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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • Dingoz is so much fun to RP with! His posts are always fun and enlightening and his characters are amusing and deep. I can't wait to RP more with him! - PenGryphon2007

  • Out of everyone I have ever met in Furcadia, Knave has been my longest friend. He has always been willing to listen and offer support when I need it, be it about dream work or just random stuff. I am eternally grateful that I have met him and can call him a friend. - Suzuan

  • Cool guy right here! Probably one of the only people that actually seems to want to role-play with me(let alone pay heed to me), currently. <3 Keeps me entertained when I feel extremely bored. Thanks buddy x3! - Flight

  • I knew I was right in choosing Darth when he got this reference: "I'M IN SPACE. SPAAAAAAAAAACE!! Space space, I'm in space. Space!" He knows his sci-fi games well. ;) - Sanne

  • Doodle is just a wonderfully sweet guy to talk with. Friendly, creative, and often game for almost anything. I cant' express enough how often I love rping with this guy over the years. Even when Crea wanted to boot his character for being a pain! Seriously, take the time to indulge into the character.It is entirely worth it, and the player just as win. - TheCoffeeWolf

  • An absolute sweetheart. Haven't got the chance to RP with her yet, but I'm hoping to. Excellent artwork and excellent personality. n_n - heathxn

  • I LOVE HER. YOU SHOULD TOO. A clever, caring and over-all good natured person who offers well written and thoughtful roleplay. :) - Tiufel

  • Amazing art, amazing characters and an amazing friend person! :D I have yet to Rp with her but SOONER OR LATER I will! Talk and get art from her and even nudge her for rp! You won't be disappointed, I promise! - Skye

  • Now that CookieLurv has made me another outstanding picture, I'll just have to give her another kudos! Thanks again, CookieLurv! <G> - Witness

  • Mmm, Latin. It's delicious, but only because Pen makes it so! I dig her characters, they are very intriguing. ;) - Sanne

  • Lately, Loki just hasn't been living up to her name anymore. I mean really, so much nice and sweetness nearly demands a dentist's appointment! Keep your mouthwash around when talking to her. - Sanne

  • Kyra's always posting link in chat to share cute, funny and amazing things. It makes my day just a little brighter. <3 - Sanne

  • I have chosen Darth Angelus as my Master. Because he's awesome. How many people can say they joined the Dark Side and have a Sith Lord as best pal? I know I can! Darth helped me discover a new side to myself, he seems to have a knack for making people find their inner selves. - Sanne

  • mattnate330 may be new but he is a great rp. He can play his characters really good and give them something amazing. Keep up the good work! :)
    ~Wolf~ - wolfkill11

  • I've seen her around the chat and forums, but haven't spoken to her much, though the times that I have talked with her, she has been very nice! We haven't had a chance to rp with one another yet, but I am looking forward to that, as well as getting to know her a bit better! - Djinn-n-Tonic

  • Rah isn't describable by words. Nope. That awesome indeed. Talented and always asking around for role play, there isn't a time when you'll be let down. I particularly have enjoyed roleplaying with her character Ominous, since she interacts well with many characters and brings a diversity to my characters' lives! - ZRK

  • ZRK
    Just an amazing person to talk to and roleplay with, I'm really glad I got the chance to become your friend <3 - Unicorn

  • A sweet, awesome girl who seems ready to explore almost any kind of RP. <3 - Minerva

  • Kuro has a large arsenal of characters to choose from, each one more creative then the last. She's a great, and I mean great, RPer, she was in fact my first RP partner, and always will be happy to have RPed with her. And still do to this day. If you want a good time, and looking for a RP partner, ask Kuro, you will not be disappointed - berserker544

  • Nuclear Dingoz is awesome! I've roleplayed with them for years, and he always keeps things exciting and new! Welcome to the site! <3 - Loki