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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » To Find the Forbidden Secrets(2B Cntinued & mved )

Shinigami (played by Great7)

Hmm promise. Don't remember it so it's nothing more than a memory", he said as pavol was picked up and brought to his side by Tobi then Tobi possessed him

Got the kid. Would expect them to give up going after him but nope they wouldn't", Tobi said then turned back to kuroi, "if it's between them let them settle it"

So he can get her killed again. Yeah he worked really hard so his people could survive. Really hard, wait he gave up and killed them anyway. And he still thinks turning to the demons will fix it all. I say we remove his brains and find where the stupidity comes from cause humans don't have it. Must be something else", shinigami said then looked to Travis, "remember that strict parent kuroi has. I gave him access to very good spells and if I let you go he won't let me stay so yeah I'm more scared of him than you so kuroi stays. Averin acts gentle but I find that as a warning"

Wow scared of a spirit", Tobi said

You mind I'm trying to make the man go away so I don't do something stupid like I still can't see. It will only last for a few more minutes so try to play along", shinigami replied

Yes travis. Go away before the scary averin attacks you which he won't cause he can't go against the goddess and the boy is blind to do anything", Tobi said

Yeah good job. Now he's definite going to walk away. You know what I'm tired of this let someone else deal with it or something", he said

Oh giving up already. Pulling a Travis I see", Tobi said sarcastically

Ha you got jokes. Of course I'm not pulling a Travis I was just trying to find where he is", he said raising his hand and the dragon guardian emerged from his palm and made its way to travis

Idiot kuroi is in the way", Tobi said

She will move. Or the dragon will it's one of the two.", he said

How much power did you put in the dragon?" , Tobi asked

Enough to push a demon back a few inches. Cause me a large amount of mana though why?", he asked

Fool kuroi isn't going to move", Tobi said
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

" You forgot the promise!? You can be such a jerk!" Kuroi snapped as she turned towards him. " You asked me to never-" When Tobi faced her, she grit her teeth.

Blind and risking his mana? Not only that but Kuroi held no power yet. A dark smirk showed as he watched the dragon. " You're afraid of a little ghost? And you want to say you know her" He warped behind Kuroi and wrapped an arm around her. The metal claws dug in enough to hold her tight. Just as a powerful, crystalline roar filled the air, Travis raised his other arm and a dark light spread from his fingers.

" No! You can't do that to-" She began to change form and thrashed about when they vanished. At the same time, crystals erupted from below as Averin tried to strike from above. Once the darkness touched him, he recoiled and let out a terrible cry.

The ghost writhed in pain as his form twisted into a ghastly shadow and his cry became a demonic shriek. Nasr had run over to the crystal cage only to find the two missing. "Humans don't have it" An interesting statement but Travis did seem more demon than human.

" NASR!" Yuuma tried to contain the corrupted Averin with his magic but it became as nightmare magic and backlashed at him. The dark spirit now turned it's attention to Shinigami and the dragon. " Interesting...I'll deal with him" Nasr said as dark flames circled the spirit's head.

Whispers could be heard as the two stared eachother down for a few seconds. Suddenly, Averin vanished through the floor. "'s more than a spell..." The valra faded away, chasing this problem left behind.
Shinigami (played by Great7)

Oh they disappeared", he said looking around then rubed his eyes. He was able to see again then looked around, "so he did it. Now I have an excuse", he said as Kronos appeared beside him

Oh. I noticed large amount of..", Kronos was saying looking around, "so I'm late"

Hey dad you still got your destruction magic going?", he asked with a devious grin

Always. Why", Kronos replied

Well someone took kuroi and I'm going to kill him and his town. Him maybe destroy the town so...", he said

Nah. I still have to take care of things. You're fine on your own", Kronos said then disappeared

What I wanted to here. Yuuma tell Nasr to let averin go. The lighting city, I will be waiting for averin there and tell him to be quick", he said using the stone to change his clothes to a black oant and a black shirt

You wanted to kill him", Tobi said

I didn't plan for him to take her but i did plan for him to die", he said as his wings grew ou the four top white bottom black and he took to the air Tobi following releasing pavol, "good thing I remember the way there", he said then flew into a portal leading to the Travis' town
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

" Let him go!?" Yuuma took a step back. " That actually sounds like a brilliant idea but...oh nevermind...We'll see what we can do" When Pavol was freed, he took the boy's hand and led him back into the castle.

