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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Kuro & Archur(1x1)

Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

For once Suta woke up before Kuro. He didn't comment on the smell of the food, no surprised. "I'll go wake up Kuro." He said as he got up and went to wake up Kuro. When he put his hand on her, he could tell she felt hotter than usual. Kuro naturally had a low body tempature, lower than the average human. He put his hand on her forehead, and was surprised by the tempature. "Hey Archur get in here!" He called from the room, waking Kuro up somewhat.
He immediately turned everything off and went upstairs, "What's wrong?" he looked concerned.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Suta waved for Archur to come over to where he was seating at Kuro's beside. "Kuro has a fever as far as I can tell." To most people they would think she was fine but someone who knew her as well as Suta did knew right off the bat that something was wrong.
He felt her forehead, "But she's only slightly warmer than normal. She should be fine, right?"
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Suta shook his head. "No. Kuro naturally has a lower body tempature than normal humans. Fine for her is 63 degrees." He explained. Kuro shivered under the blanket, still half asleep.
"Oh... Wow, she's really hot then," he looked really worried now and rushed down stairs, grabbed an ice pack and wrapped it in a towel then set it on her forehead.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Suta staied sitting by her bed side, not knowing what to do. All the years he lived as Kuro's pet dragon she had never gotten sick so he never knew how to take care of her during. Kuro coughed a few times, finally opening her eyes.
Archur was gently stroking her hair, "How are you feeling?"
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

She coughed again then said "I've been better." Her voice was rough and raspy.
"Damn... Do you think this is because we went swimming last night?" he asked sadly, feeling like it was his fault if that were the case.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro shook her head, but Suta spoke for her. "Kuro had gone swimming a million different times and never got sick, it had to be something stronger to make her sick." Kuro sighed, not wanting Suta to tell the last part. Kuro had only gotten sick once in her life time and it lasted too long, it happened before Suta was even an idea, back when she was around nine.
"Well... What could it be then?"
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Suta shrugged. "The possiblties are endless, the forest ain't such a clean place." He mumbled the last part about the forest. Kuro coughed a few more times. "I'll be fine, don't worry."
But if she doesn't get sick often... This forest is one of the cleanest places there is today. No pollution or waste..."
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Suta shrugged. "It could have been building up over years from all the traveling and be in places that could have been full of diases and such."
"Okay... I'll be right back with some tylenol and a pain killer," he rushed down stairs and came back with both.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro took the medicine, still saying that they shouldn't worry. Suta just rolled his eyes at her stubbronness and trying not to worry either of them.
Archur sat next to the bed as Lucy came up and jumped onto the bed, curling up next to Kuro.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro smiled weakly at Lucy and petted her. She coughed a few more times and closed her eyes. She was breathing through her mouth meaning that she had trouble breathing through her nose.
"Urk... I've never been sick since my parents died... I have no idea what to do," he pouted.

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