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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Tales of Eros: the never ending sea

Alex (played by YokoSama)

She let out a snort but held her tough at the Princes confirmation of her arrest warrant, the boy wasn't the first one to want her head for a price yet here she stands head still attached to her shoulders. Her face flushes at Calicos words seeing as she had not moved far away from the prince before he started speaking. A smirk stayed on her face with the princes assessment of her, while a growl rumbled in the back of her throat at the prince demanding Calico change her?! That pompous little whelp thinks Calico can teach her? HA! This is the not first court she has had to entertain. And she will not change! She paused and look down at her attire, her clothing were salt stained and smelled faintly of the sea, tar and possibly blood. Was that a blood stain? Maybe a change of clothing wouldn't be too bad. A wicked though of a bath with Calico enters her mind momentarily but she shakes that away. She will not be gussied up in some sort of dress that's for sure!
As she waited for Antony's reply her stomach let out a roar that all in the near deck area heard. She pat her stomach and let out a chuckle.
"Well maybe a bit of food before I take the helm eh? I haven't had a scrap to bite in quite some time and I dont be workin' quite well on an empty stomach." She grins and rubs her stomach looking at Antony's aghast face. She then turns her head as she heard a groan from where Calico and the Prince were sitting. Calicos face quickly went blank while the prince openly showed his disdain to which she got a good chortle out of.
"And if I aint feed soon..well a prince be only needin' one arm to sign paperwork, right?" She says grinning wider and licking her chops and chuckling.
Merthyr shuddered at the remark and the wide smirk looking away from her to stare forward and row

"Actually a slave needs both to man the oars... captain" corrected in a muttering, making an effort to help with the rowing just in case she did indeed make good on her dire warning and veiled threat

Calico smiled and shook his head.

"I will tell the chef to prepare a meal, fit for a king, sire" assured Calico making a graceful bow at the suddenly busy monarch and wrapped an arm around Alex

"On some occasions, you win, on some occasions I win, you get to have you hearty meal... but will eat in fine attire, lady Jacksworth Pont-de-Ter" informed Calico walking her to his quarters "You are to bathe too, but I will more than eagerly help you on the bathing chore" smiled with a cheeky smile, clearly keen and willing to help there
Alex (played by YokoSama)

She chuckles at the Princes unease and the fact that he stopped complaining and talking about making himself a sacrifice for that sea witch and started to pull his own weight and row.
She let Calico put his arm around her waist and lead her down to his quarters. " I think for a meal fit for a king, cooked up by my own personal chef I could be persuaded to wear something nice. But I will not wear a dress. I have some other livery I could be persuaded into wearing though." With that she traces a nail in his chin with a wink. She reciprocates his coy smile as she closes the door to his room.
"Oh seems we got the deluxe room eh now?" She says as she unlaces the top of his shirt. "I think another hand could be useful."

Things then got steamy in the shower.

Alex stands clean in front of the closet in her small clothes which dont hide any of her scars the most prominent being a large one on her waist that looks like a massive shark bite. Hum.. now what can I do with this? Ug I see someone already put some of those awful ball dresses...AH! My sea chest wonderful already in here! She pulls out several garments deciding on which one she could get away with. Her mind made up she listens for Calico who was still in the shower, her cheeks flushing with thoughts of their first shower. She smiles then proceeds to get dressed.
As Calico walks out he sees her dressed in all white. Knee high black boots with gold trimming led up to white fitted pants and a white silk shirt. A high collar with lace that spilled down her throat, over her amble chest and covered some gold embellishment on her shirt. The collar lace was held in place by an elaborate broach with the same color as her lavender eyes. She wore a white knee length coat with gold trim running down its length, shoulder boards, gold around her sleeves , what you could see of it past the lace that was spilling out the sleeves. She stands before him smiling hands on her hips.
"I think this will do for tonight. Yes?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Tell you what, darling... toss a coin... heads or tails, if I win I will choose your attire, not buts, no ifs or quibbles from your part. However, if you win, you may attend as you please, with or without clothes, no quibbles." prompted Calico digging the hand into his pouch and extracting a gold piece to show her each side so she was certain there was no foul play at work

((OOC for the purpose of this decision making task, roll 1 dice of 2 sides, 1 - heads, 2 - tails ))
Alex (played by YokoSama)

Alex huffs and crosses her arms over her chest.
"Ay Fine! Cant seem to please ya with anything I choose" She chides but grins as she looks over his still wet scared and well muscled body. "But it seems I cant focus enough to think of a good argument." She lips her lips seductivly as he flips the coin.
"Heads!" She calls as it turns in the air.

