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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • She a really good rper. She know whst she doing and how to make it fun and interesting. Don't pass her up if you get a change to rp with her!!! - sisi234

  • ALYCAT! Ive known this chick from forever ago, when we met in WMH and ruled the freaking wolf rp world together. We've lost contact a few times but we always end up together and I have always adored her. She's a great rper and an even more amazing friend, I couldnt ask for more. I hope we can get to rping again soon, luv. <3 - Unicorn

  • This girl! Rah is one of my oldest RP friends ever .. we used to RP wolves! She was amazing back then and she still is now .. if not more-so. Her characters were always dynamic and well-played, fully developed pieces of art and I imagine they still are! I regret not getting to RP with her more. Damn time zones and work and things! If you don't like Rah then there's something wrong with you and you should get it fixed. Then again, more for me! Love you RAH! - somuchaly

  • DUDE. Jess is where it's at. My personal snug pimp. ALL of her characters are hot and just begging for attention, which they don't get enough of. A beautiful person and amazing artist, with a heart of gold and personality that gives me tingles. Her RP is fan-friggin-tastic and just allover awesome. I'd say you should RP with her, but that would give her less time to RP with me. She's mine! Just kidding. I'll share. <3 Love ya bb! - somuchaly

  • Eli
    Eli! Oh my gosh, you've gotta get to know Eli. Her characters are all amazing, though none quite as amazing as she herself! They are all wonderfully developed with crazy stories, and her roleplay is always entertaining, if not downright addicting. As a person, she is kind, considerate, fair, and always willing to lend a hand, an ear, or a shoulder - whatever you need! A great friend, a fantastic roleplayer, and most definitely someone you need to get to know. Love ya bb! - somuchaly

  • Well I'm glad to give my first one to this awesome guy. I been Rping with this guy for a long time now and you just can't get bored of it, he keeps you on your feet ..dont miss the chance to rp with him ^.^ - SweetGirl

  • This woman has always been a friend to me, whenever I needed someone to speak with she was there. Always with a smile on her face. She is probably my favorite person, ever. Also boobies. That is all. - ReForsaken

  • Ahhh!! I love him! We have been roleplaying for about a month or two and i am amazed! I have been on other roleplaying sites (bullys made me leave) and none were as good as this man here :3 keep it up olly (im calling u that from now on :3) - Blood_rose

  • Ahh, Jules. I have no idea how you manage to run your life AND an RP group in which you are QUITE involved. Somehow, though, you manage to do all that with excellence, creating good stories and fixing RPers' problems constantly. This RPer earns the Mustache Seal of Approval. Give her kudos and play with her. Now. - SirMustacheTheGreat

  • This guy is GOOD at what he does... Cleverly finding good ways to solve problems in RP, being slow and methodical in his propositions to DMs. And also, his page's transformers reference reminds me of my childhood :3 - SirMustacheTheGreat

  • I can honestly say I would not be the person I am now without Lobs. She took this naïve, shy and self deprecating person and made me confident, assertive and thicker-skinned. Her brand of tough love makes getting sense knocked into you feel like a hug. Gregarious and blunt, she's a riot to chat with and makes a simple boring day into a laughter fest. I love Lobs, for every honest atom she's made up of. #LOBSMOB4EVER - Wildviolets

  • There are not words in the written language that can describe how fantastic Hawkeye is. This gal has stuck by me through thick and thin, and talked me through nights where I was an emotional wreck. Her characters range from deliciously deviant, to delightfully charming; yet her true worth can be found in the deeply caring, creative and stubborn thing she is. I'd not be the person I am had I not met her, and I hope that I can keep growing and changing with her for many years to come. - Wildviolets

  • I could talk about how Paich is an awesome RPer (they are), or how they can come up with amazing plots (yep.) but I'd rather talk about how friggin awesome Paich is. We've been long time friends; the real sort of friends who are still in sync even when we haven't talked in awhile. Time spent with Paich is a worthwhile investment, and I can't express what a joy it has been to know them as long as I have. <3 Love you goober. - Wildviolets

  • I met Postey through my time as a Pixel Beekin on Furcadia, and she proved to be one of the most down to earth people I've ever met on this game. In spite the vast amount of attention she gets from all the wonderful things she does, at the end of the day she's always herself; adorably geeky, sweet and patient. She somehow balances all the work she does, and still finds time for her friends; or even perfect stranger. I adore her and you should too! - Wildviolets

  • I'm pretty sure I've given Corvus kudos before, but GOD DAYUM I love this woman! She's more than her talent, her dream, or the status quo; she's a passionate, honest and kind-hearted soul. She's not shy about helping her friends (or in my case pimping my ad for custom RPR templates), even if she gets nothing more out of it than a smile. Whatever the news, happy or sad, she's always there to listen, and I am truly happy that we became friends. - Wildviolets

  • Sisi is the best RPer I've met so far. She's funny and she knows what to say to brighten your day! Keep up the boss work Sisi! - Vali99

  • Ah, so much to say concerning this one and yet all established in such a short time. She is a heartwarming individual that is a joy to speak(and sometimes rant) with. Never judging. Always considerate. Her characters Muun and Yoska bring a smile to my face every time I see them and her general presence lifts my spirits. An excellent and deftly capable role-player if I ever saw one, to add to her growing list of merits. A much needed boon for the TGT staff that deserves a thousand flowery kudos! - Raven_Dubois

  • I have put this woman through hell and seen her walk out of it more stout and fierce to behold than before. She has often played hostess to my flaws and personal conflicts; yet, through this has only further garnered my respect and love. I value her as an individual in a way that is so often difficult to describe with mere words. This is all before we get into her immaculate character design! -- Don't go changing girl, you're beyond amazing and I hope the world will always see you as such. - Raven_Dubois

  • Simply a blithe and merry creature. Emma was essentially the first person I met coming back to Furcadia and she has done nothing but make me feel welcomed since that day. We talk about the most random and silly things; though, I never feel judged or discarded - she will forevermore have my loyalty and love! - Raven_Dubois

  • Kim
    I'm sure she's got to have thousands of kudos already, but she deserves them all. This is the first community where the founder/moderator actually cared that everyone was having a good time and keeps having all these amazing ideas. I'm really glad I stumbled across this. Kim is friendly, but knows how to keep order and that's something very important that I appreciate a lot! Thanks Kim! - Annie_isOkay