Construction had begun on a new tower. The speed of the Raixi was made evident by the progress as it was one third built in such a short time. No sign of Travis or Kuroi could be seen. None appeared to show that they knew of their presence but none made any attempt to attack Shinigami either.

Where ever they were, Kuroi had to quint at the blinding light that surrounded her. She felt him let go and finished changing to her werewolf form before slashing behind her. Nothing but air. " Easy there," He said as he circled around her, watching as her ears followed his voice and nose twitched. " You know I would never hurt you. Now just...calm down and let me help you recover"

The sounds of magic struck her like a dagger and she bolted towards him with a snarl. Something grabbed her flowing white mane and pulled her to the ground. It was hard to tell in the light but someone stood over her. A human or nyctoran? Behind them, a brazier lit with a familiar blue fire and she felt sleepy. " Where are we?"

" Somewhere he'll never find us," Travis said as he knelt by her side. He reached out and ran his fingers through her fur, watching for signs of an attack. " I won't let him hurt you..."

" And you haven't!?" She snarled, lifting her head only to find it forced down by some force. Sleep held her mind and body in a warm cloud that she fought to submit too. " What has become of you...You're no longer the same boy I knew"

Silence lingered as he sat there, sorrow on his face, while he remembered the old days. When did he change? The defining moment was nothing but a haze and when he tried to dig it up a fire burned in his mind, keeping it just out of reach.

"He grew up, got stronger, and choose the RIGHT side! Please tell me you didn't steal a weakened goddess just because you love her, darling. If you have then I'll finish where I started; using her power instead of that...human's" That voice, she had heard it before. Glira.
Shinigami (played by Great7)

Tobi possessed one if the civilians and got to shinigamis side

Shinigami looked around, "ok where's Travis someone start talking before..", he was interrupted by Tobi

Just start the destruction alrwady enough with bad guy speech like just get in with it and don't waste their time", Tobi said

Ha", shinigami replied as waves of mana sliced through the ground heating up the ground and he placed his hand on the ground usig the ring to change it to lava. Waves of mana blew through like a strong wind, "and that's just the..", once again he was interrupted

Calm before the storm. We get it you're powerful now let's go find kuroi", Tobi said looking at him, "you have a way to find her you're just her to cause a ruckus",

Well I never. Accusing me of such a yes you're right I just wanted to destroy something. I'm trying to become a devil here and I got to impose fear", he said, "chaos"

Yes bring out a demon that will run away as soon as he's out. And you're only becoming a devil so lumerin will accept you for being strong. Let's just go already. Maybe find his closet friends and torture them", Tobi said

You're talking and grumpy. What still mad about something?", shinigami said stopping the attack ad looked at Tobi

Nah I'm fine. Now get ready they are fast", Tobi said
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

Screams of the unfortunate souls who got caught in the attack filled the air. Metal structures creaked and groaned as they heated up, lighting the clouds with a fiery glow. A veil of steam blurred the scene and grew thicker as the rain continued to fall on the lava. Bolts of lightning danced through the city as Raixi set traps and grabbed whatever they needed.

In a matter of seconds, they retreated to the clouds above and all seemed calm. Rain hissed on lava and thunder rolled across the sky. When it faded, a large kirin of lightning dove down, striking Shinigami with enough force to drill a deep hole into the ground.

" Why must you use darling every time you address someone," Travis said as he stood back up. " She has no power for you to use now anyway. That's why this circle is heal her" He walked away, out of Kuroi's sight and the circle. Something tinked about. What was he doing?

" All this time with us and you're still uncivilized...well! We don't need her to heal, darling, only her soul." She leaned over to look at Kuroi with an arrogant smile. " Slay the gods and the world is finally ours. Don't worry sweet thing, you'll live on as a new god" Glira grabbed an ear, lifting her head to expose the neck.

