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Tobias Clark (played by Tugboattom)

" Well yeah! It's the best thing ever made... well maybe stuffed cabbage beats corn, but corn's cheaper, and more common." He explained." And besides, if it's worth it's wait in gold, I would gladly pay for it with my hand, except that then I can only buy two." He shrugged," There has to be something that you just love to eat, something you'd be willing to lose a hand over." He challenged." Tell ya what, if you tell me, and it's not too dangerous, I'll grab it for you."
Cyrene Guinevere (played by KingOfDorks) Topic Starter

"You.. You can't be serious," The redhead blinked, somewhat surprised. An awkward laugh escaped her lips. "I don't want you to get into any trouble. Though I'll admit the food you just stole was.. sly and slightly impressive, it was enough. What if someone figures out?" She turned on her heels, looking over her shoulder, speaking in a sing-songy tone. "Also~ we still have to deliver that letter of yours." Then, after a moment of silence, she lifted her hand to her mouth and coughed. "But it's strawberries." She cleared her throat quickly. "So, c'mon. I'm sure the King is waitin' on the edge of his seat."
Tobias Clark (played by Tugboattom)

Tobias chuckled," Oh, sure I am. Although I suppose it can wait until we deliver the letter eh?" He jogged awkwardly behind her, rather unhappily because he felt he was following her like a dog. " Your king really cares about this letter doesn't he?" Tobias pulled out the letter and waved it lazily in front of him, and the wind blew it out of his hand. His mouth dropped into the shape of a wide O and he raced after the letter, grabbing it just a moment before it landed in a puddle. He put it back in his pocket firmly and looked up to Cyrene rather shamefacedly." That was er... kinda close, huh?" He asked, Although he knew the answer.
Cyrene Guinevere (played by KingOfDorks) Topic Starter

After her heart had skipped a few beats, Cyrene watched as Tobias returned with the letter in hand. “It.. was,” She agreed with a simple and brisk nod. Though, she smiled. “Just between you and me, I almost lost my letter, too. It fell out of my satchel as I was heading for the gate. But, luckily, someone noticed and alerted me.” She chuckled, lifting a hand to run the back of her neck in an awkward manner. Then, she slowed her pace and walked alongside the elf. Turning to look over her shoulder to speak was quite bothersome, she supposed. “But, to answer your question, he does. But he’s a good-for-nothing pile of anxiety.” She sighed, staring at her feet. “Honestly, I understand I shouldn’t speak oh him— nor anyone, for that matter— like that, but I’m just.. being honest. He won’t put forth a hand for action unless your kind will. He won’t take a step forward without your kind taking a step first. And so on. But, who knows? I only see the littlest of it, and hear the nasty rumors his people spread, so I shouldn’t be saying anything at all, really.” Then, she grinned. “Besides, my ramblin’ will come off as a bad influence, and we don't want that to happen, now do we?”
Tobias Clark (played by Tugboattom)

Tobias laughed aloud," Yes, because we haven't already done the whole,"bad influence"? Yunno, between me stealing things, being rude to people in authority, riding horse's." He shrugged. " Although I still don't talk like you" He laughed. He was feeling good today, and felt like he could do anything." And I also don't speak about my leaders like that in public."
Cyrene Guinevere (played by KingOfDorks) Topic Starter

"Oh, shut your trap!" She snorted, waving a hand at him. "I don't know what you're talking about! If you ask me, it could've gone worse, but, since it didn't, it was too bad. I just don't want some terrible actions to have a negative effect on you, y'know?" She paused for a moment before looking at him with a risen brow and a smile. "And what do you mean you 'don't talk like me'? Nothing's wrong with the way I speak, thank you very much! I just got a tone and a heavy accent, that's it. Besides, I wouldn't consider what's-his-face to be my leader, but I do try to hold my tongue every now and again, honestly!"
Tobias Clark (played by Tugboattom)

