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Forums » Smalltalk » Household memes?

I was wondering if anyone else has developed any home-grown memes/inside jokes with their family or whoever they live with.

Some examples courtesy of my roommates:

- ordering packages under stupid aliases like Johnathan Snakelips
- my one roommate getting a swear jar so we don't teach his bird how to cuss, which has backfired because instead of putting in a quarter everyone just screams swears into the jar
- any time a minor inconvenience happens: "i'm dropping out of school"
- worshiping the One Mother, the huge house centipede in the basement that we think has cannibalized all of the other centipedes
- relentlessly hitting on each other
- "don't worry about it" "i'm worried about it"
- all of our dishes being goose-themed for some reason
- people putting festive hats on my bear skull
- the downstairs tv stand getting turned into some sort of weird he-man shrine
- "do you think the landlord would notice if I [wildly implausible home renovation idea]"
- Underskin For Socks For Men Cold Wash Only
Those are hilarious!

For a long time my sister and mother would go "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" And clap and cheer anytime they handed me or my father anything and it would be like the middle of summer.

I consider my roommate my daughter... Whenever she does chores or cooks something I clap my hands and pretend to cry to say how proud I am of her. Of course, as her mother, I have to embarass her whenever her boyfriend is here as well. She really hates me...

- Reciting the bee movie when playing pokemon battle towers/battle trees with eachother. Such lines include 'how do you like the taste of FLAME' when releasing my chandelure's fury.

- Calling frogs 'princes'

- Turning everything into a shrek reference.

- Calling every cat we see a 'boog' (this word has no meaning but is shouted upon sight of a feline) this includes tigers and lions.

- Over acting disgust over minor things. We tend to say the word 'ew' in another language of our choice.

- unreasonable fear of roaches

- calling spider's 'friends' before gently escorting them outside
Ilmarinen Moderator

Oh man, so many. And I'm not including memes just between me and my husband here!

- liberal use of the phrase "gettin froggy" from the best Key and Peele sketch of all time. Variations include froglocked, froggin up, etc. We quote the rest of the skit too but not as much as froggy.
- calling the cats just horrible names (fat grey thing, hideous pile, nasty mound, etc)
- ironic house altar
- communism
- Bee Movie was a religious experience
- quoting from the gospels of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"
- so many Settlers of Catan memes. Sheep/wool are goats, ore is rocks. Rock husband/rock wife/rock partners. Longest army.
- always calling the babiest housemate 12 years old ("how do you remember New Years Eve on 1999? You're like 12.")

I will add more if I think of any! I have a terrible memory. Also, Kyce, it's funny you call felines boogs, because I call them bugs :D
Me and a dear friend of mine always say "go (insert vulgar word) yourself" when saying goodbye. In the most loving and affectionate way. Its a movie reference.

Her dad didn't know about that inside joke the first time he heard it. He yelled at me and threw me out, only to call and apologize later upon my friend explaining.
when it's at my mom's house, we have
- "which cat is this?" when pointing at the massive german shepherd
- stealing each other's important belongings "i thought u didn't want it"
- "let the dog out" "i don't know how to work the door"
- *points at a giant mirror* who is that handsome man
- don't say me no
- when will the mail come home
- there's a specific way to say all the pets' names, but we like to take the tone and put it on another pet's name
- phineas and ferb wouldn't have stood for this
- my depression
- "what are your pronouns?" "merle & norman"
- there's a sconce beside the hole for the tv in my mom's living room and we put random things on it. there's supposed to be an ornamental ball but as of right now there's an empty yogurt thing on it
- if someone sings a song and you know it, you have to scream along
- announce if you're going to pee

when it's at my dad's house, we have
- "you're fired"
- "that's the worst," invented entirely by my dad
- "mother of god"
- honestly, we can all quote the entirety of the super troopers movie and it happens way too often in casual conversation
- "is sarah going to be there?"
- if someone asks you to do something, say no regardless of whether or not you will
- "mimi, lay off the muscle relaxers"
- my dad only buys the plainest of plain kitchen related things for whatever reason and we'll bring him extravagant plates and they never exist in the place past two days it's honestly remarkable like they're not in the trash or anything
- "no, i'd love to watch a movie" whenever someone asks a question related to what we want to do
- "constance, can u take the tree down?" is also acceptable for the situation above
- moving the couches out of alignment
- "back in my day, ____" and the blank is something stupid, like. "back in my day, we all got bubonic plague before the age of forty" or "back in my day, i respected the authority of odin"

