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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Wish (played by Reithesniper)

(Stands are quite a bit different from curses, cause some are caused from meteorite/arrow, and others are natural, Like Fool's Gold, which is a reflection of her soul)

(Take it as you will)

Wish kinda just laughed at Haste and his mothers little yelling match, he had a feeling it would happen, he pat Hazel's head "Haste, please get along with my mother, your both very stubborn, so try not to mess with each other too much?"
Trim Kazekeshi (played by Reithesniper)

(Also Im like 90% sure natural stands like hers, Magicians red, Hirophant Green (assuming) are just life energy as well, so take that was you will.. as a bonus-)
Ryota Zen'in (played by SoulHeart57)

(Nah, I’d think they’d be able to see each other. After all, according to some characters who can see the soul in jjk, tpcursed energy is what ties the body and the soul, which is why toji was able to do what he did in the shibuya incident because he had none.)
Hazel (played by Alliyus)

Wish wrote:
(Stands are quite a bit different from curses, cause some are caused from meteorite/arrow, and others are natural, Like Fool's Gold, which is a reflection of her soul)

(Take it as you will)

Wish kinda just laughed at Haste and his mothers little yelling match, he had a feeling it would happen, he pat Hazel's head "Haste, please get along with my mother, your both very stubborn, so try not to mess with each other too much?"

Hazel giggled and leaned into the head pat. Wish felt the presence of Haste beaming with rage at him for touching Hazel.
Claude (played by Jaws)

"Why did I? I don't know or care for the answer really." Claude shrugged and picked up her son then headed towards the bar counter for a sweet treat.
Trim Kazekeshi (played by Reithesniper)

Trim kinda just shrugged at Ryota, he already looked like he was in a mood, so she approached, him "Geez, arent you a vile young man.." she said, putting her hands on her hip "Hey kid" she said attempting to get his attention before she embarrassed herself

(Its more like a psychic avatar so do whatever with that-)
Hazel (played by Alliyus)

She fell asleep on the chair at the table. Her hair slowly started turning black the second she fell asleep.
Ryota Zen'in (played by SoulHeart57)

“What? It’s called survival instinct, having to deal with curses that sneak up every mission. Weird technique you got, that a shikigami, or are you cursed? Kinda hard to see, but it’s there…”
Trim Kazekeshi (played by Reithesniper)

Trim seemed a little confused.. her and her stand stared at each other.. she recovered from the shock of having her stand seen, and just laughed "You can see it!" She said "Its nice to meet you!" She said, her stand stood behind her "I am Trim Kazekeshi, I am a stand user" she said

Fool's Gold stood directly behind her.. it then rolled for luck, to see how much it would "Go up"
rolled 1d10 and got a natural 4.
Trim Kazekeshi (played by Reithesniper)

(Reminder, this isnt just a battle thing, its literally just changing the probability of.. something idk yet-)
Ryota Zen'in (played by SoulHeart57)

Ryota sighs. “What in the world are you doing? Is stand the name of the shikigami?”
Hazel (played by Alliyus)

"Bro is playing board games." Hazel, the 8 year old she is, walked over and sat down closer, watching.
Ryota Zen'in (played by SoulHeart57)

Ryota laughs. “That was actually pretty funny”
Trim Kazekeshi (played by Reithesniper)

"Eh?'" She kinda just felt embarassed, cause honestly she didnt even get what she did-
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max would be asleep behind the bar table *
Hazel (played by Alliyus)

Hazel and Haste, the embodiment of possession, both watched Trim and Ryota, through Hazel's blue eyes.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max would slowly wake up hitting a few bottles and knocking them over befor standing up and leaning againts the bar * max: what all have i missed
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Matt, recently at the same table, is just currently reading to pass the time. He's seems to be doing fine, despite hating to read but, he got pestered to do so.
Max (played by Maxthecoolcat420)

* max dicied to go and see what matt was reading * max: whatcha reading there?
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Max wrote:
* max dicied to go and see what matt was reading * max: whatcha reading there?
"Ah. It's just a normal book which Natalie suggested me. I can slowly feel myself becoming smarter the more I read this." Matt then said, flipping a page.

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