" Back off!" He rushed forward with a blade pointed at the Luminary's neck. Kuroi's head hit the ground with a loud thud when Glira let go. Due to her own condition, she retreated slowly. " I told you already! Ferrin provided us the means to finish the goal without killing her"

" Puh-lease" She grabbed his hand with the blade and shoved it aside. " You already convinced Sonne to sacrifice herself for a new world. Such fine words too. Won't she surprised when she's reborn into this world? Oh, yes, she may not even know WHO she is" She chuckled and looked back down to Kuroi. " This one's death may just break that fool boy"

" Enough!" His hand trembled now. " I wasn't the one who killed Sonne...I just gave her an 'escape' that would help all of us"

As much as she wanted her sister out of her life, something felt wrong about the situation. Kuroi fought against the cloud which bid her to sleep, growling as she shoved herself upright.
Shinigami (played by Great7)

He grabed tobi and went through a portal leading to the outskirts of the town

Wow good job the ran away. I wonder maybe it's because they're too fast", Tobi said

Come on you were talking to me through it all", shinigami replied back

Just destroy it and find kuroi", Tobi said

Shinigami growled and sent the dragon guardian to the town to explode.

"Good now find her", Tobi said

Yeah no I will wait", he said digging his finger into his heart to access her heart and soul.

Don't you both have a link", Tobi said looking at him like he was looking at an idiot

Ok let me have the money and your idea was better and less painful than mine so thank you", shinigami replied , "kuroi. I know you're somewhere so just tell me where", he said through the link

Tell her you're both making an heir. That will lift up her spirits", Tobi said

Shut up", shinigami replied

Oh fight mind me just an old ghost who's being taken for granted", Tobi replied

You said you were fine. How..not now", shinigami said sighing, "maybe if someone would talk to me"

Maybe if someone could..", Tobi said then stoped

Could what? Tell me. Never mind back to rescuing the girl. You keeping that body?", shinigami asked

Yeah. Hostage", Tobi replied

Nice", shinigami said
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

Among the explosion, lightning scattered across the sky. A white Raixi hovered over the flames and watched him retreat as the Kirin returned to him. "'s him again" He raised his head then vanished in a bolt of lightning.

The first thing she noticed was the pain which nearly dropped her again. When it faded Kuroi shook her head and forced herself back up. Then she heard his voice. "Somewhere white...all white. Glira is here too. This is no normal realm. I believe Sonne crafted it or Travis did with help" She replied. " He said nowhere you will find us...traps and decoy realms must exist"

" Escape is it now, boy? Face it! You found a way to kill the gods but are too soft to get your hands dirty! You killed the humans, as we needed so tell me, darling, what is the difference?" Glira raised a hand to his chest and drew on the power of the demons. He clutched his chest and nearly dropped the blade. " You're still human though. A pathetic, helpless slave who belongs to Sol-" Her eyes grew wide as she watched the goddess stand. Travis was sent flying into Kuroi with a blast of light and they tumbled into the wall. " Stubborn goddess. I'll take her soul myself!"

As she approached, Kuroi took her dragon form and breathed dark ice at the Luminary. Light tore through it, scattering the shards across the room. " Dragon? You're no more than a human yourself, dear. No magic, no godly powers, just an uncouth shapeshifter" A large sword of light formed when Glira raised her hand. It spun gently as it aimed for her heart. " As promised by Sonne...our children shall be the rulers of the new world!"

" NO!" Travis scrambled to his feet as the sword was let loose. His heart fell silent when the sound of blood spilling rushed over his mind and Kuroi's roar deafened his ears. She crumpled to the ground and returned to her human form, clutching at the blade in her heart. " Damn you!" He rushed towards the Luminary, ready to strike her arm as she prepared the spell to claim the goddess's soul.

Kuroi smiled as she listened to them fight. He had truly forgotten her silent heart. The sword shattered, allowing her dark blood to pool on the floor beneath her. " I am...not my sister..." She stood and called out her scythe, using the back of it to knock him away before putting the blade to Glira's neck. " I'm better than her!"