Tobias's eyes sparkled laughter as he let out a laugh," Oh, I mean the way you speak like an adult. Not 'ow your mouth works or moves or whatever. Yunno, like 'at colorful vocabulary that you keep tryin' to cover up." He grinned, rather like a child that just told on his sibling or was threatening to. He rose his eyebrow in a mocking question," " What's his face?" " Not my leader?"" He quoted her sarcastically. " And, no, I don't think I'll be shutting my trap any time soon. I rather enjoy speaking, and pointing out your flaws." He laughed at his own ingenuity, Although what he didn't admit was that he had been waiting for several months to use that line on Liam. The fact that he ended up using it on Cyrene didn't bother him a bit, in fact it made the insult that much more interesting. He had been teasing and picking on Liam for years, and they both knew eachother's voice patterns, argument patterns, insult patterns, and general patterns. As a matter of fact, if either of them wanted to they could hold their own arguement, against themselves. They could quote what the other would say, before it was said. So, the fact that he didn't already know what Cyrene was going to say made the little banters they had much more fun to him.
Cyrene Guinevere (played by KingOfDorks) Topic Starter

"Agh! You're killin' me, Tobias!" Cyrene held a hand to her chest, swaying back on her heels slightly in order to stumble, as if she were wounded. Then, she froze, smirked, and winked. "If anyone dare asks, I haven't said a thing, got it? That 'colorful vocabulary' will get a smacking or two from the little ones, and I'm not exactly in the mood for that." She chuckled lightheartedly, recalling the last time she had let a word slip after clumsily running into a wall. To her surprise, it was one of the younger children who had gave her a lecture about her language, and they also named a fair price for what she had done. A game of hopscotch right after dinner, she remembered.

Then, she threw her hands up, her smile everlasting by this point. A feeling of giddy and childlike joy washed over her. It was a good- no- wonderful feeling, the sudden happiness. "Pfft! I forgot his name for a minute. Give me a break! And mhm! Not my leader. Those words did, in fact, come out of my mouth. And don't be so quick to go 'round pointing fingers or anything. I'm sure you have some noticeable flaws, too! I just don't have the patience to find 'em." Then, jokingly, she reached out a hand and ruffled his hair quickly, laughing. It was a habit she picked up not too long ago from one of the older children, who thought they were they commander when she wasn't around. She then tucked her hands into her pockets, struggling to gather enough air to breathe properly through the laughter.
Tobias Clark (played by Tugboattom)

Tobias quirked his grin and winked," Yeah sure, I'll make sure only a handful of the kids find out." He shrugged nonchalantly," Yunno, the one's that are kind o' needy, tattle tales, you know the kind." He threatened jokingly. Then he raised his left eyebrow, he wasn't sure why that one but he felt like after all this time raising the same eyebrow he would switch it up a bit, and asked," You're not in the mood to get a swat from a kid? I think about now you'd be in the mood for anything." He moved his mouth back and forth as if thinking," Well... maybe not anything but most things anyway." He ammended.

Tobias tipped his head back as if thinking before looking down at himself and pinching his clothes as if inspecting himself." I don't have flaws." He shook his head childishly," Nope, no flaws whatsoever. I am a perfect person, all around good guy, and a stand up citizen." He joked. Then he batted his hands away as he ducked out from under her touch. He laughed freely, as if he didn't have a care in the world, which he very well might not have at that point in time.
Cyrene Guinevere (played by KingOfDorks) Topic Starter

"Tobias! You're such a jerk!" The redhead shook her head with yet another snort, her grin only growing by this point. "And, no, I'm not in the mood to get a smack. Who is? It's like their hands are so small, it- it kinda just.. doubles the pain- even if it's barely anything- or.. something like that! On the other hand, I do feel like a small challenge, so taking on a small army of toddlers wouldn't hurt, eh? I say, bring it on! One rogue against a battalion of children who know she shatters at the sounds of their cries! What could possibly go wrong?"

"Oi, I beg to differ," Cyrene's smile lifted and curved into a smirk. She held up her index finger, as if counting. She struggled to hold in her snickers as she did. "Your first mistake was hanging out with me. Your second mistake was back-talking a leader or two. Or the whole bunch. Your third was downright stealing. Shall I go on? It'll take a moment to think of more."
Tobias Clark (played by Tugboattom)

Toboas reached out his hand as if reaching for the horizon during a story," Yes! Far far away, lives the kingdom of Toddleria, ruled by young children. They have decided that your horrible language can continue no longer, and have decided to attack. Even now they are amassing their troops for a battle. Their war machines and siege engines are being built by the hundreds, and sword by the thousands. Their great king Bob is currently... Taking a power nap." Tobias giggled at his own story telling prowess, and ability to think on the spot.

