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Forums » General Roleplay » Highschool rp

Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

Allec woke up as the Bell ring, "Oh Its free time already?" He got up from his seat and yawned while stretching his arms upward. He went to the sink as he wash off the paint then he immediately leave the art class and leaving his painting. As he walk to the hallway, He notice a Vending maching that he insert his coin and press the button. After that a can of Dr. Velcon Coffee felldown that he grab it and open the lid.
Sylvie (played by Varia)

She stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do. She decided to wander the halls when she saw Allec. "Hi, I'm Sylvie" she said with a friendly smile.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

" Oh...Hey I'm Allec..." He drink the coffee inorder to relieve his tiredness. " So your new here Sylvie?"
James Kennedy (played by TopKek23)

He'd walk around in the halls bored. He'd see Allec and Sylvie ``Oh hey I don't think I've seen you yet`` He'd say to Allec.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

" It because Im a ghost to the society?" He keep drinking his 100% caffeine Dr. Velcon Coffee. "Anyway names Art student at the second floor."
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

(( I'm Online))
Scarlett Black (played by Emo)

Scar realizing the fox person was not going to talk to her decided to go back inside. She put away her sketchbook and walked down a hallway to find the red-haired girl, james, and the tired art student talking in the hallway. Not quite sure if she was welcome to join the conversation she quietly walked down the hallway and stood next to the red-haired girl. As she got there the art student was saying his name is Allec. She waved and quietly said "hi allec".
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

" Oh hey...there..." He was quite speechless that he dont know who she is.
Scarlett Black (played by Emo)

Realizing that everyone was staring at her Scar started to anxiousy wring her hands behind her back. "Hi…im Scarlett but you can call me scar." A small smile flit across her face but never touched her sad brown eyes.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

"Nice to meet you Scarlett and hows morning class?" He wanted to start a friendly conversation even though he is not good on talking to anyone.
Scarlett Black (played by Emo)

Scar did not want to be rude but this conversation with multiple new people was freaking her out. She heard Allec talking to her but she could barely hear him over the rushing of blood in her head. She had kinda hoped if she told them her name they would leave her alone. She did not know how to leave the conversation in a nice way so she continued talking. "I kinda fell asleep in it so I have no idea actually"
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

" Oh I see...well sleeping is not that bad..if you got a pile of artworks to finish..." With a low tone that he drink his coffee.
Winter (played by StormDestroyer)

((Can I join with Winter?))
Scarlett Black (played by Emo)

((i suppose you can, ita the mid of the school-day))
Scarlett Black (played by Emo)

Scar nodded in aggreement then looked at her watch, class started in three minutes, juhst then the bell rang, she said a hurried goodbye and raced down th haallway to her next class. Slipping into the baack corner chair she stared out the window.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

"I guess Ill see you around..." He looks at his watch and began to walk back to the artclassroom for the private artwork to work on.;
Winter (played by StormDestroyer)

Winter walked into the school. He had just been transfered from his old school because of a "sitiuation" caused by him using his wolf powers.
The Vasiliev Brother (played by TimothyMatthews)

((Can I play a teacher?))
Scarlett Black (played by Emo)

Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

At the Art Class, the teacher gave them a work on painting a live semi nude woman in the middle. Allec was focus on every certain part of the body as he stroke and applied it on his canvas

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