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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » To Find the Forbidden Secrets(2B Cntinued & mved )

Shinigami (played by Great7)

Well you should be able to. You should have a dream form now since your blood is magic. And you remember that invisible sight stunt. Well my mom found out my dad and i shared it", he said finding the bed and sat down, "and blind people see in their dreams"
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

" I can finally see a dream!?" His eyes lit up and energy radiated off the kid. " And a dream form!? I can't wait to see it!! And you'll see too! What do you think it will be!?"

" Careful now or we will be dodging one hyper fireball" Nasr chuckled and took the plate away, setting it on a nearby table. He turned back around to see Keiran shift the pillows around. " Remind me never to cross your mom. Looks like he's ready for his trip to dream land"

" Yeah! I wonder how a dream lake looks" One pillow was set next to Shinigami. The other Keiran fluffed up and made himself cozy. " Ok! All ready!"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

Wait", je said then opened a portal beside Yuuma and draged him over to the bed, "now we're ready. You really were going to leave him?"
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

" Huh?" Keiran lifted his head to look at the half-awake, confused Yuuma. " I didn't think about it..."

" Looks like shy boy is getting tormented again" Nasr flopped into a chair, with his arms draped back. " And he knows how to get us to the lake. Right Yuuma?" He said with a smirk.

His horns hit the bed post when he whipped his head around. " Ow...lake? It's beautiful and all b-but...I know you two...hehe" With a nervous smile, he rubbed one of the horns.

" Yes, beauty and beautiful girls which YOU still don't have one" Nasr gestured towards the dragon while sitting forward. " We are celebrating Keiran's next step in life so no need to worry. Lake please" he raised a hand to hide a grin as he looked away. Shinigami wouldn't have nabbed him if they weren't going to torment the poor guy.

" the lake" Yuuma opened his hand to spread the night mist, putting them all to sleep.

This time the lake had fewer dragons but a sense of serenity filled the area. Sonne was no where to be seen and Kuroi's place was currently empty. A few dragons looked towards it with a longing in their eyes and silent prayers.

A stardust mist hovered over the lake and surround area giving it a mystical or surreal feeling. The waters were more clear and held a crystalline irredescence. " Woooow" Keiran looked over the area with eyes wide. " Dreams are...amazing..."
Shinigami (played by Great7)

And so are the ladies. I'm shi, Nasr is nick and Yuuma is his cousin mick while you're a long relative called Leo", he said as his wings appeared and he flew to kuroi's empty spot, "it's a good thing we didn't invite her isn't it"
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

" What kind of whacked out names are those!?" Nasr stated just before following him. " You are happy she is not here just so you can enjoy the ladies without harm"

" Hey! I can't fly!" Keiran watched the two get further away with sad eyes. Yuuma placed his head against the boy's shoulder and nudged him. " Take a look at your reflection. I'll like what you see"

" Huh? Ok" Care was taken as he inched to the waters edge. First a flaming mane came into view, then horns, ears, until a dark, three headed dragon stared back at him. Smooth scales except along the necks and belly, large wings, and fine snouts.

He shifted about and did a few things until he realized that it was really him. " YAH!!! What is that!?" The little dragon stumbled back, right into Yuuma's legs. " It's you" He replied with a smile.

" Ooohh...Wait your a dragon too"

" Yes, and so...are...umm...hahaha" Yuuma began to shrink away when he noticed the girls were looking at them. " W-we aren't...important...the ones you want...are up there" His eyes shifted to look at Shinigami and Nasr.

The dragons split in direction with some crowding Yuuma and the kid, while the rest turned to Shinigami and Nasr. A small, lithe dragon, with a body similar to a human climbed her way up the falls with great ease. Staying down on all fours, she approached with caution. " The goddess has yet to return...who are you?"

A water dragon from the falls and shook water everywhere. " I've seen them before. They love to visit sometimes"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

We are environmentals sometimes. We like to view the world in its big glory and the dreams in its true form. I also love dragon and their various species, small large personality and beautiful. And the goddesses might not be back but this place hasn't lost all its beauty. Now my question, how about we have a little talk", e said sitting on the floor his clothes transformed into jeans and a black shirt with a dark blue hoodie, "I like to get to k ow beautiful things. Especially when they are dangerous"
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

" Dangerous, huh?" Another said as she landed on a perch behind him. " That takes out some of us" flames danced in her mouth when she swung her around, biting the neck of the water dragon. She roared as the fire dragon pried her off the falls and cast her below. Many of the others laughed as the fire dragon took a stance of pride.

