (played by GingerHades)

Just gotta say, LOVING these prompts of yours! Let's give this a shot, shall we?

15. How easy is it for your character to start a conversation with a stranger? Are they outgoing? If not - what holds them back?

In Terrane's case? The only way she can even start a conversation is if someone either holds or wears the pendant she's imprisoned within. Terrane is very eager to talk, but not because she's outgoing. She has no say in who her Jewelkeepers are, she just has to make do with whoever stumbles upon her. And after years of being trapped and isolated? She has a lot to say... and you're not going to enjoy listening to any of it.

Many of her years have been spent screaming for help... screams that nobody can hear.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 15.
Trying this too, let's see... these are all so interesting!
... I seriously forgot to roll the dice -_- I can't win
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 2.
Varian Rüdiger (played anonymously)

Let's see here aa...
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 13.
Varian Rüdiger (played anonymously)

rolled 1d20 and got a natural 13.

13. What would your character consider their biggest flaw? Their greatest attribute? Would those close to them agree, or disagree with these answers?

"Well... My biggest flaw is probably my past as a villain." Varian uncomfortably shifted in his seat. "I blamed my problem on everyone else, trying to get rid of the guilt of the problem I caused, and it ended up becoming a bigger problem, because I lost the trust of my friends, the citizens of the Kingdom of Corona, everything... I spent 6 months in a dungeon cell for crying out loud! All because I blamed Rapunzel for my own mistake." He said sadly. "Rapunzel and everyone forgives me now, but... I still feel extremely bad about it." Varian added, sniffling. Was he going to cry?
Eugene Fitzherbert (played anonymously)


rolled 1d20 and got a natural 19
19. Does your character have any superstitions? Do they believe in luck, fate, karma, or anything else?
Eugene laughed, "I do not believe in any superstitions. Fate and destiny is a tiny maybe but curses? Good luck? Bad luck? Ha ha! You wish." Eugene shook his head. "In-fact, one time, I had to convince Blondie (Rapunzel) that the 'curse' Madame Carnardist put on her wasn't real and couldn't do anything to harm her, and I was right!" Eugene proudly said.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 19.
Solomon Taylor (played by _Skylark_) Topic Starter

((I'm back! To uh, post on my own forum prompts again 🥲 sorry haha. As always, will edit. I'm really enjoying reading everyone's replies, so thank you again!))
14. Is your character prone to guilt? How loud is their conscience? Do they ever feel guilty over things they shouldn't feel bad about?

Spicy. I'm gonna stick mainly with Sol for this one, because I think this is something that'll come up in a few RPs that I'm doing with him, and his morality and sense of guilt is... complex. Gonna have to do it OOC too cuz it's something he'd never admit, lol.

Under a cut cuz it's a bit long
He is, of course, a master at denying guilt. Whether that's to other people, or himself. He's of the opinion that sacrifices are, mostly, needed to gain knowledge of any sort, though he's more likely to put that in the context of psychological studies. Ask Sol about the really immoral ones in class, and he'll drill into you the importance of informed consent,a lack of deception, a right to withdraw - all the ethical what ifs.
Ask him the same question over a quiet drink, though, and he'll tell you in no uncertain terms that doing what's right never got anybody anywhere, and it is doing what's necessary that allows one to make strides. I can imagine, then, that he'd happily accept the opportunity to carry out something morally grey (to say the least) for want of knowledge. Humans, animals - he doesn't really care, as long as it's a reliable result.

He's also very good at justifying things, and will do so without batting an eye if it suits him. Lying and manipulation can be very common for him, and his general view is "if you're foolish enough to fall for [a scam or lie], then you deserve what you get". He has a sort of 'survival of the fittest' worldview, which admittedly mainly comes from trauma and jadedness. He will twist people's words and play with their minds for his own amusement, if he's feeling like it.

On the other hand, Sol does have some strong moral lines of his own. He will never harm children, and never let harm come to his own child. He's also got a dislike of cheating in relationships, and his loyalty will show through in that aspect, at least. Really, Sol is capable of being very loyal, even if he's mostly out for himself. If he's close to someone and trusts them, they'll see him put them before even himself. This is admittedly rare, but it would be a lie to say he's heartless.

There is guilt there, and it's strong as all heck - Sol's conscience is deafening at times, and it takes all of his energy to muzzle it. It usually creeps in when he's exhausted, and keeps him up at night. These are his demons to bear entirely alone - if asked, his answer would be as stern as always: "guilt is for the weak-minded".
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 14.

Note: Whee

(will edit after roll)

19. Does your character have any superstitions? Do they believe in luck, fate, karma, or anything else?

Well Drago is is not scared of much but he does know the stories of the Dragon goddess and he fears that one day she may return and he wont be Draconic enough in her eyes and he will be banished to the abys for all time.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 19.
Varian Rüdiger (played anonymously)


6. On the other side of it - what's one thing your character does that they wish they could stop doing? This can be a compulsion, superstition, trait, habit; whatever.
Varian shuffled in his seat, "Well, probably accidentally blowing up things." He said. "My alchemy sometimes gets out of hand and turns into a big, explosive mess! So I have to be very, very careful with it and make sure no one else but me touches it."

He looked at someone off-forum/screen, "That means you, Lance."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 6.
Jack Archer (played by -Knight-)

1. What's something that never fails to turn your character into a pile of emotional goo?

"Thinking of either the death of my family or the death of the woman who I almost married. Gets me every time."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 1.
Zeon (played by GU7TMUNCH3RZ)

what will zeon get?

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