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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • Virgo is one of those people that you miss when you don't talk to her for sometime! Me and her went back and forth with novels as soon as we messaged each other! I knew more about her in a week than I knew about my IRL friends in more than 1 year! (okay, maybe that's stretching it too far...)

    Virgo's characters are always nice to look at, since each and everyone one of them are worth the glance! She is clearly worth a message, as she is a very great writer! - SummerNights

  • TKs
    What can I say about TKs? She knows her stuff!

    Awhile ago, me and her had super long talks together! Our messages got longer and longer until we were writing a novel as a response! It was the most fun I had ever had while talking to a new person, plus it was very informative!

    TKs is a very great writer as well, so she is worth the message! - SummerNights

  • Reima combines talent, an adorable artstyle and pleasant conversation into a single package. She has a fine sense of continuity among most of her characters (I'm not sure if and how many characters she has anonymous) along with enough dedication to juggle both her time on the RPR with creating a webcomic, so do take a look into the mind of this wonderful person and see what you can find (translation: RP). I certainly plan to in time! - GrandFinale

  • Players beware, this one's a charmer! As a player, Brit is kind and hilarious to interact with on a regular basis. She doesn't forget who her friends are and she's always happy to see a friendly face. When you Roleplay with her, it becomes clear how immersed she gets into the role. In short -- Brit just as fantastic a player as she is a person, and get ready to get hooked. - R08813

  • One of the most talented artists I've seen on the RPR, Pooka is also likely to be the embodiment of information itself having gone undercover on a humble roleplaying website. He has a bottomless wealth of knowledge on many topics, especially mythology, which is certainly useful if one plays characters based in or making reference to myths. Expect to walk out of interactions with him a bit smarter. - GrandFinale

  • Ever wonder about something about a historical culture? Their gods? Beliefs? Well here's the person you need~
    I mean, you have to give kudos to someone who is so dedicated to something they are interested in, that you could technically call them an encyclopedia, wiki, or man, even the Bible of such knowledge! Ultimate knowledge passion right here~ You have to respect that :3 I'd wish to be as engaged in the subject, but I lack the time and memory capacity, but at least there is Pooka~ - Reima

  • SummerNights is certainly an energetic soul and also bears what is objectively the greatest character in all of fiction, the Chicken. I don't really have to say much more at this point, but I will anyways: he's a pleasant individual who has come to the RPR and made a name for himself in Just Talkin', and is certainly worth the time of day to roleplay with. - GrandFinale

  • New!Mom is the Goddess of the Yarn kingdom!

    Sanne's characters are all interesting to me, be it their name or their appearance! I always get a kick out of talking with her about the many topics that she talks about in the Official Chat topic, and it makes me wish that she really was my mother, because of how nurturing she is!

    For those of you who do not know Sanne (which you must be clueless because she is everywhere) message her, because everyone needs a little bit of Sanne in their life! - SummerNights

  • HardshipFlame
    Ill tell you what, if your looking for a good guy who genuinely puts alot of effort in his rps, then HardshipFlame is your guy. He has great rp ideas and, at times, his rps make me feel like im in the rp for real. - linktheriolu

  • Pooka is one of those guys that you have to tread lightly around. Say the wrong thing, and you will be given a novel of information that will likely be on next week's test!

    Jokes aside, Pooka should be a human computer (or is he already?) He knows his junk, plus his ideas and concepts seem to be very solid and interesting! He comes up with ideas that I would love to read about, because they are one of a kind!

    Message him if you want your brain fried by knowledge, or a one of a kind RP! - SummerNights

  • Where to begin? I dont realy know! She is a superb writer, she is amazing at soul caliber, and she is one of the closest friends ive had. Im glad we met and i hope someone gets a chance to experience an adventure with her crazy and fun ideas. - linktheriolu

  • During this time i reflect back on my time on rpr and the first name that comes to mind is Sisi. She is an amazing rper who comes up with the best ideas during the story. She is also one person who can make anybody feel nice and warm inside, especially if they are new. Thank you, Sisi, for being my first rp partner! - linktheriolu

  • Amazing Roleplayer--what can I can?! They reply with such detailed, lengthy replies, which is good being it keeps you away from pondering for hours on end as to what to say. Outstanding character(s) as well! - Rhythm

  • This guy here I dragged to RPR because I thought that he would enjoy it here!

    He is a great listener as well as a caring guy, he is just hard on himself. He's really fun to chat with OoC. So, message this guy sometime, because he really is a very nice guy! He is so worth it~ - SummerNights

  • What could be said about my dear Fox that hasn't already been said? She's real, for one, In a world where that's rare. Her characters express this, they are raw and gritty and silly and funny, tragic and beautiful. She has over 200 characters and every one of them is as real as you and me. Her art speaks for itself, her writing just so beyond. I love fox, and I gush over her, but I don't gush for nothing <3 - Nuclear_Dingoz

  • Two things: Awesome and Amazeballs!

    Awesome describes the effort and skill of her posts (I haven't roleplayed with her yet, but I watch one of the roleplays that she is in on the forums, and will say that I LOVE her talent!)

    Amazeballs would be amazing and the fur ball smashed into one word to describe her lovely characters, as well as her talent in art!

    I met her in the Official Chat Topic, and I will say that she is too hard on herself. She is a very, VERY creative gal!

    <3 Rei-Chan - SummerNights

  • God, what to say? When she thinks so highly of me, of all people. I don't know...just. Thanks I guess. Thank you for being a supportive, ever loving, ever grateful person. A caring kind considerate warm hearted person. I can't believe I'm the one you say who had you come back, but you know what? If I am? I'm damn glad I did. All I gotta say is...Locien and Aca 5 ever bro. :D - Michonne

  • Keo
    Keo (or Max) is a guy who has a list of characters, that makes me turn my head. None of them are the same! Each and everyone one acts differently, each from a different placement for stories!

    If you are looking for a cast of characters who are all different and unique, check out Keo! Do it now, you won't regret it!~ - SummerNights

  • I love this RPr so much! Their character is wonderful and adorable! They're always on top of things, and create creative well thought out responses! - CatNoLastName

  • Grand... Oh Grand... The REAL bull in a china shop, I mean, look at his ICON!

    Anyways, jokes aside! The time that he puts into his characters is amazing! Look at Vadraaghain! It must have taken him days to fill out that Trope list! I admire his dedication and effort, and dream to one day be able to do so with my own characters! - SummerNights