Fear showed in the Luminary for a brief moment. The goddess should have been slain but...the cold blade rested harmlessly on her neck...trembling? Kuroi stood, eyes wide and adjusted to the light, looking down. " Such a heart for the innocent, dear" Glira stated with a smirk. " Can't kill an unborn child anymore? Mercy shall be your undoing same as that boy...what was his name? ...Shinigami I believe? His destruction of our plan taught me two things, show no mercy to your foes...and plan for EVERYTHING"

Kuroi looked up in time to see the pride return to her face. A snap of her fingers caused the brazier fires to burst, taking the goddess's consciousness. " I made a few changes to the circle. This time, sweet thing, you won't be coming back or healing the world" She kicked Kuroi's shoe as she circled around. A glint of red appeared in Travis' eyes when he sent the luminary flying with a shock. Darkness rose to catch her in a soft embrace. " You will NOT take her soul! Her blood is all you need"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

Did she reply", Tobi asked

Yes", he replied back

And did you trace it", Tobi asked

Of course I did. Wherever she is I can't go there but I can switch us through the.....someone just damaged her heart", he said then opened a portal to the castle and went through Tobi following releasing the civilian. Shinigami walked to his room and began preparing a magic circle to switch spots with her

And if you fail", Tobi asked

Well my body will be roaming around for weeks but I'm good", shinigami replied finishing the circle, "averin"
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

It took a longer than usual for Averin to appear. He still was partially dark as he crept through the wall. " You need something?" More darkness slid off like a sticky oil.

An eye was kept on Glira as he grabbed a vial to collect Kuroi's blood. " I didn't bring her here to be harmed or killed. This was to be a sanctuary until she could recover and I got rid of him"

" Aww, such a shame. The killer of gods hiding one away whom he hasn't seen ages" She looked up at him with a cold grin. " Or so I'm told. I could expect nothing less, of course. A slave with a sacrifice"

With the blood collected, he approached her and held it out. " Drink" He said with a cold expression. She took the vial and watched as he turned back around, eying the circle with care to find the alterations.

The vial was held up as its contents were swirled about. In the light it was as black as the void. "'s true" Glira said with a smirk. Her gaze shifted past the vial to Kuroi who appeared dead. " Won't her father be so pleased to see her...for the first time"

" Enough already! Just dri-" He turned back around and tipped his head. What did she just say? " Her father is Lumerin. He's seen her many times"

" Is he? Then tell me, darling, why is her blood black?" A flash of light was sent through the vial to remove its icy nature. "I will gladly drink for the powers of the abyss" It was raised as a toast then swallowed.

He shrugged and shook his head. Grateful that she willingly drank it, he returned his attention to the circle. " No one knows. Some say the light never fused with her blood due to her forced birth" Some lines were erased on the circle and rewritten.

Glira chuckled as she crossed her legs. " Aww, what a touching tail, darling. Better than the sacrifice deserves"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

OH yep. I'm about to switch places with kuroi so could you be a dear and calm down to take care of her", he said sitting in the circle middle, "now my body will be gone but my heart will remain literally. I won't die but be a dear and make sure it doesn't get hurt", he said

tobi grabed the dark and light sword and put it beside him.

With a sigh he activated the spell, "oh. Find me would you. And if Tobi gets mad leave him be till I'm back", "he said as the switch happebed
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

" Protect, I can manage..." Averin said while watching him fade. " To find you? What has...this spell done...that your body is fading?" Whispers could be heard moments before dark claws appeared to tear more darkness from the ghost. The roar he let out was mournful.

Another alteration in the circle was aggressively erased and changed. " Sacrifice, sacrifice! That's all she is to you! You got her blood so drop the term and let her recover as. I. Intended." When the last change was made, he relit the braziers. Her wound would only extend the recovery.

" You lost interest way too fast" She looked to the side with the noble attitude she was known for. Unaware of the change occuring, she continued. " You can't possibly be content with that little tale, darling."

" What do you believe then?" He knelt by Kuroi's body and checked for breath or a pulse. No pulse was found but he sighed in relief when he felt her breath.