((sorry this got posted to soon!))

rolled 1d2 and got 2

"Well well well it seems lady Luck favours his majesty tonight" smiled Calico approaching the wardrobe to select the dress and every bit of accessory necessary for it too.

"I think you will definitely need help here" grinned Calico laying each bit of possible accessory including jewellery down on the bed for her to take in how much she was going to wear for the meal.

"First off we dry you up and put on the undergarments, the smock or shift, then the stockings. The corset well tightened, the farthingale with the loops straightened and the bumroll around your waistline." Started explaining Calico picking up each piece and helping her put it on as he explained

"After comes petticoat, the kirtle and forepart" listed out Calico with certainty

"Then the partlet and the gown with long flowing sleeves. The shoes and headpiece and then we select the jewellery and hairdo" noted further

"As you can see corsets have long strings that tighten at the back to uphold a woman's chest, make it more noticeable, not that yours is lacking" rambled on Calico in a blush of discomfort clearly staring at her too much and taking his time to adjust it all.
Merthyr looked at Antony briefly, wondering if he would join the formal dinner that Calico what somehow organizing,

He had to admit he was looking forward to it for he felt starving after days on basics like the rest of captives and slaves onboard. They were fed indeed but not as generous and varied dishes as the crew themselves
Alex (played by YokoSama)

Alex lets out a sigh and grunt as the coin turned on her. While Calico grinned and started to pull out all the fancy lady trimmings she took off her much simpler, yet not so less fancy, outfit and put it onto of her sea chest which she sat down upon and watched him pull out more and more items of clothing.
"Well with me hair this short there aint be much yer goin' to with it it. Nor can ya be grabbin' it in battle either." She says as she plays with the headpiece he picked out for her and winking at the second part.
"And pray tell how ya be exactly expectin' me to move, let alone fight, in so many layers of..uff!" She was cut off while Calico tightened the top of her corset.
"Oy these be holdin' them in more then my other outfits." She miffs as she puts her hands on the still ample flesh showing then looks up catching Calico looking down at her protruding assets and blushing quickly adverting his eyes. She then put her hands on her hips, her waist made even more slim by the corset, and moves so that he had to look at her face and cleavage.
"You didnt seem to mind lookin' too long ago. So whats got ya all flustered now?" She shimmy's her shoulders a bit to make everything jiggle as she smiled up at him coyly in all her various undergarments. She traces the blackened bite mark on his collarbone with a fingernail.
"We be belon' to each other now. Ya cant be embarrassed to be lookin' at yer wife. Be proud that I am yers; just as I am proud to say ya belon' to me." With that she lets her hand and eyes wonder down him with a smile then back up to plant a quick kiss on his lips.
"Now lets finish this up already before I decide to eat ya instead." She smiles and looks expectantly at whatever dress he has picked out for her.
Calico turned on his heels rather quickly at her comments and dug into the cupboard taking out a dress bringing it over and helping her into it.

"All will be well... I am sure there shall be plenty of food prepared. The chef is quite a food lover, by what I've seen, dearest" murmured Calico bringing a mirror and letting her take a look at the chosen outfit


Once she was changed, he hurried to the wardrobe, getting changed too and came over to Alex with a warm inviting.

"My lady..." bowed and saluted Calico offering her the arm for her to take like all helpless refined damsels


"I'm glad you lost the bet... it gives me an opportunity to make you accustomed to your new position in life..." trailed off Calico with a small tease bringing her to the captain's quarters where no doubt Merthyr would be there already waiting,
for he was known to be extremely punctual.