at my place w/ my roommates we have
- "who ate my _____?" "yogscast simon"
- the yogscast, generally
- "...thats too many lights"
- there's a huge dead spider in the corner of our living room and no one wants to clean it up. we come up with stories ab him
- "that's a nice leaf you caught there"
- adding to the vase of leaves with things that are clearly not leaves but are leaf sized
- "beware the dangers of a kalimba"
- necklaces on the dog
- adding to the zac efron shrine at the back of one of our closets, to the victim's ignorance
- guard? more like grapes
- "firmly grasp it"
- putting tinfoil in each other's pillowcases and like under sheets and between blankets, stuff like that
- "i'd _____ elon musk"
- elon musk, generally
- Whenever my husband whines about being left alone ('cause he's adorably clingy) I tease him by automatically singing "All by myself" in my best Céline Dion impression.

-Always madly quoting Road to El Dorado as obnoxiously and loudly as possible, because it's not a pry bar and the stars aren't in position.

-Whenever I want my happy lamp (which is one of those godforsaken trendy salt lamps that are everywhere right now), my husband constantly threatens to lick it, thereby killing it slowly

-Night time activities, and accidentally making a lot of noise, we start singing "In the middle of the niiight~ I be choppin' lots of woood~" because whenever it was night time in Skyrim that's what we would do.

I'm certain there are plenty more, but these are the first that automatically come to mind.

Demilicious wrote:
- Whenever my husband whines about being left alone ('cause he's adorably clingy) I tease him by automatically singing "All by myself" in my best Céline Dion impression.

-Always madly quoting Road to El Dorado as obnoxiously and loudly as possible, because it's not a pry bar and the stars aren't in position.

-Whenever I want my happy lamp (which is one of those godforsaken trendy salt lamps that are everywhere right now), my husband constantly threatens to lick it, thereby killing it slowly

-Night time activities, and accidentally making a lot of noise, we start singing "In the middle of the niiight~ I be choppin' lots of woood~" because whenever it was night time in Skyrim that's what we would do.

I'm certain there are plenty more, but these are the first that automatically come to mind.

Ketchup is now Tomato Syrup

"I need to think about it" turns into "think about it think about it."

Often falling into Fran Dreschers voice in the middle of the night and going into it loudly.

Rabbits are all named Jordan.

There's still probably more. XD
Yersinia Topic Starter

These are all very good. Some more:

- "every open wound is just another mouth"
- *someone says something stupid* "that's the title of my autobiography"
- zap baby and comrade bigspoon
- my roommate's infatuation with the x-men villain magneto
- never acknowledging the fake arms sticking out of our bookshelf
- naming all of the houseplants (my favourite is Archplant Ferndinand)
- filling every room in the house with cursed objects from the thrift store
- "my [head/leg/whatever] hurts" "cut it off"
- *newfoundland accent* babby of a tinker
- bursting into said song when someone says something in casual conversation that's part of the lyrics.
- *at any time* "buggy!"
- Writing down failed word-slips that come from my dad when he's tired. XD "Eat your plate."
- *anything random is said*, respond with "MMMM-HMMMM" really suspiciously like you don't believe them
- when taking pictures, we always do one with a straight face instead of funny faces or something.
- "meep" wars
- meowing randomly
This is absolutely hilarious! My roommates and I have a few running jokes here and there.

• if someone’s telling a story, at any given point someone just cuts in with “THANK YOU.” And everyone leaves the room. A customer at work did this to me and the joke stuck.
•Also, cutting into someone’s story with “say one more thing. I dare you.” Which, if someone continues speaking, results in the throwing of any objects in range. Usually my best friend is the one throwing things. Started for the same reason as the above.
•*any minor inconvenience* “I’m dropping out.”
• “But have you tried being depressed?”
•Depression jokes in general
• “Shut up, Jacob”
- "gah, i wish i had (something u can't order online)" "order it online"
- coming home with really ugly pieces of art
- there's a pair of shoes on top of a dresser in the living room. we fill them with marbles. there are marbles everywhere sometimes bc we have cats who like to knock things off of things. i fell on one the other day
- one of us has a bluetooth speaker and whenever it turns on it makes a noise so it's really obvious. from the point of turning on it's a mad rush against our phone's loading capabilities and infrared n bluetooth as three of us try to connect to it to play the kung fu panda soundtrack
- "spain isn't real"
- honestly this entire reddit thread is so freaking funny i s2g i cried the first time i read it we quote it all the time, even the comments are hilarious
- screeching like a banshee if someone opens the door while you're in the bathroom
- if someone has sentence structure like "noun, state of being, descriptor" immediately revert it to "you're state of being, descriptor." for instance, "that spider has a huge web" "you have a huge web."
+5 points if you say it like a comeback in an early 2000's movie, no matter the circumstance
- wearing tinfoil hats sometimes just to spite one of our roommates

with my sister:

