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Forums » Forum Games » Digging Deeper into your Charas (dice prompts!)

Schrödinger (played anonymously)

11.) Has your character ever been to therapy? How did it go? Would they go, if they had the ability/option?


Okay, this one gave me a good laugh. I unfortunately don't have an interesting answer for this one.

Schro is a CAT. So, no, he has never been to therapy. But could you imagine? A little cat waiting in a therapist's office? 😂 I don't think he would ever go if the option was offered (unless he was bribed to go), simply because he wouldn't understand what is going on or why. I'm not even sure he knows what a therapist is, to be honest- even though he plays the part of a "therapy cat" sometimes. I think the extent of his understanding of therapy goes something along the lines of: sometimes people don't feel good and need others to help them. So yeah. No therapy for this lint ball.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 11.

Edit: 7. Let's hear about a really embarrassing moment for your character 👀 And make sure to pull no punches; let's hear all the details!

"When my parents first saw me in a dress, I know that may sound ... weird, but if you understood well.
And, I was so young. I was embarrassed, but I felt like I did nothing wrong! I loved the feeling, especially pretending to be someone I'm not. I mean it felt like me, I felt so free!

It just seeing my parents shocked faces when they opened my door. I froze up, I didn't have any place to hide. I was so caught up in the moment I didn't hear them coming. I never wanted to scar them like that." Sighs.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 7.
Gigi Glamour (played anonymously)

9.) How does your character deal with call centres/retail/general customer service?


The short answer? Gigi is going to do whatever will get Gigi where she wants to be.

The long answer? She puts her best face on and makes her greatest performance. Though haughty, she will pretend to have patience for the situation and the people involved. Outwardly she will present herself as pleasant.

At least until her patience has run dry- which would not take long since she is lacking in that virtue.

From there she would drop the façade. She would not yell or get all in-your-face aggressive, but she would be bitterly persistent and annoying. If all else fails... Yeah, she'll probably be asking for the manager eventually.

The irony of all this, is that her occupation isn't too far from customer service related jobs. So she's not oblivious to what the employees go through, but she still thinks she deserves better than them and what they do.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 9.

Note: ✨

Claude (played by etherally)


6. What does your character do that they wish they could stop doing.

For Claude it's stuttering, since that was one of the things he was made fun of for a lot. He also zones out often, but all if this is what people laughed at him for, and made him feel like a freak.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 6.
Kasumi Kocho (played by Reithesniper)

Might as well-

Edit - 11. Has your character ever been to therapy? How did it go? Would they go, if they had the ability/option?

Well...not exactly, Kasumi is committed to her line of work as being a hashira will almost always end in death, she knows this is the end of her line anyways so she isnt keen on looking into the future as she comes down to her last five years

She's seen slayer after slayer die, her friends have gotten wiped out in basically one shot, she is going to die and her bloodline along with her

So she has a lot going on, if she wasn't going to die yes, and of the demon king is killed before she reaches 25 likely no, she would quit but she wants to have at least two children before she dies
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 11.
Tori Sheika (played by SoulHeart57)

Favorite Over Powered child go! (I will deny ever claiming they are my favorite and claim I love all my RP children equally)

Edit Answer: As far as I know right now, Tori doesn’t really believe in any superstitions like fate or anything, which is somewhat funny considering all of the super natural occurrences in Asteria, since Asteria is essentially a net almost for anything lost in time or space, stoppping it from falling out of existence. Sort of like a universe that exists of the edge of non-existence. So a lot of weird things end up there.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 19.

Note: Let’s See what she gets!

Aunn is highly charismatic and has absolutely no problem talking to new people. It's what she does for a living!
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 15.
Keiko Kennedy (played by Jaws)

Prompt wrote:
What's something your character does that's entirely frivolous, and serves no purpose, but that they still enjoy? Bonus points if they're usually serious and no-nonsense 🥰

Keiko has regenerative healing, but puts band-aids on anyways. Why? She likes the look of band-aids.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 5.
(Question 5) What's something your character does that's entirely frivolous, and serves no purpose, but that they still enjoy? Bonus points if they're usually serious and no-nonsense.

"I always check the number on work orders, love. No real reason, you know? Sometimes you'll get a clever one at random like 123456789 or something like that where it is sequential or one that repeats like 4242424242. It's always fun to try to find a random meaning to something like that. When you see as many of those bloody things as I do in a day, it's a bit of a stress reliever."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 5.

Note: Question

Harrison Graves (played anonymously)

2. What request for help would your character never be able to turn down?

Someone can't find their child and they need him to help rescue, search for, or otherwise save the little brat. The request for help doubles in pressure when it happens to be for a daughter. Any additional guilt weighing on his conscious is unwelcome, especially if he knew he could've done better.

