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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • This kindly person stepped into one of my RPs one day. I really enjoy their style and their character of course. Hopefully we can endure more awesome stories and so on. - Asroc

  • Luna is one of the first people that I have met on RPR, and I would consider her one of my good friends, if not one of my three besties! I can't express how brave of her it was to roleplay with my OP Dovah Chicken, but she made it A-Okay!~

    She isn't on much anymore, but I will say that each and every one of her characters are worth asking to roleplay with!

    If you are looking for someone more awesome than myself, check her out! Love you, Luna! <3 - SummerNights

  • I met Claine one random night in the "Just Talkin' :)" Chat, and I am VERY HAPPY that I did! We started talking about tumblr I believe, and it let me to notice all of her diverse cast of characters that she has! Not to mention, her art style is very unique, and makes me wish that I could commission her! - SummerNights

  • Patient, easy-going, has a nice sence of humor, adabtable... There are quite a few words I could use here to describe Rosie xD But to be honest, she's a great person and if possible I do recommend people to get to know her, challenge your fate~! - Reima

  • Me and him haven't really talked in awhile, but I will say that the time that me and him had together was really fun! All of his characters are either cute or cool, and his style of roleplaying is very unique, as well as he is very detailed with his posts!

    He also is very open minded, which comes in handy when you are talking to him OoC! If you are looking for someone that plays Furry characters, ChasingRasors is your guy! - SummerNights

  • I haven't really known Bone for very long, and I haven't roleplayed with him at all, but I do know how nice it is to know that he is willing to sit down with you, and listen to all your problems. He gives amazing advice, as well as he is rather funny with his witty humor! He is clearly someone that brings up the mood in the "Just Talkin' :)" Chat! - SummerNights

  • What a wondeful RPer! They have such an amazing way with their characters and really are able to talk through their actions and words. Cat has a wonder with words and makes everything interesting. Cat is someone you must Rp with! <3 - Keo


    Zac has been a loyal friend, a sweetheart, and a trouble maker to me. Between gossiping about the most inane things to joking around about characters and talking OTPs, he's always fun to talk to and be around. LOVE LOVE LOVE this guy! <3 - Damned

  • Aiden Hikari (played by Rhythm)
    A mysterious and dark young man. He is quite a pleasure to rp with~ - ForsakenAngel

  • Astral (played by Rhythm)
    A adorable yet mysterious character that holds a very detailed description of himself. Definitely someone everyone should RP with at leadt once ~ - ForsakenAngel

  • Although we havent roleplayed often in the past, CompanyPanda has a memorable writing style and a delectable repertoire of characters to play with. I really look forward to continuing stories with him and getting to know him better OOCly. Of course, he gets extra brownie points because he shares similar tastes in anime as I do! xD - Unicorn

  • Sonya's babies have that bare your big teeth and bite the grenade grit I adore: from the far-fallen idealist to those tripwire kids who just want to blow the house down, she has the written range of a maestro and knows how to play her sonatas. If you're given the opportunity to plot. Do not hesitate. No time for polite, or coy. Seize. - Silas

  • Kathe (played by Blitzkit)
    Hey there pretty lady~ Kathe is well thought out, well built, and down right bad ass. That, and she stabs people for Gerrit on his off days-- what isn't there to love? I adore this child very, very much. I'm looking forward to all that chaos-- er, trouble that will ensue! - Damned

  • Ariel is a lovely muffin and one of my dear babs. She's creative, fun and has some of the most inventive ideas for characters and rp plots. She's also an artist and has such beautiful work on display. I'm really glad to have her as a friend and partner. <3 Much love to you! - Unicorn

  • It surprises me that Arnooba hasn't received the praise she deserves. Not many I've RPed with have been as incredibly welcoming to new ideas, different roads, and mystery endings when it comes to character interactions. Her gung-ho attitude puts her in my top ten favorite RPers easily! - Cosmonautilus

  • Chris (played anonymously)
    Golden, sunny, lovable Chris. If there was any character that was full of goofy, golden retriever kind of love for Huxley it would be him. Or ever the best of best friends to one blind as hell, shwarma consuming were-leopard as Carmine. Watching as they evolved from sorta a skinny looking little blonde guy in to a beef-cake that doesn't have Huxley questioning "where's the beef” . I am undoubtedly in love with the character that Chris has become and now is. - Clove

  • Crystal Hail (played by Pirate)
    Hello Ice Lady~!

    Crystal has sass to spare and does it with a subtle flair! This icy spellcaster is so much fun to go on quests with!!! - Virus

  • FishyFi is absolutely on my Recommendation list for those looking for a great time in RP. Over the years my characters have gotten to ruffle her alt's feathers and each interaction is just as unique as the last! Her posts are well written and she brings to the table exactly what she's given with ease, FishyFi is great! - Cosmonautilus

  • Shannon Callen (played by Pirate)
    I love Shannon! She is so much fun to RP with within the Pokemon universe! Thank you for all the fun times!!! - Virus

  • Nicolaus Ykspet (played by Pirate)
    I had so much fun with this character! By far he was used to craft one of the most complicated and rewarding RP's I have ever had. - Virus