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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • Verbrechen is a kind, patient, mutually supportive individual whom I've been lucky to count amongst my friends. Although her time zone (and my weird hours) makes RP tricky to accomplish, it's a worthy achievement when we're able. Her characters are detailed and possessed of a depth which lends itself to realism. I've yet to be disappointed! - Auberon

  • Eri
    It's strange, that moment when you realize that you have not, in fact, known someone forever. Erika and I are so in step that it feels like we've been friends for ages. Two years is a long time, but I hope that we have many more ahead of us. While her schedule keeps opportunities to RP at bay more often than not, her characters are incredibly interesting, and her writing style is engaging enough to make me lament this dry spell. I adore her and hope we can RP more in 2016! - Auberon

  • All hail the Overlord of Eldritch Abominations, Grandfinale! With his tendency to have vast(ly interesting) villains, Grand is a pretty cool guy to talk to, both in the Just Talkin' chat and PMs. Despite not having actually roleplayed with him yet, Grand's very creative and is talented at thinking out interesting roleplay ideas. - Loren

  • Amour is a delight, and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to work for her on commissions. Though we haven't RPed together yet, my experience with her as a client was positively perfect. She's a paragon of patience, enthusiastic as ever, keeping my energy on point as we collaborated to bring her drow to life. I hope to get the chance to RP with her in the future! - Auberon

  • Reygr is someone I've only recently begun to get to know, and I'm grateful that they returned to my community so that I could get the opportunity. They have some really awesome characters, and I'm looking forward to see what trouble they manage to stir up with that supernatural hunter... OOCly, they've never been anything but sweet, and I'm always happy to see them! :) - Auberon

  • I have adopted this spooky child. She's mine now! Mina leads me to indulge in my oft-neglected horror goth impulses. She makes me want to spin stories that would send chills down your spine, and I love her for it. Her characters are diverse, richly woven with intricate details. As for her personality, you couldn't ask for a more supportive friend or staff member. She's tolerant through my roughest days, and always there to share a smile at my best. <3 - Auberon

  • Green's a ray of sunshine to my tired, insomniac soul; an inevitable comfort, and always warm. It's a delight to know that I have company during the odd hours I keep. As a client, Green's exemplary. As for roleplay... ah... we need to get on that, but their characters are superbly developed, with stunning profile layouts. They take CSS commissions, and the work's worth every penny! - Auberon

  • Sqd
    Sqd has some of the funniest characters I've ever seen, they've been a total peach in my OOC community... and they are responsible for one of the most popular avatars on my map. Do you like MoonMoon? Give Sqd the highest of fives. They've earned it! - Auberon

  • Because of suspass, what started off as a simple rp turned into one of the best rp's/stories I've ever been part of. His detail is amazing and he always manages to surprise me. I can never tell what's coming next, which is why I love waiting for his response. He brings his characters to life and makes the emotions feel so real. (Not kidding. I actually started crying during one pointXD). One of the best role players I've had the pleasure of encountering and definitely recommend rp'ing with him. - SinceForgotten

  • The mad doctor, the wacky scientist, the quirky quack. There are many nicknames for this batty character but there's only one Doc Scalpel. I've known him for several years now and he never fails to surprise me with his wit and humour. His player is always entertaining to talk to, the character is so off-the-wall that you can't not enjoy roleplaying with him. - Esoterica

  • Kaizen (played by Trishields)
    It was perhaps pure happenstance that brought Schaden into my roleplay perspective, but certainly not one I've come to regret. It is both interesting and amusing to watch him change and grow and turn into Mon's little protege. A diamond in the rough by no little comparison, and one that'll end up polished with a vicious, sharp gleam. - Taciturn

  • Grimm (played by Taciturn)
    The absolute staple of serial killer and werewolf characters; Monstrum is the epitome of both. Many characters have tried and failed to copy this fantastic beast, no-one can reach the soaring heights of horror and terror this character invokes in both players and characters alike. - Esoterica

  • An'Nyese (played anonymously)
    I adore the rivalry between An'nyese and Lao - it's powerful, vitriolic and there's a sense of mercilessness between them that's refreshing in a place where most people insist on being best friends with one another. Though we've only recently started roleplaying, I look forward to seeing where it leads in the future. - Taciturn

  • O Kaptain, my Kaptain! Cara is a hilarious and enjoyable person to be around - a real friendly ball of sunshine. I can't remember if we've ever actually RPed together, but we've been rubbing shoulders through furc and other games for long enough that I feel like I can definitely vouch for her character as a person. This here is a quality kiwi, 10/10 would recommend! - Sqd

  • It's not often that I say "welp, I'm sold, sign me up" after ten seconds of looking at a person's RPR, but that was pretty much the reaction I had when someone linked me one of Vegas's characters for the first time. This guy is a delight with an enjoyable writing style and A+ taste in character design. 10/10 would recommend! - Sqd

  • Jen is a precious cinnamon roll and generally a quality person. She's a sweetheart, she speaks fandomese, and she's fun to plot hilarious character interactions with - what's not to love? I'm also a big fan of her art and taste in character design. Her style is different from what you usually see on furc, and I just want to rub my face all over her characters. - Sqd

  • Jess is such a quality person I literally flew to the opposite side of the country to come visit her. I'm not sure what higher praise I can give. She's one of the smartest, most talented, and most knowledgeable people I know, she's fun and hilarious to be around, and she puts huge amounts of thought and effort into any creative project she gets involved in. 10/10 would recommend! - Sqd

  • Mina is a vibrant, funny person who is super fun to chat and collaborate with. Her personality is just the right amount of dark and depraved, her characters have strong personalities that always give you plenty to work with in RP, and her style of writing is smart and includes a lot of good ideas. 10/10 would recommend! - Sqd

  • Green is an international delight with extremely excellent taste in character design. All of their characters are a breath of fresh air in terms of creativity, and I adore the concept and execution of each one. 10/10 would recommend! - Sqd

  • Katers is an all-around sweetheart and a provider of quality RP and conversation. She's always down for RP, giving advice, or just shooting the shit, and her characters are well-fleshed-out and always give her RP partners plenty to work with. 10/10 would recommend! - Sqd