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Forums » Introductions » Hello, I am new here.

Hi, I am Soulless_Ginger but please just call me Ginger. I will be 26 years old in a few days and have been role playing for over 11 years now. I dont really have a favorite kind of role play but I do gravitate to more fantasy and anime type role plays. I hope to find a new home for role playing since the one I had been using until now will be shutting down at the end of the year. I currently work part-time at a hotel and part-time at the USPS I am also going to college right now to get my associates in arts degree. I hope to become self-employed and be able to create costumes for a living. I love to read, play video games, playing music, draw, create costumes, and write(both stories and music). I also like anime/manga, cats(i dont dislike dogs), wolves, horses, and the cold.

I am more then happy to talk with anyone and will be more then happy to find some role plays to do if anyone wants to chat. :)
Hi!! Welcome to RPR!! I hope you have a lot of fun here, Ginger! Be sure to check out the roleplay forums when you're ready!
Soulless_Ginger Topic Starter

Mejasoulfruit wrote:
Hi!! Welcome to RPR!! I hope you have a lot of fun here, Ginger! Be sure to check out the roleplay forums when you're ready!

Thank you very much! I will check it out.
Welcome, Welcome! This is a great place! You'll definitely fit in here!
Welcome to RPR Ginger!

That is pretty unique that you want to be a costume designer.

I am sure you will fit in wonderfully here.
Welcome, Ginger! And Happy Birthday! :)
Kim Site Admin

Welcome to the site! I love that you gave such a detailed intro. :)


Welcome to RPR! What type of costumes do you want to focus on?

Hey Ginger and welcome to the RPR! I always appreciate a fellow being drenched in sarcasm and sass.

I wish you the best in your many roleplay adventures to come. Also, my condolences about your old RP home shutting down. That's actually why I came to the RPR as well.

Hello and welcome to RPRepository.
Well hi there, and welcome to RP Repository! I'm Light, but you can call me Lucree. It's a pleasure to meet you!

If you need some help getting started, we have an amazing guide to walk you through the basics. Our Help Index and Forum are good places to check out if you're still stuck somewhere. Do you want a roleplay right now? Then the Looking for RP Forum is the best place to go!

If you have any other questions, Kim and all of us are more than happy to help you out! Hope you have a lovely day! ;3

Oh, and before I forget: What video games are you playing right now?
Hello and welcome to RPR. :) I work part-time and am in college as well. Cats are the shizzzz :3
Welcome to RPR!

Hey, welcome to the RPR, Ginger! Your birthday is so close! Happy birthday in advance. :D

Your intro is wonderfully detailed, even your bio! You must be pretty good with design and crafts if you create costumes. I hope you reach your dream!

Games I play are often RPGs, monster-slaying games, fighting games or visual novels. And I like the cold too. XD

Anyhow, please enjoy your stay!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Hello, I am new here.

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