Tobias snorted," A moment?" He asked sarcastically," I think it'll take closer to a year, yunno what with your intellect. And your memory. And your... well anyway, I don't want to insult you too much now do I? It might leave you in tatters." He laughed. It was good that he could laugh, he dislikes his old life when he was supposed to be prim and proper at all times, Although even then he caused problems.
Cyrene Guinevere (played by KingOfDorks) Topic Starter

"Even though I know I am no match for their obnoxious war cries, I will not go down without a fight. Though, I'm sure I'll have to act like they won, just for they're amusement," Cyrene nodded, shutting her eyes for a moment. "And, just beyond that line- the one drawn between the two to show their territory so long ago- comes their army, an elf who had betrayed the rogue leading them! Filling in for the great King Bob was never an easy job for the little, tattle-tale of an elf." She inhaled, chuckling.

"Woah, woah! I understand I have a.. rather low intelligence when it comes to booksmarts, but hey!" Cyrene stuck out her tongue jokingly. "And my memory is fine! Depending on what you're asking about, but it's still useful! Sometimes!" The hilarity was beginning to show in her expression, along with the soft laughter.
Tobias Clark (played by Tugboattom)

Tobias punched her playfully on the shoulder," Oi! I can lead his army no pro'lem, thank you very much! I'm more than qualified. Besides, I'm the biggest child of them all!" He corrected her, rather interestingly. " And, I'm not a taddle tale... Not yet anyway." Tobias stuck out his finger at her as if lecturing her." And, I'm sure they can beat you without your acting." He chuckled," I mean, there is an army." He shrugged as if that explained everything.

Tobias nodded slowly to her, as if trying to keep a young child from getting angry. He began speaking in a low sing song voice, as if trying to calm her," Yes, yes sweety. I'm sure your intellegence is just fine.And your memory too." He continued nodding even as he spoke, before he could hold it back no more and began laughing," No it isn't!" He teased as he shook his head between gasps for air.
Cyrene Guinevere (played by KingOfDorks) Topic Starter

“And you said you didn’t talk ‘bout your leaders like that! Sayin’ your the biggest kid and all is rather cocky of you, ain’t it?” Cyrene taunted, shoving him gently in reaction to the playful hit against her shoulder. “Awe, don’t doubt me! I’m sure I would put up a good fight before going down, honestly!”

The redhead’s eyes sparkled with giddy, but she furrowed her brows and pouted. “I can remember the bigger pictures,” She blinked, as if that would change her level of intelligence. “I just have trouble recalling the smaller things, like what colors something was or something like that. Or I can just forget the whole thing. Who knows?” She smiled, lifting and lowering her shoulders in a quick shrug. “You know what they say, right? The things you can’t remember must not be worth remembering at all. And who am I to argue? Pfft- I don’t even know if I recalled that quote correctly!”
Tobias Clark (played by Tugboattom)

Tobias raised an eyebrow in challenge," Well, the more behaved they are the better a leader they are. So, I'm actually saying I'm the... wait a minute." He stopped as he realized that he had just tied himself in knots. He furrowed his brow as he changed his statement," I'm only the biggest child of the ones going to battle, king Bob is staying in his palace." He nodded, trying to deflect her attention from his earlier mistake.

He furrowed his brow and moved his lip in mock suspicion," Who is this they person? they sound strange, and possibly threatening." He nodded," Yes, absolutely. We must be rid of them before they can continue spreading false rumors that people with low intellect like yourself copy."
Cyrene Guinevere (played by KingOfDorks) Topic Starter

“Best behaved kid?” Cyrene snorted, attempting to guess what words were coming next after the elf failed to finish his sentence. “And is there a reason King Bob can’t come face me himself? Why put another pawn in your way, when you eventually have to face your own problems?” She flashed a quick and witty smile.

