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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Covenant Earth War (A Large Scale Halo war rp)

Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

John shook his head "Jessica has a bad leg and i've been keeping watch on her the whole time, Tegian however" he said crossing his arms "I haven't seen Tegian at all today even after the scarabs" he said looking around in search of the spartan
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

Just then a siren went off "INTRUDER IN THE ARMORY!!!" The ODST started running too the armory, when they got there, No one was there. The ODST looked around, then he saw a figure in the back "CHIEF HERE!" Then the figure shot the assault rifle out of the ODSTs hand using a DRM, Tegians signature weapon. The ODST took out his magnum and unloaded the whole clip, missing a few time. And everything he did hit the man with fizzled on the shield "CUTTER AND KEYES, CONFIRMED, THE TRAITOR IS A SPARTAN I REPEAT THE TRAITOR IS A CONFIRMED SPARTAN!" The ODST then quickly grabbed a Silenced SMG off the rack of weapons
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

Keyes came up "Understood" then he went to contact Cutter "Can you go through the spartan files and shut down the Spartans systems?" he asked

John ran with the ODST and pulled his assault rifle out and unloaded the clip on the traitor
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

"Serena!" Cutter called out, then the A.I Started quickly going through Spartan files, then figured something out "it would be faster if I just shut down all Spartans under are ships command, This means that John will not be effected" hen every Spartan that was not John shut down, then traitor fell over as his armor locked up
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

John walked over to the traitor and turned on the light, it was Tegian, he feared that it would have been a close comrade but he didn't imagine Tegian "Cutter, it was Tegian break off the armor and reactivate Jessica" he said keeping an eye on Tegian
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

"Interesting that you concern yourself with Jessica... But alright" Serena said then unlocked Jessica's Armor, then Serena shot off all the pieces of Tegian armor, Now all he had was his black suit and his helmet
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

John picked up Tegian and locked his arms behind him "your a disgrace to the Spartans" he said and started walking Tegian out of the barracks looking to the ODST "get the brig ready for him, make sure it's nice and cozy"
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

Tegian kept trying to break out "j-john!" He said gasping a ton, Way to much to be considered normal, Especially for a Spartan "K-Kill Me NOW! FOR YOUR SAKES! BEFO- AAAAHHH!!!" He suddenly had such a high amount of strength that he somehow broke free from John and grabbed his head and was screaming, The screaming alerted the ODST and a few marines "What the hell is going on?" One of the marines asked looking at Chief
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

John grabbed an arm and twiste it around his back and strung the other arm around Tegians neck "OPEN FIRE!" He said making his grip as tight as possible
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

The Marines hesitated, However the ODST did not, And unloaded all 60 rounds of his silenced SMG on Tegian, Most of the shots hitting Tegians body while eight of them hit his head, Tegian was now lifeless, Then the ODST saw something shocking "No no no no! They said this would never happen to a Spartan! They said it would never follow us!" The ODST was staring at Tegian's now broken Visor
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

John dropped Tegian's body, the lifeless carcass flopping about the last of the active nerves stopping after a moment then John started to the medical ward
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

Jessica was sitting on a medical bed with her legs to her chest, She then saw John walk in, She then sighed and whispered to him "Hes dead... isn't he?" She asked looking at the floor
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

John slowly nodded "it had to be done, he went berserk" he said then looked around "can you move?" he asked
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

She did not respond, She then hit her side table, However it fell apart as a result "ITS ALL HALSEY'S FAULT!" she screamed out, Why she would blame Halsey seems logical, But is there more to it than simple grief? Was Halsey really responsible? Sure she kidnapped the kids but it never seemed like she would intentionally harm them.
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

John knelt to get to eye level with Jessica "explain" he said his tone growing slightly more agitated and his hand gripping his magnum lightly in case Jessica had the same thing in her as Tegian did
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

She tried calming herself "H-Halsey did what she did to all of us... Take us away from are families then clone us so the families would not file reports of missing children... You know most of us did not survive, However Tegian was a little different... He had a few problems after the augmentations... Including a slight weakness to his immune system... But Halsey saw this as non life threating and it did not hinder his combat abilities so she let him continue" Jessica clenched her fists "We found something on a planet a few years ago... Something so vile and evil that it made the covenant run for their lives... So Bad that ONI wanted to keep this info on lockdown... So they told Cutter not to tell anything else... Well one of these things got inside Tegian... But Spartans and people from the Orion project are immune too it... EXEPT TEGIAN! BECAUSE HALSEY LET HIM CONTINUE HIS HINDERED IMMUNE SYSTEM MADE IT SO THAT THING COULD INFECT HIM! Now after five years hes finally turned!" She seemed to hold a lot of grief to this, As if she felt it was her fault "Whatever got in him cannot effect you, Me or any other Spartan..." She said sighing
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

John nodded understanding "he was a good soldier, now we need to move on the Covenant are gonna be on our asses any moment now so we need to move, we've lost this sector" he said putting his magnum away and looking around the room
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

She then looked at John with wide eyes "No... We cannot let the Covenant here! That's what IT wants! To have more biomass! It will turn every grunt jackal elite and brute into it! Only hunters will be safe and even then they wont last long with those over welming numbers!... Wait... W-Was anyone else near Tegian when you killed him?"
Captain Keyes (played by Zactrul)

John stopped for a moment "what exactly is 'it'?" John said grabbing his assault rifle and keeping an eye out the door watching for anything weird
Captain Cutter (played by Chris_Pike) Topic Starter

"We are not sure... All we know is that if anything with half a brain cell and with sufficient mass is not safe from... Whatever it is, We need to st-" She then saw the ODST kneeling with three marines dead, All shot with his SMG, He then saw the two Spartans and then got up "Oh thank god you guys got here, Some strange popcorn like things came and burrowed themselves into those marines! They started deforming and then... Started talking! Their voices were... Oh god they were horrible! Then they started shooting at me! I saw more of those popcorn things running Around the halls I shot as many as I could... But I Fear for the lives of the others in here! Coms are jammed some how, We need to get to the com station and tell Keyes or Cutter so they can send evac Pelicans!" The ODST then loaded his SMG

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus