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Forums » Introductions » DocInValentine!

Introducing DocInValentine, a seasoned roleplayer with a passion for Victorian-era RP in the world of Red Dead Redemption 2. With a keen interest in the development of the game, DocInValentine has taken a deep dive into the world of Manifest Destiny Roleplay, a text-based RP server set in the Wild West. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, DocInValentine is seeking like-minded individuals who share a love of immersive RP, complete with detailed character development, unique storylines, and a commitment to world-building. If you're looking to join a vibrant and active community of roleplayers, look no further than DocInValentine. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or new to the world of RP, DocInValentine welcomes all who share a passion for immersive storytelling and adventure in the Wild West. Come join the fun and let's create a world of our own!

And that is the usual spiel! Now that we're through that, I appreciate everyone a lot and I'll post a little thing in the advertisement section! Thank you very much for reading this and I bid you a good day. Ladies, gentlemen.
Hello, and welcome to RPR!

I hope you enjoy your stay here. To help you out, I've compiled a list of some useful links to get you started. Don't worry, you can take your time and browse them at your own convenience.
Site Rules
This should be your first step. It details expectations for you using the site itself, and carries over to the forums, as the forums are part of the site.

Forum Rules
This should be your next step. Make sure you know the rules of what things are and aren't allowed. They're pretty simple to follow and are there to make sure everyone has the best time possible.

New to Roleplay?
This will explain what roleplay is, and some of the basics to help you understand it better.

Getting started
Explains what RPR is, how to create a character, and how to find an RP to join.

Character Creation Guide
This goes into more depth on how to create and edit a character profile.

Creating Kickbutt Character Profiles
This will give you tips on how to spice up your character profiles to attract more potential RP partners.

Find RP
If you already have a character created, this is where you can go to seek out an RP to join in.

Looking for RP
If you have an idea for your own RP and want to find someone to join it, this is the place to post. Try to add as much information as possible so your potential RP partners know exactly what you're looking for.

Help Database
There are plenty of other very helpful articles here that I didn't link. When you have time, have a browse through it to see if there's something else you think might be of use to you.
If you have any questions about anything, don't hesitate to ask! Everyone here is very friendly and will help as much as possible, so don't be shy! I hope you have a wonderful time here and find tons of amazing people to create awesome stories with. :)

Hah! That's a very immersive introduction. I felt like an audience participant listening to the traveling salesman throw his pitch. It was informative and enjoyable. 😊

There are a few groups who do historical-based RPs and the Public Forums is a great way to break the ice and seek out possible writing partners for your niche. I know it has worked out well for me and I sincerely hope it works out well for you. You obviously have a grasp of advertising, so no need to suggest that!

Also, a fine howdy-do to you and welcome to RPR. I hope you enjoy it here -- it certainly is a good place for a well-versed writer such as yourself! Enjoy the sights and I look forward to seeing what profiles and RPs you put out there. You have a very interesting preference!
Welcome to RPR 😊
That RDR server sounds rad! Welcome to the site!
Hello Doc! Welcome to RP Repository! :)
Willkommen, bienvenue, and welcome!
DocInValentine Topic Starter

Thank you very much for the responses!

Welcome to RPR! 💙
DocInValentine Topic Starter

Atheist wrote:

Hah! That's a very immersive introduction. I felt like an audience participant listening to the traveling salesman throw his pitch. It was informative and enjoyable. 😊

There are a few groups who do historical-based RPs and the Public Forums is a great way to break the ice and seek out possible writing partners for your niche. I know it has worked out well for me and I sincerely hope it works out well for you. You obviously have a grasp of advertising, so no need to suggest that!

Also, a fine howdy-do to you and welcome to RPR. I hope you enjoy it here -- it certainly is a good place for a well-versed writer such as yourself! Enjoy the sights and I look forward to seeing what profiles and RPs you put out there. You have a very interesting preference!

That was very much the idea of it! I was also hoping to find like-minded people here, who'd be interesting to roleplay with or around my character on the Manifest server.. As it is right now, he is a lone doctor with no family members and six Sheriff's deputies for neighbours. It is a strange place!

Anyways, I figured I'd drop a picture of the character in his natural enviroment!


Hello! Welcome to RPR!

Ah! I'm so glad to see more people into Western RP around here!
Welcome to the Wild West!
ohohoho STOP
you are going to have SO MUCH FUN STOP
with text formatting options STOP
i can already tell STOP

What's up, Doc?

(Please get the reference)

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