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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Covenant Earth War (A Large Scale Halo war rp)

Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

John nodded "they must have a motive for doing so otherwise they would be more evasive and deadly" he put a hand to his chin thinking
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

Tegian looked at John "What was it like on reach? I asked Jun but he would not tell me. Was it really that bad?" Some Marines heard this and left, They knew reach had been hard mostly on the Spartans that trained there
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

John shook his head remembering images "I only caught a glimpse of the chaos" he said and stopped for a moment "it was literal hell"
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

Tegian nodded "One of Juns friends got your A.I to you correct? Designation Noble Six" he then continued to walk, this time heading for the vehicle depot. "Jessica was on Reach, She was in Fire Team Red beta before being transfered to orange team"
Ripa 'Moramee (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

The Arbiter was once again scouting the UNSC base, He noted their numbers and decided a fast quick suicide grunt squads would deal with them fast and effectively, He called down phantoms and spirits, But the grunts themselves would not be their for several hours, if not until tomorrow
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

John nodded "Dr.Halsey gave me my AI, and named her Cortana" he said before stopping outside the firebase "here's my advice, always keep an eye and an ear out never stop paying attention to your surroundings" he said then walked into the firebase
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

Tegian nodded "Alright, Good luck" Tegian said and walked into the Vehicle depot. Jessica got up from the Medical bed, She was able to walk. But not run. She walked out of the fire base not noticing John or Tegian, She then saw something, Something she did not like "EVERYONE TOO ARMS!" Jessica yelled
Ripa 'Moramee (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

There was hundreds of Suicide grunts running at the base, The Arbiter watched from a Phantom shooting its cannons at the base with a smirk of true evil. "Wipe them off this holy world! Burn them! Burn them ALL!!!" The Arbiter yelled
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

The marines used their assault rifles to shoot at the suicide grunts, backing off slowly so they had more time to react. Keyes sent down falcons to help hold back the grunts
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

Jessica took out her magnum and started shooting grunts, Tegian took out a DMR and helped out "JOHN WE NEED YOU AT THE FRONT OF THE FIRE BASE NOW!" Tegian yelled in panic. They were still coming it did not look like they could stop them
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

John ran out to see the grunts "we need to wmevacuate the base!" He said signaling the pelicans to come in low picking up a few marines flying off

Keyes came on the comm "we need to get everyone away from the firebase" a pelican rose from the airfield and left with a few survivors
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

Cutter was also flying down pelicans to evac the survivors, all that was left now was one pelican, And Tegian, Jessica and John were next. But then the Phantom flew in and started shooting at the Pelican "... I have got your guys back, Get on the Pelican." Tegian said and took out a rocket launcher "B-But Tegian you cant just-" Jessica started but was cut off by Tegian "GO! Their is no sense in letting three Spartans die! If anyone asks, tell them I was ordered to stay behind and make sure no data got into the covies hands. Only tell the Captains what happen" Tegian then turned to John "Keep her out of trouble please?"
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

John ran over to Tegian and grabbed him by the front plate of his armor and carried him to the pelican ad threw him in, he climbed in taking the machine gun turret in the back and began shooting at the phantom "Go Go!"
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

Tegian started panicking "AH JOHN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?! WE MIGHT NOT MAKE IT OFF UNLESS I-" He was cut off By John throwing him into the Pelican, "AYE SIR! HANG ONTO SOMETHING!" The Pilot Marine yelled and the Pelican started flying franticly in an attempt to dodge the incoming shots, the Grunts however got to the base. And the Base and whatever or whoever got left behind was now killed, The base exploded
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

John let go of the machine gun and let the door close behind him then looked to Tegian "we don't need another noble accident" he said sitting back in a seat and letting out a large breathe of air
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

"...Fine, But if we all die its your fault" Tegian said not at all joking, Jessica was holding her side, She was still sore "John, Promise me you wont piss off anymore hunters?" She said jokingly. Jun came from the cockpit "The Pilot says we will be at the rally point in three hours, We are to relocate far away so when the covenant do find us again, We will be prepared for it" Jun said taking a seat next to John "That was some fine shooting" He said patting chiefs back
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

John looked to Tegian for a moment then turned to Jun and nodded "stress took control of the gun, I was only holding it" he said and looked at his HUD for any damages to his system.

Keyes came through "alright, obviously the covenant new we were here, but what we don't know is how long did i take them to figure it out" he said taking a short pause "i'm not sending you into a suicide mission blind, therefore I will have scouts constantly patrolling the area at all times, as well as going around looking for any signs of a Citadel" Keyes patched his signal so only Jun and John could here this next part "what you two are to do is stay alert, I will deploy you whenever necessary without hesitation is that understood?"

John nodded "yes sir" then turned off his radio
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

"Yes sir" Jun said, He knew sort of why he did not want Jessica or Tegian to here this. They were younger and did not have the leadership or exercise He and John had.

After five hours a firebase was set down and the Pelican landed next too them there were already a few warthogs, Machine gun (Anti-Infantry0 Rockethog (Anti-Air) And Gausshog (anti Vehicle) there was two of each driving around on patrol. More Pelicans landed Marines and ODSTs "Keyes Sir! We are at the new firebase copy?" Jun said studding his surroundings
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

Keyes nodded "yes, there is a decoy to the south with few supplies and even less troops, so it can be used to lure away enemy forces, or it can be used as a backup if necessary" John got up and hopped out of the pelican walking towards the firebase
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

Suddenly Serena came onto the coms "uh-oh... They have a Scarab..." Then on the top of a mountain quite a ways away, Not one, Not Two. But THREE Scarabs came over from the mountain "...Scratch that Three scarabs, They will be at are base in three hours if they spot us" Jun quickly grabbed his sniper "I know how to get rid of them" He loaded the clip into his sniper "And have little to no causalities. Me, Tegian, John and Jessica along with a hand full of Elite ODSTs can go in and capture one of the scarabs in the back. then we could fire the main beam at the exposed back. Hopefully we can do the same with the other before it can react" Jun said and got onto the Pelican again "Same Old Same Old" Jun mused

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