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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • Well I want to be the first to lay out that Xion (or Angie :)) is an extravagant writer. Her descriptions are crisp, and I'm given more than enough to envision every scene. What she lacks in her character pages are immensely made up for in the RP, so please don't pass them up! <g> Can't wait to see what goes down moving forward from now!

    ~ B, Shh... ;) - PANGAEA

  • Kayla is one of my oldest online friends. We both watched each other kind of grow up in the RP scene. I've always been impressed by her skill, and the interesting characters she develops. RP has always been fun with her in the past fifteen or so years. - GunnarrWermund

  • she is a very good role player. Fluffer is very good on keeping up the plot and adding twist to it never get boring with her. she add great detail into his post. and she always have enough to go off more the enough. I have very much enjoy with her. - sisi234

  • I am more then happy this sweetheart whispered me about rp. I can honestly say their ability write and mesh well with anything you throw at them is MIND BLOWING! I can not say enough good things about Rundown, and can say you want to meet someone who can give you a run for money not on just posts but also ic drama!!!!! Then you need to snatch them up, or leave em!!! That means just more awesome plot and story for me and my characters <3. - Nekomanics

  • One awesome Rper who is great at staying in character. She is also quick on responses and very reliable on her posts. Great RP partner all in all. - Fluffer

  • The rp we currently have going is rather enjoyable. Swiftly has interesting characters that have even more interesting personalities. He always makes each post very in depth and thought provoking. His characters are played very well and I am always eager to see how Logan reacts to what my character does. Definitely deserves more kudos! - InquisitorCat

  • Victoriantruth
    Victoria is the best Rp partner I have ever had. She loves brainstorming with me and she always comes up with amazing ideas while being open to input. Her characters are amazingly real with history, depth and room for development(which they do). She puts time and effort into her replies and it really shows. Her writing is superb and her creativity and imagination gives a spark to everything. She is super understanding and an over all joy to rp with. She is the best rp partner ever. V is the best - Forest

  • There are many things to be said for the svelte miss Halothane. A superb and prolific artist that brings the denizens of The Golden Tether to life with unmatched grace. Her characters are paragons of glamour, and her art style can be spotted from a mile away. Elle, I'm so glad that you bridged the gap - I think we'll have to rectify the 'never having RPed together' bit some time soon as well! - Goat

  • A more appropriate title than roleplayer for this Wizard would be without doubt, a storyteller. Edward strives to cultivate rich plots and ensure quality within his collaborative tales above all - always to delightful result. Between one wizard and and one alchemist, his styling offers an exceptional range from light-hearted whimsy to soul-crushing horror. As a player he is considerate, intuitive, polite, kind and good-humored. To know him as a writer and a person as well as I do is an honor. - Goat

  • Someone who I rp'ed with in a dream I ran and created a small continuity out of. She was always creative, driven with a quiet genius. Detailed and precise with character development, one could never be disappointed with Brea's contributions to plot. Sooooooooooo awesome =^-3-^=
    <3 Lucy - Devastator

  • -No
    My favorite kind! >:) I've only had the pleasure of knowing her for a few months, but she's been a treasure and at times God send when I've needed her help. She's like the long lost ninja turtle, a tough shell to crack and protect her on the outside and when you're least expecting it she'll unleash a her kick ass awesomeness and either give you a good slap upside the head or save your ass from the goons around you. I admire and respect this lovely lady so much. <3 - Isnelx

  • This girl is wickedly stunning and not just in looks! Her art can catch anyone's eye (so consider her when looking for artists). Her characters are creative and all unique in their own way. Needless to say i'm jealous of her skill both with the mind and the pen. I highly recommend this chica in both art and writing! - Nekomanics

  • Vali is a amazing rper! I don't even know how to describe how well he uses his characters and how to handle them in any situation! Vali always has a brilliant idea to add to any rp and can always make a slow point in a story interesting. I highly recommend everyone to rp with him to see for yourself how well of an rper he is. ^^ - Flaming-Sapphire

  • So far, I've only RPed with saygerow once, but our RP was honestly very interesting. What happened was sorta different from the topic we planned from the start and it went to a different direction, but it was still good.
    Saygerow replies fast, knows how to go with the flow, and is very considerate. When I RP with him, it's like normally talking to a friend, so I don't have to think so hard on what to reply. He is a great RPer and I love him! <3 You must Rp with him, too! :D - HibariHaru

  • Wayne is just an amazing guy and amazing roleplayer, I look forward to each reply and he know how to keep the story going! Stay awesome my friend! :) - MarieSapphire

  • He is probably the most attractive man I know, not to mention an amazing writer. He makes his characters well and has some amazing ideas swimming around in that beautiful brain of his. This is one SEXY son of a gun, good job David. - RoyaleX318

  • Marie has wonderful ideas for rps that she does with me and I like them from the characters she has right down to the plot. I love to rp with her and well inti the future. - Wayne

  • There are some people who step into your life and forever change it for the better. Genuinely sincere, she's always there to lend a helping hand, a shoulder to lean on, or a smile, going out of her way just to brighten someone's day. A rare gem, this one, a kindred spirit, whose friendship I adore and treasure, and will for countless years to come. <3 - Curreap

  • Goat
    Although I've never had the pleasure of roleplaying with Goat (on account of having no social skills and being terrified of people), I have creepily admired her characters from afar for a very long time. She's also an artist I admire and look up to immensely - whenever she tells me I've done a decent job with an art piece, I know I must have done something right. - Elle

  • I know I've given her Kudos before, but I simply MUST again! Asheydoo's art skills are stupendous, and everyone should know it! She's even found the generosity to open a free art post indefinitely. You should totally go commission her, because you CERTAINLY won't regret it. I've drooled over each work of art she's given me, and i can't wait to commission her. Her art skills blow me away. Keep it up, Sweetums!
    ~✪ - StarWitch