A metal dragon rushed alongside the small one, got her snout under her, and flipped them over board. More laughed and she nodded her head to agg them on. Now a crystal made her way up but kept her head down for a time. After a bit, she sat down and raised her head with pride. The look she held was of one who knew who their beauty. " What do you want to know?"

Keiran's laughter rang out from below as the other group started picking on him. It wasn't long before a few ran off, chasing him along the beach. The rest ran in the other direction as Yuuma tried to get some space. " Too many! Too many!!"

Nasr busted up laughing and sat down on a crystal. " That guy really is hopeless"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

Nothing much. I also love wise beauties", he said as mana formed the head of a dark dragon behind him and gave a loud roar then disappeared, "also since the goddesses are not here you need someone to watch over and make sure that doesn't happen again", he said looking down, "I love water dragons. You just hurt one. That's mean. Why can't you be nice. Being mean marks the ugly. Anyway I'm not here with questions only wanted to see if the lake is till here", he said looking around, "and it is"
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

Some of the dragons braced themselves against the roar while others joined in. When it faded, a dragon, clearly Drakar, strut up the mountain. " He says that's mean?" She said while looking at the others. Sass was all over this one and she held herself with the arrogance of her beauty. " I don't think he's been around women long enough"

Many giggled as she layed down, lowering her head equal to him. " It's called societal standing. Step up or get out. She's fine and if she's not strong enough to take it then we just made it easy for you men to choose the right girlfriend" A few others had joined her side now. " You can't tell me it's not true. Men do the same thing right? Pick fights, play pranks, see who's the coolest, and whatever else men do. Seriously, it's sooo much easier to avoid the loser when we've already weeded them out for you"

Nasr let out a rough hiss. The shadows grew around him as he glared at her. " Not every guy appreciates the social game. Heart, personality, wanting to share your life with someone, THAT is what matters. Looks and status are just an added bonus" He looked down at Shinigami and thought of how he had been. " Well...looks are nice. Who doesn't like a pretty face?"

The Drakar looked up and sneered. "'s you. My little brothers 'dancing bird,' get lost!"
A dark caw clung in his throat as he stood back up. Shadowy feather flew everywhere as he ran his talons through them. " Know friend has been through hell. Just ONCE I want him to have a good time here without you city bi...hydras pulling your girly crud!" More feathers scattered into the air when he shook. " Not this time and any others who want to act like this better be gone before I get back!"

Before the Drakar could move, Nasr lashed out at her like a demon. A flurry of darkness and feathers so fierce to knock her over the falls. Many others scattered now as their 'queen' roared and retreated. Only a third of the dragons remained. Some continued to watch the chaos while a few new ones stepped closer to Shinigami.

" You hold the heart of a tribal" One of earth said as she approached him. Unlike many women, she was stock and powerful, looking like she could hold her own against the men. Scars marred her face and body from both real world and dream injuries. " Why haven't we seen you before? It doesn't matter. The behavior of our city sisters is uncalled for. The moon goddess will return and set them straight until then I hope you enjoy your stay"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

Base you chased away the beautiful ones", he said to him then looked to her, "yes. Now tell me who dear scar your body. ", he said flying to the top of her head , "magnificent. Oh yeah the moon goddess. She will be back soon. And she might not be happy. Well, im glad there's a calm. Nasr, how about you go show Keiran the way while I figure out if the war had an effect on this place", he said sitting, "also try not to chase away any pretty girl they don't like it. And have fun"
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

" You still have pretty girls up there!" He laughed before continuing the pursuit. A few more lifted their heads, watching the Valra for a few moments before turning to Shinigami. Stocky, dainty, scarred, or flawless the tribes held imperfection in spades. Yet, without such strict regulations even they held their beauties, some fit to outshine the ones in the cities.

