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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Kuro & Archur(1x1)

Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

"Shit....I've never seen Kuro sick before so we're both out of luck. The best thing right now is just hope she isn't too badly sick." Suta sighed, a bit of fire mixing with his breath.
Lucy was startled by his fire breath and nearly jumped, letting out a low whine as she rested her head on Kuro's chest.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro petted Lucy's head, trying to calm her down. She coughed a few times, showing she wasn't asleep. Suta didn't look like it but he was worried about her, he cared about Kuro since she was his owner. He noticed the ice on her forehead was melting and stood up. "I'll go get her some more ice." He left the room going down stairs and getting some ice and wrapping it in a rage.
Archur took it from him and handed Suta the ice pack, "Can you go put this back in the freezer?" he said as he continued stroking her head.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Suta nodded and put the other melted ice pack in the freezer. He came back to the room and sat down where he was before. Kuro shivered again under the covers.
"I-I don't know what to do," his head hung low.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro opened her eyes and looked over at Archur. She put one hand on his cheek, gently stroking it. "I already told you, don't worry. This will pass, trust me." She had soft smile on her face.
He blushed slightly at her touch, "But I want to be able to help you, to make you feel better..."
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

She still had a soft smile on her face. "Your trying, that is enough help for me." She coughed a few times.
"No... It doesn't feel like enough," he leaned back in the chair.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro sighed. "Trust me, my body bounces back fast." She gave a weak smile before coughing again, but this time she hid her hand because she saw a few drops of blood and didn't want to worry Archur and Suta anymore than she already has.
"Are you sure?"
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro nodded. "Yes, I'll be fine. Just give me a few days and I'll be back to normal."
"Alright," he didn't move from her side though.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro closed her eyes and looked like she was fast asleep. "Maybe if we get some food in her t might help." Suta suggested, relizing that Kuro hadn't eaten all day, she hadn't even got out of bed.
"I hope so," he rushed downstairs and finished cooking. He brought up a steaming omelet and a glass of orange juice.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Suta offered to feed Kuro but Kuro sat up, proving she didn't need to be feed. "I'm can feed myself, Suta." She smriked slightly, even when she was sick she was still stubborn.
Archur sat close by, watching silently.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro soon finished her food and laid back down. She was trying not to cough in worry that she might cough up blood again and one of the two would see it.
Archur stayed next to Kuro the whole day, only moving to prepare meals.

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