"Come in, come in, take a seat and make yourselves comfortable" invited Merthyr unsure if Tony would join them for the meal or not
Seline Masters (played by Raider-jack29) Topic Starter

((Good news everyone, I’ll be replying sometime later today.))
Seline Masters (played by Raider-jack29) Topic Starter

Antony raised his hand dismissively as if passing on the offer, he then turned and began to make his way back to the wheel of his ship. Besides, he had much planning to do if he was going to commence the funeral this evening. The wind swept through his if his sisters dear soul was caressing him like he would do for her when they were little...and all was silent. Though he couldn’t help but laugh...if they wished to have a fine meal..they’ed have a hard time. This is considering that the head chief was at present nowhere to be found.
When Calico made his way to the kitchens he noticed the food was well below standards and expectations, the cooks did not have the chef to guide them into the correct dishes and required presentation, causing him to groan in exasperation.

He took a deep breath and snatched an apron, tossing the plates that displeased him into the bin and rolling up his sleeves to cook the food to his personal liking which was not at all far off from Merthyr's tastes and royal culinary preferences.

It took of course a few hours to prepare the main courses, the side dishes, the condiments and deserts too, but at least Calico was receiving the satisfaction that all would be... perfect... fit for a king indeed.

During this time, he had left Merthyr at the mercy of Alex, still unaware of the attempted drowning from Alex and the revelation of her darker side to the king himself.
Alex (played by YokoSama)

Alex tried to sigh but with the confining dress she couldn't take a deep enough breath to do that properly as she took Calicos arm and walked with him to the Captains Quarters. The large bulky dress made that a bit more difficult but Calico was good for keeping her steady. Now how do I want to play this off tonight. A slight smile tugged at her lips as she decided when the Prince came into view.
She inclines her head at him as they were let inside and her eyes quickly scanned the room. Her eye alight with interest taking in all the room held. The various swords from surrendering captains and ships, the primed cannon, the carved wood, gilded in many areas as well as the fine tapestries. It was similar how she imagined her own quarters would one day look, just more of course. She didnt speak as Calico pulled out her chair and she sat down, the corset forcing her to sit ramrod straight. She didnt question Calico as he stepped out, but she was scuffed that he had left her with the Prince without a word. Seems she has to speak to him. She smoothed out her dress and cleared her throat before speaking.
"Seems they be findin' somethin' ya could wear here that looks just as stuffy as ya be wearin' in tha courts." She said after eyeing his attire. It was nice and fit him well but to her eyes Calico still cut a better sight. She grinned at the Price.
"So am I supposed to be callin' ya yer Highness now or somethin'? With yer father beein' dead and all." She didnt really have much in the way of feelings for family attachment anymore, lest not after her own...She shakes that thought away.
"If that beein' to tender for ya to handle I do thinks we could find somethin' else to be talkin' about." She grins sharklike at him again.
Merthyr was most definitely gobsmacked and shocked, if horrified, at her lack of manners and blunt referrals to his father's death but forced himself to remain calm and polite.

"I shall hold a memorial and funeral for the departed king when matters settle... how is married life proving, lady Jackworth Pont-de-Ter?" asked Merthyr averting a confrontation and changing subject altogether, taking a goblet of wine and sipping it.

"I trust your husband is keeping you safe and well protected? You should know that women are not permitted the usage of weaponry of any kind, any time soon, a law I have no intention to change." smiled Merthyr briefly "Though you ought not to worry, your husband's extensive wealth will afford you countless bodyguards for your protection" assured Merthyr

"My tutor and I often meet for hunting and fishing trips, I trust his absences will not cause you too much distress..." mused Merthyr looking at her in detail.

"This delicate attire certainly suits you better... less... menacing" grinned and teased Merthyr making the remark on account that nobody else was in the room anyways
Seline Masters (played by Raider-jack29) Topic Starter

She was still adjusting, in all honesty she found it hard to believe that this was her life now. It feels like mere minutes ago she slept in an overly large bed stuffed to the brim with goose feathers, and sheets soft as silk. Now, now she was a fugitive amongst other fugitives. Her fate carried only the the monotony of the calm winds outside, and the waves of the ever restless sea.

