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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Kuro & Archur(1x1)

Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro had ate and did what she needed, only letting the sickness run out of her body. She knew that her body worked differently to fight colds. It would attack the cause, yes, but it would also chase it out of her body so that she could heal witout the threat of it coming back in her weaken state.
Archur wound up falling asleep with his head on the bed next to her, one hand on the back of her head and hunched forwards in his chair.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro had ended falling asleep, laying on her back. Suta was still up and sighed.
Lucy looked up at Suta and let out an impatient whine.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Suta looked over at Lucy and shrugged. "What is it?" He was still able to talk to her even in his human from.
"Human sickness worries me," she replied with a low whine, "That's how Master's parents left."
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Suta sighed, this time no fire. "Don't worry so much about Kuro, she knows what she's doing." Suta gently patted Lucy's head, trying to help her not be worried about Kuro so much. Suta went to check on if her fever had gone down some. Cautionly removing Archur's hand so he could tell. Kuro's fever had gone down, she didn't feel the same hot temperature as she did this morning. Suta decided to wake up Archur by letting him fall forward into the floor from not having his hand on Kuro's forehead to keep him balanced.
(His head is on the bed. He's hunched over ;))

"But... Master would be so sad... I don't like it when he's sad."
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

(Oh lord. XD)

Suta sighed at seeing that it didn't work to wake him up. "Well, here is some good news. Kuro's fever is going down. It means the sickness is leaving." Suta sat back down on the ground beside the end of the bed. "Once her fever is gone and she is fully recovered from this she'll be good as new."
"Master will be very happy," she wagged her tail.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Suta nodded. "Yeah, how about you go wake him up and I tell him, 'kay?" Kuro stired some in her sleep, like she was going to wake up but didn't.
"Alright," Lucy stood and padded over to Andrew, making sure not to step in Kuro and began licking Archur's face, waking him up.
"Hmm, what? Oh, hi Lucy?" he grumbled and patted the wolf before sitting up.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

"Kuro's fever has gone down." Suta said, a small smile on his young face. He was actually happy to see that this illness wouldn't take her life.
He let out a sigh of relief, "Thank god..." he leaned back in the chair.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

"You might not want to say that around Kuro." Suta warned. Kuro had no religion and didn't really care much about people who did or didn't.
"What? Thank God? If she isn't religious, I'm not gonna rub it in her face or anything. I don't care."
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Suta nodded. "Alright, just letting you know."
"Well, you hungry Suta?"
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Suta shook his head. "No, I don't need to eat much. Go ahead and get something to eat, I'll stay with her."
He looked down at Kuro then back at Suta, "Alright."

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