Watching Travis dote over the despised daughter of Solarium made her huff. " Take your forgotten love and go on a long journey to find the answer yourself!"

He looked and glared at the Luminary now. Through their anger and irritation they missed the trade that occured.
Shinigami (played by Great7)

He looked around then quietly stood up and put a paper containing the antimagic circle on the ground and memorized the circle Travis was making. He moved away from the circle and and made a mark at the end of it then moved back to the middle and made a throne there with the stone and sat down waiting for them to notice and keep talking to get some info
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

A simple trade was one thing but seeing someone get up who should be near death drew Glira's attention. She watched in silence as Shinigami worked.

" A journey. Heh, knowing you this is all an elaborate hoax to steal her soul" He looked down to find Kuroi missing. "Wha-!?"

She started laughing at how long it took him to notice. " Darling, what happened to he will never find us here?" Lifting her chin, she looked towards Shinigami with an arrogant smile.

The ice of the goddess seemed to surround him once more. He dared not look incase it was a trick but the sound of the throne being crafted got him to turn around. " You again!? How did you get here!?" He scrambled to his feet and took a defensive stance.

" Hello again, dear" She waved at him and stood up. " I would love to stay and chat but I have more important things to worry about. Have fun boys and try not to kill eachother" Her tail flipped up and she chuckled while vanishing into light.

The still body of Kuroi lie near Shinigami's heart. Despite the wound, Averin was aware of her state perhaps more than some would like. " A rough start for both of you..." He said pushing her closer to the heart. " I know what he asked...but this poison is ravaging my old soul. Listen...take your stand...and protect it in my stead. You can find him...even in the darkness to come"

He growled as the poison fought against the claws which tried to pry it off. " Get them all to safety...or prepare them for when the night falls" Claw marks were tore into the floor when he was dragged away. His eerie cry echoed through the halls then faded.

Minutes would pass in silence before the beat of his heart started to break through her mind. So faint at first but it gradually got louder. So comforting, so...familiar.

Slowly she opened her eyes to see a heart. Hers was in the void so whose...Its beat she heard once before and sat up once the connection was made. " Shinigami?" She looked around but saw no one.
Shinigami (played by Great7)

Aww the beautiful girl left. Now it's just you and you disgust me", he said as his horns began to release darkness and it filled the room, "well let's get back to the atmosphere sorry had to prep everything you see I want to become a devil I just needed to set things up", he said the cleared his throat, "took you long wnough to notice me you fool", he said as a dragon passed through him and hit Travis to the ground, "you thought I wouldn't find you but gues what I found her instead."
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

" A devil?" He said as he got back up. " I disgust you and you want to become a devil" The lights appeared on his chest as he chuckled; hanging onto his hair as he shifted back and forth. " We're one and the same, you idiot!" Gold washed over his eyes and a glimmer of the demon showed in his outburst. When it faded a dark sludge, resembling veins, covered him.

What Glira did became clear as he stared at his arms in disbelief. It quickly faded as he starting pulling the sludge off. " Only difference is I wasn't trying to become one" Travis tossed the sludge to the ground as three claw marks tore across the circle to destroy it. His glare was lit by the fire that rose from them.

Too much ran through his head. Perhaps he was the fool for not noticing that Kuroi vanished but this guy didn't allow him to heal her. That's all it was any more it felt, a fight over the goddess. " You think you care for her but every time I turn around you've done something to hurt her or mirror me. If a devil is what you believe will make her happy then let her choose! Commit your genocide and see which blood offering she'll take. I promise hers is a greater sin then any of us will ever make"

He pointed to the sky and a hell gate opened beneath their feet. Its deep cobalt color lit the darkness in an eerie way. Screaming souls gathered in his hand to create a scythe with rings in the top of the blade. He made a slash across the air to send an icy wave towards Shinigami.

When no answer came, she carefully took his heart and bolted out the door only to slide to a stop. Carrying it in the open was too dangerous. She slid a hand into the wound from the blade and took a deep breath. It was crazy but...she used her blood to mark his heart with a circle similar to what he used on hers with a few modifications for herself. It glowed then faded from her hand as the glow appeared over her wound.