She sighed as she began to put on the cloths that had been lended to her, she wasn’t used to wearing them for they were men’s clothes. Though she guessed she would have to get accustomed to them seeing as women didn’t get much respect off the ship.

After finally tying the white top, and slipping on the tight high heeled brown boots, which seemed inconvenient for sea travel, she stepped upon the floor next to her bed. With one last gaze out the window, she noticed how the fuzzy blurred outline of what had once been her home faded over the horizon.

Then she stood, she didn’t like this life...but it was one she now had to live.

Everything was ready, upon the bow of the massive ship stood dozens of crew members, many more scattered on other parts of the ship. Each of them had their heads lowered in acknowledgment of a saddening event, taking place on an island that many of the crew had loved ones on. Then as Seline approached the bow to stand next to her uncle, the ship fell the sound of the speakers turning on and tuning in filled both the inside and outside of the ship for a brief second. Then it was time for Antony to speak.
Alex (played by YokoSama)

A satisfied smirk played at the corners of her lips at the Princes discomfort and as he takes a sip of wine she notices that her glass was also full. She had not taste for the different flavors and aromas of wine really, she just know that this was very good tasting wine. She easily drained most of the glass enjoying the wines flavor before answer the Prince.
Well it really aint been anythin' We haven't been officially married seeing as no higher authority has said words and we agree with them. That and we aint had the time to properly consummate the agreement either." She stats coyly. "That and none of my family....rituals have been observed." She shrugs her shoulders with a uncareing smile on her face ."So it all is nothing but hogwash without those done. Just words and words be only havin' power over those that find them important." He stomach let out a rumble but it was unnoticed by her abrupt and loud laughter.
"It has been I that has been protectin' him sofar; not the other way round." She winks at the Prince taking up her goblet again and draining the rest of the wine. Without hesitation she grabs the chilled wine pitched and refills her glass, closer to the top this time, and put the pitcher back down. "Also whatev'r rules you be thinkin' of presidin' over will have to wait. Ya dont even have a land to rule over and almost no subjects. There-bein' I dont see what difference if I be carrin' around my various weapons of choice. Besides." she smiles sharply at him "there be many kinds of weapons someone can carry that you wouldn't be none the wiser to." She takes another sip of her wine her eyes twinkling mischievously over the brim.
"I wont be schackled to any bodyguards. And if he do be tryin' that he will find out my ire isnt to be tried." She tried to lean back and enjoy the wine but the corcet was such that such movement was not possible. "Besides what good are bodyguards that can be defeated by I?" She snorts at that as well as Merthyr's comment about hunting. With a shrug of her shoulders and a nonchalant voice she stated.
"If he leaves he will find that I too have left to go out and be enjoyin' my own hobbies." She grins wickedly at the boy daring him to enquirer what those kind of activities could be. She then lifts one finger in the air.
"You be forgetin' in all of this I am still one of his Captains." She grins at him waging the finger. "Tharbe I will be goin' to sea and catchin' many prizes." Her eyes shined with an internal fire. "The likes of which will make this room seem droll and bleak in comparison." His next comment though took her by surprise. She lets out a low chuckle and manages to lean forward just enough to make it seem her exposed chest was in danger of coming out of the dress.
"Less menacing or just a Shark in a seals clothin' ya mean?" She chuckles watching the boys reaction. "Even I be not so foolish to say that these are finer garments than I usually be wearin' but they also are horrid for any sort of action." She tried to huff but to get a good lungful of air was not really possible. "I'd much prefer what ya, or even Calico, be wearin'. Least yer got the freedom of movement!" Her stomach let out a much louder growling protest.
"Speakin' of that man where be he with the food." She gives the Price A sidelong glance "I might have to find other means of nutrition if he takes much longer. "She grins her teeth flashing in the candle light.
Alex (played by YokoSama)

soooooooooooo is this RP dead? For nobody has replied in an encroaching almost 2 months
Alfred Hitch (played by Raider-jack29) Topic Starter

I unsubscribed awhile ago because I honestly thought it was dead....I have thought about rebooting it however now that I have more time in my day.
Alex (played by YokoSama)

HA well that does explain why you never replied after a while. Well do as you please ^__^

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