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Forums » Forum Games » Official Contest: Dice Roll Tombola 2023

49 still right?
rolled 1d100 and got a natural 21.

Note: <3

rolled 1d100 and got a natural 55.

Note: Boutta go on a flight plz 49

Trying again!
rolled 1d100 and got a natural 17.
Come on
rolled 1d100 and got a natural 42.
Okay, lets go 49
rolled 1d100 and got a natural 7.
May as well try
rolled 1d100 and got a natural 25.
Keep rollin' :3
rolled 1d100 and got a natural 7.
Let's gooo
rolled 1d100 and got a natural 32.
Still rolling for 49!
rolled 1d100 and got a natural 57.
Been about 24 hours...
rolled 1d100 and got a natural 55.
Roll roll roll desuuuu
rolled 1d100 and got a natural 10.
One more try...
rolled 1d100 and got a natural 84.

Note: Contest

Dr. Juniper Kadera (played anonymously)

Ah, the evasive 49!
rolled 1d100 and got a natural 39.
Dr. Juniper Kadera (played anonymously)

Dr. Juniper Kadera wrote:
Ah, the evasive 49!

rolled 1d100 and got a natural 47.
rolled 1d100 and got a natural 23.

Note: 494949494949 please

Are we still on #49?

Edit: DOH!
rolled 1d100 and got a natural 39.
rolled 1d100 and got a natural 29.
I rolled good all day at tabletop. >.> C'mon.
rolled 1d100 and got a natural 96.
I pray to thee, Dice Gods
rolled 1d100 and got a natural 12.

You are on: Forums » Forum Games » Official Contest: Dice Roll Tombola 2023

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