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Forums » Smalltalk » Snacks in Theatres?

To explain the title, I was having a discussion with a very close friend, and fellow writer of mine about movie theatres and theatre snacks. I asked him if it was true if Texas serves pickles in their theatres, to which the answer was, to my shock, yes.

I live in Canada, so that is not something we do here, nor have I ever heard of this before now. So now, I’m genuinely curious. Wherever you live.

Does your theatre sell pickles as a snack like most do popcorn? Is this a common thing I am not aware of, and if so, do you enjoy the pickles?

Let’s talk!

We have spicy pickles in bags.

It’s one of my favorite theater snacks. XD
Claine Moderator

Wow I've never heard of pickles as a theatre snack before 🤔

It's actually becoming increasingly popular for cinemas in my area to sell larger meals like pizza and bring it to you during the film :) Once they forgot to slice my brother's pizza and he had to eat the whole thing as a big slab during the movie :D

lol i'll do you guys one worse, they sell bags of not pickles, but pickle juice. just the juice. it's actually horrifying

but yes, in the southern area of the US, this is a very common thing
What don't they serve at theaters now? There is one in the next town over with a restaurant next door and tables so can have a full date night dinner and a movie all at once. No chairs in the place just couches and tables. They also serve beer and wine and LOTS of theaters around here recently do now.

As for pickles I've seen those at movie theaters though not often, and theme parks and other such places, come on who doesn't like a good crispy dill pickle?

How many people actually go to the theaters even half as often as they used to anyways?
Rigormortiful wrote:

We have spicy pickles in bags.

It’s one of my favorite theater snacks. XD

I'm in the SE part of TX. I occasionally come across chamoy & tajin pickles and treats too.
I like red licorice.
I don't live in Texas, so I can't hop on the Texas theater pickle train, but I wouldn't be surprised if they've started selling them where I am at. Pickles seem like a logical theatre food.
Luscinioide wrote:
lol i'll do you guys one worse, they sell bags of not pickles, but pickle juice. just the juice. it's actually horrifying

I'm sorry, I like pickles and vinegary things as much as the next person, but this comment has been haunting me since I saw it.

What are you supposed to do with a bag of pickle juice? Slurp it like a Capri-Sun? Are you at least given a complementary cucumber so you can DIY a pickle? Or like, where do the initial pickles go? Are you telling us someone is selling juiceless pickles somewhere? 🥲
SmaugtheKitty wrote:
I'm sorry, I like pickles and vinegary things as much as the next person, but this comment has been haunting me since I saw it.

What are you supposed to do with a bag of pickle juice? Slurp it like a Capri-Sun? Are you at least given a complementary cucumber so you can DIY a pickle? Or like, where do the initial pickles go? Are you telling us someone is selling juiceless pickles somewhere? 🥲

I'm WHEEZING you're killing me.
But also these are all valid inquiries, and I demand answers.
TheCaffeineQueen Topic Starter

I actually have the same question, where’d the juice come from?!

But it seems I must relent. He is right, although it seems to be mostly southern states.

Any north states wanna chime in?! Hahaha!

SmaugtheKitty wrote:
What are you supposed to do with a bag of pickle juice? Slurp it like a Capri-Sun? Are you at least given a complementary cucumber so you can DIY a pickle? Or like, where do the initial pickles go? Are you telling us someone is selling juiceless pickles somewhere? 🥲

it's like a really shitty gogurt. SQUEEZE AND SLURP, GRAB AND GLURP

but there ARE psychopaths who like that sort of thing. violent flashbacks to fairs where people would buy bagged pickles the size of their arm, throw the pickle away, and then chug the juice like a frat boy being told he has an all you can drink alcohol buffet, but only for thirty seconds

really it's only marginally more alarming than the fact you can buy it a gallon at a time
Luscinioide wrote:
it's like a really shitty gogurt. SQUEEZE AND SLURP, GRAB AND GLURP

but there ARE psychopaths who like that sort of thing. violent flashbacks to fairs where people would buy bagged pickles the size of their arm, throw the pickle away, and then chug the juice like a frat boy being told he has an all you can drink alcohol buffet, but only for thirty seconds

really it's only marginally more alarming than the fact you can buy it a gallon at a time

No, but actually thank you for learning me this secret knowledge I never wanted to know, but can now use to gross out everyone else in my life <3
I was very surprised to see bulk candy in theaters in Germany and Luxembourg. They also have kettle corn, and my friends there were surprised to know Americans don't eat kettle corn at theaters considering our sweet tooth.
This is most country thing I've ever heard in my life...
Okay, so I know this is kind of off topic but let me tell you.

Texas ****ing loves their pickles. I've been to some like SCA events (Society for Creative Anachronism,) and it can get quite popular in Texas. (For context think of SCA as people dressing up in armor and fighting each other.)

And when I was a young lad I was apart of the water bearers, and pretty much it's the job of the water bearers to help take care of the fighters between fights. Often times this would mean walking around with water, and bowls of fruit for them to eat and drink between rounds.

And there was nothing the fighters loved more than pickle juice. Don't get me wrong they loved the pickles. They would go out of their way to find the person who had the bowl of pickles. But they were constantly asking, "BUT CAN WE DRINK THE PICKLE JUICE YET?! WHERE'S THE PICKLE JUICE?! CAN I GET SOME PICKLE JUICE?!"

And often times you would have to be like, "Not yet, have to finish off the pickles before we can bottle up the pickle juice."

And once the pickle juice was bottled you had like an hour tops before the fighters had consumed all of it.

So yeah, needless to say Texas love their pickles.

I've never had spicy pickles, but texas will do things to pickles you'd never have thought of. Some people soak their pickles in koolaid. No I'm not joking. No I haven't tried it. But also that's not the end, deep fried pickles are another favorite.

TheCaffeineQueen Topic Starter

Wow, I have been so wrong!

I mean, as a Canadian, this still seems *super* weird to me, and it does seem to localize to the southern states, but I relent! The pickles win!

And I love pickles too, before anyone comes for me! I’ve just never ever heard of them in, OR THEIR JUICE?!, being sold as a snack in a theatre!!

What are the other staples of your movie going experience?! Any other things this little Canadian needs to know about?
*Raises hand* I'm from the northern states and, like you Catalina, this is the first I've heard of pickles being sold in movie theatres (or just the juice for that matter). All I see is candy bars, popcorn, chips, candy and soda. That's it. No pickles.

There, someone from the northern states has chimed in. ;)
TheCaffeineQueen Topic Starter

AncientDis wrote:
This is most country thing I've ever heard in my life...

This made me laugh out loud.
Thank you friends and fellow writers for FINALLY convincing Cat that I am not full of crap and that pickles in theaters are actually a thing.
Eros_Calls wrote:
Thank you friends and fellow writers for FINALLY convincing Cat that I am not full of crap and that pickles in theaters are actually a thing.
SURE...certainly... look.. the conversation really is... should it be a thing?

Because all I'm hearing is that texas likes to drink salty vinegar by the gallon and maybe we need to save them from themselves.
(I'm kidding, you do you, texas)

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