Hungry hobos requesting a meal also happen to be one of his weak spots.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 2.
Lets go again!

2. What request for help would your character never be able to turn down?

Kiran - Anyone in need of help

Rene - To hide from authorities

Yaaz - Any request from their loved ones

Amu - If there is something in it for her she'll generally do it

Zreek - Anything 'pretty deer' asks of him, apart from "stop screaming"

Seykal - Anything involving his family
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 2.
"What is my fate?"

((Will fill out when I get home))
((Edit: Finally filling out the following day))

7: Let's hear about a really embarrassing moment for your character 👀 And make sure to pull no punches; let's hear all the details!
"Although I was extremely embarrassed at first, I just laugh it off now. One day at work, and I was about thirty-five weeks pregnant, I was just at my desk in the corner, where I polish jewelry and occasionally take pictures of them for my employer to post on the store's website. That day, I suddenly started feeling really gassy. Like...uncomfortably gassy. Probably because of what I had for lunch. Was hoping to let a fart out and it was quiet, but it ended up being extremely loud and it happened as my Co-Worker was talking to a Customer at the counter...That's the last time I ever trust a fart when I'm on the clock, especially since I am out in public."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 7.
"Ah, I got an 11. Is... that good?"

Gwen turns to look at the list of questions with intrigue.

Has your character ever been to therapy? How did it go? Would they go, if they had the ability/option?

The teen chuckles to herself nervously, tucking a blonde strand behind her ear. "I haven't really had the time, I've been kinda busy doing, y'know, stuff... But if I ever had the time and opportunity then I guess yeah, yeah I'd give it a go."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 11.
Tom (played by LeftScout)

Tom (played by LeftScout)

Forgot to roll so doing it again


14. Is your character prone to guilt? How loud is their conscience? Do they ever feel guilty over things they shouldn't feel bad about?

Yes Tom would be prone to guilt and his conscience would be very loud! He's shy and quiet when you first get to know him and he would defiantly feel guilty over tiny things. He's a good guy and a people pleaser but can be blunt but sometimes too blunt which would make him feel guilty and in a small embarrassed voice he would apologize.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 14.
Keiko Kennedy (played by Jaws)

Prompt wrote:
Let's hear about a really embarrassing moment for your character 👀 And make sure to pull no punches; let's hear all the details!

This gal has no embarrassing moments. Just kidding, Keiko has her moments. I would say that her embarrassing moment would be the first time she wore makeup in middle school. Now, we are all probably familiar with those raccoon-looking eyeshadow that someone gets if they didn’t do a smoky look right. That happened to this girlie and she was the laughingstock for a week. Plus she got sent to the principal’s office and that kinda sucks.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 7.
Max Caulfield (played by rockblock1000)

11. Has your character ever been to therapy? How did it go? Would they go, if they had the ability/option?

The photographer picked at her faded out jeans in an effort to distract herself from the question. Stormy blue eyes were boring into the table.
"No, I haven't been to one, and I don't think I'd ever go if I had the opportunity either. Everything that happened to me... it never actually happened. Not really."

Self-consciously she lifted a hand to her upper lip and, after seeing no blood, continued, "I'm just going to continue on with my life. It's fine, I'm fine, Chloe's fine."
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 11.
_Skylark_ Topic Starter

((Loving all these responses ☺️ Let's give it a whirl again...))
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 1.
Charlotte Indigo Nash (played by _Skylark_) Topic Starter

((hmm, think I've already done 1 for all of my charas so I'll reroll 🥲))
9. How does your character deal with call centres/retail/general customer service? Do they get into shouting matches when things go wrong? If so... do they feel bad afterwards?


After spinning my character picker wheel, it's come back with Charlie! And because I can't keep away from the guy, I'll add her brother in here too 👀

So, Charlie? Have you ever spoken to someone who is really nice, but you know the wrong word will set them off? She's a darling, always up for banter. Will inevitably call the agent babe or hun, especially if they're a woman. Good for a laugh and some chitchat. Unless it's a bad day, in which case... yeah, not so nice a call. She's the type who will adamantly refuse to get off the line until you solve her issue, will kick off, and then end up calling back later like, "please apologize to the previous agent for me, I was mean :( ". She acts intimidating, but she's a sweetheart really.

And Sab? Good luck even getting this guy through identification. He's not a fan of phone calls, at the best of times, and will be audibly anxious. Ask him for his full name and he will sound pained. Refer to him by it and he will sound like he's being held at gunpoint every time he responds. By the looks of it, he's calling for a chat and nothing else. What does he want? You don't know. He doesn't remember. He sounds drunk. Very friendly, fun to talk to, but will waste an hour of the agent's time lmao. And you'll still never actually figure out what he wanted in the first place 🥲
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 9.
rolled 1d12 and got a natural 7.

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