“I overheard it, once,” She shrugged. Then she paused for a moment, furrowing her brows in slight concentration as she thought. “It was from a book or something. I think. But, bottom of a snake! I am not a low intellect, thank you!” The redhead laughed, knowing that was somewhat a lie. “Alright, alright. I like to think of it as street-smart over book-smart.”
Tobias Clark (played by Tugboattom)

Tobias grinned as if he was implying he knew everything," Well, we wouldn't want our ruler in harm's way now would we? Besides, if he stays in his palace with some reinforcements then if you do beat us, which is unlikely, we will have more to attack you. And we won't be left completely defenseless. Duh." He added the last part out of pure randomness. He wasn't sure if that was a viable strategy but he was pretty sure that someone had once said something like that.

" Streetsmart eh? But you seem pretty good with a bow, and I'm almost certain you never used that while on a street. Unless of course you were firing at a target at the end of a street." He shrugged," And you can talk, you've got charisma. I'm sure that wasn't learned on the street. From what I've heard people on the street don't need to talk flowery." He assumed.

" So, where is this palace, castle, house, whatever of the king?" He was very uncertain as to what a human king would live in. After all the elders lived in a slightly larger tree house than everyone else. But he knew that elves didn't live like other people. He looked about him, finding more evidence of such. The humans seemed to live on the ground in buildings. Odd.
Cyrene Guinevere (played by KingOfDorks) Topic Starter

“Ah, yes. But a good leader would lead his people straight into the battlefield, so, if all screws become loose, he can go down alongside them in honor, and not die upon his throne as a coward,” Cyrene smiled tightly and cunningly, folding her arms over her chest. “A good leader would also think about the safety of his people before himself. But-” She shrugged with a miniature smirk, throwing her hands up teasingly. “-I’m the supposed enemy in that story, so what am I to know?”

“Well, someone’s a little bold to assume I’ve never used a bow on the street, aren’t they?” She joked, lifting her brows with a smile and a questioning look. Then, she snickered and grinned, slightly amused by the compliment. “Oh, you’d.. be surprised at what you can pick up around my part of town. Talking ‘flowery’ isn’t one of them, sure, but devotion definitely is something you can learn, depending on who you’re around.”

“It can’t be that far now, I think,” Cyrene looked around, squinting. “I mean, I’m almost positive it’s nearly three blocks from here. But, then again, I’m not sure. I usually come around from the back.”
Tobias Clark (played by Tugboattom)

Tobias raised an eyebrow in humor," Honor is wonderful, for the stupid. For those of us who care about surviving it makes no sense. And the fact that if our leader dies then their could be a succession war while we're fighting you. And no army can fight a battle on two fronts, anyone with any military experience would know that." He countered as he crossed his arms.

" Oh, and you have?" He asked,"And were you with the right people? Or were you with the wrong ones, y'u know, the ones that don't reach devotion. Or maybe you were with the left ones," He joked," The ones that teach you how to speak flowery."

" Oh, and why would you be coming from the back?" He asked, although he was fairly certain that he already knew the answer." To... Oh, I don't know... Maybe put some snakes inside of his luxurious home?"
Cyrene Guinevere (played by KingOfDorks) Topic Starter

“I must’ve heard you wrong,” Cyrene snickered, her gaze sharpening. “Honor is for the what? Honor, my friend, is when you adherence to what is right or to a conventional standard of conduct. In simpler terms, you stick with the right thing. Putting others at risk is not honorable, in this case. Fighting alongside them, however, would be admirable and leader-worthy. If they die, it gives the people more of a reason to fight.”

“I wasn’t firing at someone, per se, but around someone,” Her smile was quick to return. “And, no, I wasn’t raised with the ‘right’ people. Most of them were left-handed.” If Cyrene had sunglasses, she would probably be slipping them on and smirking, nodding repeatedly. But, since she didn’t ( and since vines weren’t exactly a thing yet ), she just shook her head and laughed, disappointed that she even attempted to make that joke. “But they definitely didn’t speak flowery. Oh- skies forbid. If you think I have colorful vocabulary, you haven’t met the people I used to hang around. Pfft!”

“Uhm- Yeah?” The redhead raised a brow, joking with a serious expression. “Isn’t that the only reason to be sneaking into a castle from the back? What else would I do? Go through the front?” Snorting, she swayed a hand. “Nah. In all seriousness, it’s just closer to where I usually stay. That’s all.”

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