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Forums » Forum Games » Continue the story!

You can only use eleven words, but multiple sentences if necessary! You may also continue the sentence of the previous poster. The theme is high fantasy, but there are no hard rules. GO!!

There once was a girl who lived up in the mountains...
With a secret that must be hidden from unwanted eyes.
It was dear to heart, passed down from mother to daughter.
But, of course, someone knew. An Oracle of Winter's Frost.
Who, from within their frozen temple, concocted a grim prophecy…
... that spoke of a purple dragon in a snow blizzard.
This purple dragon would eat those who dared to try to..
to steal the scroll that was given to the frozen temple..
Which had been hidden for years upon years from all mankind...
until one day, a young curious sparrow led the way for…
Two adventures, chad and brad, to the frozen temple where they..
Were going to fight the dragon in order to retrieve...
The fabled scroll telling the age of Ragnarok, end of days.
The dragon however, was super smart and set out a trap...
that would serve them apple pies, this trap was a very big…
bakery, which seemed completely normal at first glance, but deep inside...
concealed a portal to a demonic dimension where Brad and Chad
Met several Cookie Monsters who ate and fought a….
Giant scorpion named Fred; they were victorious but it wasn't over...
Then the 'Grandma Apocalypse' was initiated due to the cookie monsters...

[ A cookie for those who get the reference! As a player of canons, I had to throw something canonical in the midst. 😅 ]

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