The earth dragon looked up at him and chuckled. " Some of these marks are from rival tribes and wild beasts. Life takes it's toll on the strongest women" She looked out to watch the ones that scatter fight over something else stupid. " They gave me the rest. Women are brutal. So many will destroy ones reputation to end their line. A reputation can be restored though so beauty is stolen"

A fine wind dragon stepped to her side and nudged her dropping head back up. " Ever fleeting is the flower, my friend" Now the wind dragon turned to him. " Have you brought the wrath of night upon you?"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

Well life is dangerous. And no I didn't bring anything wrath with me if you see one it most likely has nothing to do with me", he said jumping to the head of the wind dragon, "I wouldn't bring fire to a garden", he said looking around
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

She looked up and him and was about to say something when the sky whipped him off. Fast as lightning, another dragon dropped from the sky to pin him down. " I would be more worried about ICE!!" Kuroi lowered her head to him teeth bared and frost pouring forth.

The others had stepped back and now watched with uneasy minds. Even those who were fighting had turned their gaze towards the angered goddess.
Shinigami (played by Great7)

And the most beautiful of them all finally shows up", he said with a smile, "so kuroi I see you also came for the view and you look well. Yeah I'm very worried about ice you see I hate the cold very much. Nothing personal could it be fire instead. How about nothing at all. You seem angry. Well I'm immortal who can't die so go on", he said then grinned
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

" I know what your 'view' is so do act all in-" His smile was like a shot in heart; tearing through the ice to find the fire he wanted. " Stop looking at me like that! You know exactly what you did...just..." More of her weight was placed on him as she looked him over. He had to be charming his way out but...

The grin at the end shattered her resolve. Would he still be grinning, laughing even if she froze him? Ice sprayed in a cloud near him when she huffed. She lifted her hand and tossed him into the air with her tail only to catch him on her head. " Fine...nothing it is...for now"

Some of the city dragons began to slink their way back. What exciting story were they missing out on this time?
Shinigami (played by Great7)

I thought I was going to be frozen", he said laying down on her head, "Keiran wanted to enter the dream world so we took him here. Also to show him the ways. While Yuuma, we brought him here to tease him. Oh we forgot pavol did you bring him?"
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

" You nearly were" She looked out over the area to locate the others. Yuuma had gotten himself tangled in vines and had to endure what that group of girls had planned for him. Turning the other direction, she saw a few trees sway as something moved within. Since Nasr and Keiran were nowhere in sight, she hoped it was dragons tailing them.

" Are they really here?" She said looking up to him. " Keiran is older than Pavol but neither are ten yet. Is there a reason you 'show them the ways' so young?"

" And why not?" A city fire dragon strode back to a spot near the falls edge. " Puts them ahead of the game. Better if they grow to be hot or cute" She sat like a proud statue and curled her tail around. " It's nice to see you've returned to us, goddess. Did my ears deceive me or did he ask if you brought another boy?"

" He's just a child" She turned away and looked back up at Shinigami. " Pavol might be here shortly or train more with his father. He said you hated him"
Recognizing the name, a couple light dragons took a place near the fire one.
Shinigami (played by Great7)

I dot hate the boy. I'm here to take care of him not harm him. He's a child after all", he said sitting up not finding Nasr or Keiran, "hey antone here seen my friend." He asked ts girls

Keiran is the last dragon. What better target than him", he asked her through the link
Kuroi (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

" You need get that through his spoiled head. I am told the last training session was...cruel" Trees snapped and toppled over in the distance, drawing Kuroi's attention away. Yuuma was stumbling and rolling away as the vines tripped him up and bound his wings. He had only made it a few feet before falling. Some of the girls took the vines to bind him more but others starting getting protective over him.

While she was focused, a dragon in the back reared up and pointed towards a crystal tower glowing in the distance. It towered over the forest like a beacon. " I saw him fly towards that"
Another hit her upside the head with their tail. " The tower!? He chased Firasta into the forest"

" Ugh...the general direction is the same..." Kuroi said as she returned her focus to the swaying trees."Last dragon? We're not dead yet" She replied. The nature of heritage ran through her mind. How could the last human be so important when Nyctoran blood always overrode human. A smile crossed her face when she realized what he may have done. "The last human and a boy at that. Your planning something...aren't you?"

A fuzzy dragon ran up and got into Kuroi's face. " Aww your smiling! You never smile! What made you smile?"

" Huh!? I'm not smiling! Now...back off please" She said slinking backwards. " You don't need to hide your smile. We all would love to see world crafted by a happy goddess" She curled around in an adorable way and strode back into the crowd with a smile. The others nodded while some smiled or glared at Shinigami.

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