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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • The most amusing username ever. She's a most pleasant person to talk to and even rp with. - Meedleboot

  • Blackito has become a dear friend of mine over the years. Some very epic years, which he has helped create. Between the hilarious commentary between players and sometimes the often serious role play, I have come to love RPing with any of his characters - they are very in-depth and creative, always keeping everyone on their toes. Love 'em! <3~ - Vile

  • Things are 20% cooler when this gal's around. She's very mature for her age and knows what she's doing when it comes to roleplay. - Meedleboot

  • Niko (played by Girdinafta)
    The most interesting twist on the "assassin" archetype I've seen to date! A cross between a serial killer and an assassin, sort of. RP with this guy (and any of Ben's characters) stays interesting. - Meedleboot

  • It's very rare that I find a Pokémon Original Character who is fun to play with; luckily Magnus is one of those cases. He's a brotastic bodybuilder & Trainer with a cool attitude and a decent team. He definitely deserves kudos for being an awesome fandom character! - Copper_Dragon

  • I could feel completely alone in the world on something, but then Daxx would jump in. She claims that she's a jerk, but I haven't seen any of that. Ever. - Meedleboot

  • Siuloir (played anonymously)
    Now here's a wizard that ever did wizard, with the clocks and the stutters and the timemagics. Yes, you heard me. Time magics. One of the few chronomancers I've ever had the pleasure of playing with, he's a wizard who may seem like a frightened, cowardly stickman at a glance, but the more you play with him, the further you can see how deep and developed he really is as a person. <3 - Copper_Dragon

  • Siuloir (played anonymously)
    Ed is the quirkiest, strangest, most adorable clockmaker I have ever had the pleasure of roleplaying with. His love for clocks makes me want to go 'awwww' all the time, as does the poor man's stutters. Terribly afraid all the time, but it just makes the character even more interesting to RP with, because he still goes through every day life! He is fun and interesting and one of the most fun characters I have ever RPed with. - CelestinaGrey

  • The woman's got a heart of gold and an impressive array of characters. Also, a kind and understanding individual who's got elite bug-hunting skills. She's got a badass profile, too. - Meedleboot

  • The Dragon (played by Ilmarinen)
    People tend to shy away from "self-inserts", but this is one example of the character type that does away with all the bad traits we tend to see. Fairly played, deep in character, and able to fit well with any setting you find it in, Heimdall is certainly one dragon I think just about anyone can learn to love! - Copper_Dragon

  • Every time you talk to this guy, you're guaranteed to laugh. He's got superb writing and character development skills. - Meedleboot

  • One of the sweetest people I have ever met, and a loyal friend from the very beginning. He's great at making up interesting and quirky characters on the spot, too! - Meedleboot

  • A creative mind, that always surprises me. - Jane

  • Lauren's an example of a character who defies EVERY LABEL one could think to apply to her. She's insanely detailed and well-thought out, with a copius amount of intriguing backstory to boot! I'll always be a Lauren fan! - Ilmarinen

  • I love Sanne. She has always a helping advice or something to help me when im down, or don't know what to do. She also helps me to see things from a different view. A dear friend, and she will have always a place in my heart. - Jane

  • I love talking to her and discussing roleplay ideas. <3 She's warm and considerate and always makes me feel better when I'm down. I loves her muchly! - Sanne

  • Kim
    Kind, always willing to listen, and there if you need her. A special person and always friendly. <3 - Jane

  • Ulrin is one of those characters who earns his keep through the trials and tribulations of RP. I remember when he first started: a simple, humble young character at the gates of Northkeep. Then he became a librarian. And got married. And was bitten by a werewolf. And became ROPE MASTER. All these things define his character, and they were all EARNED. - Ilmarinen

  • Siuloir (played anonymously)
    Edward is probably one of the best roleplaying characters I've ever had the chance to play with. He is intensely complicated and interesting and REAL, with all kinds of goals and flaws. He is an archetypal wizard, yet manages to stand out with a wide array of non-cliche traits and skills. I hope Ed is around for a long time to come! - Ilmarinen

  • Dude, Earendill is one of the coolest dudes ever. He's chill, he's fun, and every last one of his characters is great. Also, EDWIN STOOOOOOOORMHAMMERRRRRR! - Ilmarinen