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Forums » Forum Games » Love advice (IC)

Alright so the point of this game is what if someone’s character asked your character for love advice what would they say?

(This is for fun do not actually think this is real advice to get someone to like you)
Dust (played by LostWanderer)

"You know how everyone says be yourself? Don't do that."
Dao Tian (played by starwolf) Topic Starter

“Get drunk and they’ll fall for you!”
Rainn (played by Osris)

“Just kick him where it hurts and they will love you”
Drans (played by LostWanderer)

"I'm not the best person to ask that too. but just a small thing you should make sure about, that you actually like them."
Zivina (played by Siren_Lullaby)

" a person who truly loves you will not use you like a mere toy to be tossed aside...they will not wall all over you and go for another find the one you must be patient..."
"Love? You mean like how Miss Akagi thinks of the Commander? Maybe you should ask her, I'm just a smol floof bean."
Excalibur Umbra (played by Shadeslayer45)

" a complicated emotion full of many confusing and rewarding trials if you are requesting love advice from someone my advice to you is simple follow your head not your heart for if you think you love someone and that feeling turns out false you will be filled with a much greater sense of disappointment then if your had made the decision on your thoughts alone"

he just shifted the grip on his sword as he looks past
Yaazecsus (played by Leighoflight)

"Have you considered starting a cult in their name?"
Geist (played by hexblading)

"A heart for a heart. What is meant to be given to another must be poured freely from the very bottom of your heart, without any lingering doubts or confining restraints. Be bound in sentiment and let it tie you together, for good or for despair."
"Love?" Her voice sounded startled, as if she hadn't expected that question. But it was an instant, over just as quickly. And when she next spoke, it was with... feelings. Difficult to say of what kind; there was warmth, there was wistfulness, a hint of a smile, the aftertaste of tears. "Love is... a change of planes. You can think of it like a copernican revolution of everything that you believed until that one moment when... at least you see the light", the last words were almost hummed. "Suddenly all that you thought was important, everything you prioritized in your life, pales and dims at the thought of your loved one. Of what might make the happy. And when you see them smile, when they look at you and smile like you mean the world for them - then it's like you're staring in the sun but instead of blinding, all you feel is the warmth and it - lifts you, it makes you think that there's nothing you can't do with that sun in your sky...." And then suddenly her voice seemed to break into a half-sob, and behind the vixen mask glistened - tears, that she was fighting to hold back? She herself seemed to realize it, because she brought a hand to her mask as if wanting to hide that momentary weakness. "... t-tears? I don't even know why... excuse me, I'll be off now. Duty calls."
Gilang Lodaya (played by nindyaru)

"Love advice?" Gilang gave you a big happy grin. "You came to the right person!" He showed you a small glass bottle, filled with liquid. "This is 'Magic Serum', a solution for everything. Made from 100% pure 'Pocong Extract'. This is rare stuff. Southern Kingdom’s original product. You can't find it anywhere else! You're lucky to have me. Buy it, I guarantee you that you will not regret it. Just gently apply a small amount of this serum to your face and neck, and everyone will fall in love with you! And if you like cooking, you can also use it to replace MSG in your cooking. It will make your food taste really good!"
Xalare Xala (played anonymously)

“Bring them the decapitated head of their greatest enemy. Always works for me.” The Lalafell said smugly and drained a goblet of wine. It was, perhaps, a bad sign that she was very much single.
Wander (played anonymously)

"Find someone you want to protect, even if they can protect themselves. Let them know about your love, then hope and pray they like you back. If it succeeds then congrats, if not, oh well better luck next time."
Akashi (played by randomentity777)

"Money, nya. Akashi ain't saying they're a gold digger, nya. But Akashi know that they ain't interested in a broke, nya."
"If your man shoots you in the back, don't stay with him...although, you're probably an idiot if that wasn't obvious..."
Kiran (played by Leighoflight)

"I am probably the last person anyone should be asking, unless it's inflammation or other coronary diseases the matters of the heart are still rather alien to me....Saying that, try food."
Angelique Croxton (played by Thatnerdychick)

"uh.. show them your workbench? you can tell a lot about someone by what they put in, and how they organize their workspace"
"Ask someone else"
Zaharah (played by hexblading)

"Well, it quite depends on what you're in it for, but taking initiative always helps. It always depends on the emotional availability of your target as well; there's no point in offering yourself to a brick wall, after all." She started.

"For instant, but temporary and ultimately faulty fixes: love potions. For the most reliable yet unpredictable move: classic seduction. For the unhinged, the daring and those with ulterior motives: sorcery. I will not elaborate further."

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