-"alexa play frank sinatra"
-ocean man
-pistol whipping
-"dropping life in the sauce"
-anything to do with our cat
-"monkey needs a hug"
-we quote the wrow vine like 50 times per hour
-the time i broke my leg and my parents didn't believe it was broken so i just walked around on it for two days
-"remember when dad lit you on fire"
-mr sandman. man me a sand.
-The Columbus Powermove
-how she has like literally 4 OCs named after vines
- "Australia isn't real"
- "GODDAMMIT ALLAN!" (Usually screamed loudly)
- (Whenever someone asks us a question, excluding offers) "Ah, nah I'm alright"
- "I'd like to order a cheeseburger without the cheese, please."
- "That man is a reptile!"
- Putting our pets in shark costumes and watching as one becomes immediately depressed while the other one grows increasingly happy
- Whenever saying goodbye to one another, we do it in a similar fashion to the scene in the credits for Toy Story 2
This thread gave me a seriously good giggle, thank you. I'm suddenly realizing how unfunny my household is lol

- "You can be a big pig too" "OI!" - but we will replace 'big pig' with pretty much anything tbh.

- "Yes master," anytime we ask each other to do any minor chore after we think we're done. EX: "Oh, before you get comfy, can you get me some papertowels!" *loud groaning noise followed by an Igor-esc "YES MASTER"

- Finding our cats' limits on food. We have yet to find a thing our cats will not try to eat; Including (but certainly not limited to) tomatoes, sugar cookies, carrot cake, cornbread, lettuce, etc.
(We don't let them actually eat anything unhealthy for them don't worry <3)

- Giving our animals ridiculously long names. EX: Zen DJ (Demon Junior) Mumford, Beans Reginald, Jasper Oliver Dean, etc. - We are awful with these lol

-More of a personal meme-thing, but if I can find a way to start saying the entire Emperor's New Groove script, I freaking will.
EX: Someone says something about 'my face' and I will literally just start yelling the "MY FACE! MY BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL FACE! NOW I'M A LLAMA! WAAAA LLAMA FAAACE!" and just keep going as far into the movie as I can remember the lines for lol
All these memes kinda make me jealous... my family is quite mundane in comparison.

I suppose there are a few things going on in my home though...

- We give the dog like a gazillion nicknames, most of them silly baby names or variations of her actual name. (I am by far the main culprit, complete with over-top babying voice.)

- Back when we had fridge magnet letters, we used to spell insults to each other with them. But my youngest sister grew out of them so they were taken down.

- When someone shouts something across the house like a question, we pretend to mishear things and reply with a question of clarification, the more unlikely the word, the better. For example "Would you like a cheesecake?" "What's that about a toupee?"

- "Close the door." *Reaches feebly from sitting position on the other side of the room* "I can't reach."

- Passing on chores assigned to us to the dog who can't possibly complete them. "Empty the dishwasher." "Dog, empty the dishwasher."

Most of the memes that occur in my family though are personal things each individual does.

- When asked to draw the curtains, I go in search of a pen and paper.

- My parents like to quote gameshow catchphrases, but change a word to fit a given situation.

- I like to write random internet memes on the whiteboard in the kitchen, or on sticky notes that I leave around the place.

- My dad is constantly threatening to cut my hair.

- Whenever my (other) sister is on online voice chat, my dad goes into to room specifically to embarrass her. Bonus points if she's twitch streaming.

- With the females in the house, if one of them decides to sing along to a familiar song, the others must join in.
Yersinia Topic Starter

At this very moment I can hear my roommates trying to teach the bird how to make Waluigi noises and I swear to god if he learns how to go "WAH" I'm moving out.
Yersinia wrote:
At this very moment I can hear my roommates trying to teach the bird how to make Waluigi noises and I swear to god if he learns how to go "WAH" I'm moving out.
this sounds like the literal exact opposite of a problem. if they dont teach that bird how to say WAH there's just no point. why would u have it
Yersinia Topic Starter

Graideds wrote:
Yersinia wrote:
At this very moment I can hear my roommates trying to teach the bird how to make Waluigi noises and I swear to god if he learns how to go "WAH" I'm moving out.
this sounds like the literal exact opposite of a problem. if they dont teach that bird how to say WAH there's just no point. why would u have it
i can't handle living with the feathered incarnate of waluigi man i just can't

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