"I'll give it back...I promise" She thought to herself. The wound healed and the familiar beat she could feel inside now. It was almost strange with how long she had lived without a heart in her or was it because it wasn't hers? It didn't matter right now, she needed to find him. She ran off again to see if one of his parents had seen him.
Shinigami (played by Great7)

Elena and Kronos were in the liabray books scattered around like something happened and Elena and Kronos talking while taking notes

Haa. And Tobi says I talk too much", he said yawning as he disappeared from his throne and appeared behind Travis floating and grabed his neck from behind and whispered in his ear, "at least I know when to quit. Do you know pain Travis", he said as the scene began to change to what he saw from the genocide of the humans. The blood and the bodies laying around, "gwnocide you said. Children dead, humans dead life gone. Only a devil could do it. Only a devil. You're right you're a devil, but also a pawn", he said then threw Travis to the scene the blood felt real and the bodies also, "three little demons. Remember when we played together that time. On you've forgotten. Too bad. Well I don't plan on reminding you. Shy don't you come out and tell Travis here the truth. He fought for nothing. It's true. Killing the humans didn't save them, did it?"
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

It was their voices that Kuroi heard as she passed by the library. Turning back around, she headed inside to see that they were busy. It had been a long time since she had seen so many books scattered about. She listened while moving a few books that were sitting precariously.

His speed annoyed him to no end. He tried to turn and look for him but felt his hand on his neck before he could really move. The weapon was shifted in his hand, prepared to strike when the scene changed. To see it again filled him with conflicting emotions. Getting tossed into the gore only made things worse.

Blood coated his skin like it does a scavenging Valra and the scent of decay filled his nose as he scrambled to get back up. " I have already seen this! Let me forget it!" Fear shrieked and slunk through the bodies.

The demons chuckled and crept about the place. Rage lit the bodies, Fear stirred the shadows, and Greed remained inside. " Forget? the next Grand Demon" Greed took control of his body only to smile at Shinigami. " He saved them just as he saved Sonne. Our plan will be completed even if we must change how"

" The death is marvelous! This massacre only comes second to hers" Rage rose up to devour some of the dead. Flames shot out from the sides of his mouth as they burned. " You could have created a larger feast if you let us go"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

So she disappeared again", Elena said, "this time though",

And Tobi is still with him. With him being immortal Tobi might remain a ghost forever now.", he said looking up

Oh forget that. Tobi can take care of herself. Now that kuroi disappears, she's back. But he's not. Looks like he switched places", Elena said, "wait his heartbeat is close. He was dumb enough to use a spell that left his heart"

Oh. Well she should come o then", Kronos said as the door opened

Oh not the bodies", he said as the flames turned to butterflies and the scene change to the bottom of an ocean. Blood ocean, "can't breath. Well I'm talking to Travis right now so be dears and shut up", he said as the guardians held fear and rage down, "now back to you greed. Travis please. I will be nice to you"
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

Such an obvious answer that he traded places but she had to agree, why leave his heart behind? She froze when she realized what was said. How much did they know of what was going on and...they knew she was there.

The books she held were set down before she turned to face them. " About his there something I need to know about this spell?"

Rage roared his complaints as the blood washed over him while Fear laughed. The familiar skulls appeared and floated through the crimson sea. Some with bladed chains waited near Travis for when Greed released him.

" You'll be nice? A deal then. I let you speak to my host but you both must risk drowning. Should the goddess arrive, I want to see who she will breath for" He smirked as more skulls with bladed chains appeared near Shinigami. Unlike the others, these skulls were black and the chains they held were crafted to deny mana. " Winner lives and takes the girl with my blessing. Loser...well it should be interesting. Maybe the winner should decide? Even I can be generous at times"

The gold faded from Travis' eyes but the demon still listened for the answer. He came too and found himself longing for air in the warm and damp environment. An attempt to cast a spell to breath was made but failed. This was no nightmare to laugh at.

He began to swim up only to find Fear's minions waiting. The skulls whirled around him to bind his wrists and ankles. Any attempt to struggle would add to the sea.

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ilmarinen, Ben, Darth_Angelus