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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • Poltergeist (played anonymously)
    Seven is delightfully morbid, exceptionally creepy and over all one of the most grotesque creatures I have ever come across. Which might be why I love him so much. Seven is something of nightmares-- but he's also woefully naive and charmingly sweet when he wants to be. Even if most things go over his head. I cannot express how much I love this twisted boy. - Damned

  • Though I haven't known KillerGarcian long the RPs I've had the delight to be apart of with them are without a doubt amazing. Namely Lamya who never ceases to put a smile on my face with his antics, and a humorous RP is in my opinion the best kind and Killer has the skills to pull it off with style! - Cosmonautilus

  • Katlin (played anonymously)
    Kate. Oh lord Kate. There will forever be a part of my heart that adores this sweet woman and all her compassion for a creature she should have let rot in a crypt of which she found him. Kate is unyielding with her love, immeasurable in her kindness, and about as clutzy and dorky as need be. I love her something fierce. Forever and always. - Damned

  • Kai
    Kai's the cat from opposites attract (and I'm Paula Abdul ) we're both bags of rice living on the edge of a knife-- and by that I mean whenever you throw us together you know one of us is gonna almost split open and spill out ugly hyena laughter over the silliest things. - Silas

  • Maverick (played anonymously)
    All the broken pieces of this character stitched back together with skin and machine-- Maverick is many things. First and foremost he is exceptionally loyal. Fiercely loyal. And while the man more machine than anything else, he's still a man. Flesh and bone and metal and wire, his personality mixed with training and a unique outlook on everything makes him a gem. I love him lots. - Damned

  • Whenever Rums springs into a room you know it. I've known them for years and in that time they've never failed to burn up the place with their bursting, dynamic Deadpool-esque energy and snarky one liners. - Silas

  • This kudos is long overdue! Rose deserves this for a number of reasons but chief among them is how absolutely fantastic it is to RP with her characters! They never feel forced nor do their motives confuse me on a OoC level, her alts are as real as they come. I adore her and I know you will too! - Cosmonautilus

  • Wordsmith (played anonymously)
    For an Ice Giant, he's pretty warm up in the chest cavity. I'm just saying. I really enjoy Rokir, he's just something so new and different while still playing on Norse Mythos. I really love him, the special snowflake. - Damned

  • Juliet
    I'm beyond stunned to find your page empty, and in its blankness I feel swollen with the desire to tell you this, nothing flowery, just a stoic truth: you give so much, all the time, and you ask for so little, or more often, nothing. With your wits, your brilliant creativity and your heart you teach people to be better. You're wonderful; a wonderful friend and you will lead nations. Thank you. - Silas

  • MEEDLE. Talk about one of the sweetest sweets to ever sweet. She's thankfully patient with me, and always up for anything. I just want to hug her constantly, and she's all too enjoyable to chat at! Also, I've never seen someone have so many variations of the same character and pull it off so amazingly. I'm kinda jealous, if I'm honest. - Damned

  • Trey (played anonymously)
    Unpredicable, witty and full of piss and vinegar. Trey has been blessed in earning the ire of one pink haired Hyperion by escaping through the veil while his husband took the ultimate sacrifice. It is safe to say that Trey and Lenore have a rather 'special' relationship based on mutual dislike and a rather black and white view on their worlds. - Clove

  • Chad (played anonymously)
    Oh my goodness. This guy. This guy needs to sit down and chill. Well, I'm sure that's most of what he does anyway. Chad is amazingly written and always up to no good. Or getting messed up. There's always something happening with this guy, I swear! But that's what makes him great! - Damned

  • KYLE. Kyle is great. He's a hilarious and understanding individual. RPing with him is something I look forward to whenever I have the honor of being able to do so. As of yet, I have encountered two of his interpretations of canon characters, both of which are done eerily well. I look forward to many more RPs with Kyle and hope to be able to meet some of his OCs someday! - Meedleboot

  • I have to thank you for being such a wonderful RP-er here on RPR. You and the others were so welcoming to me when we first met. Thank you! - Virus

  • Execute (played anonymously)
    A behemoth, a titan ”“ a man with purpose and intent. Holding the line with an unyielding protection of humanity heralded by social media and soft ”“ politicians. Yet is unextricably misunderstood by the people in which he protects and serves. It is within the shadow of the colossus, that Lenore does stand ”“ fluidly working together. - Clove

  • SennM is such a sweet woman! How could anyone not love her? If you get a change to, chat her up! RP with her, too! The RPs I've had with her have been endless fun! Definitely don't pass up an opportunity to see her in IC action. - Meedleboot

  • SugaarCereal
    Dammit, Sugaar! XD

    The lovely person that goes by the name of Sugaar is a wonderful writer, keeping all reading entertained with the most ridiculous and random things ever. Don't think she isn't serious, oh no. She just masters the balance of ludicrous comments and seriousness in her writing.
    Definitely recommend for all who enjoy comedic characters and even a chat, no matter what mood you may be in. - Derglet

  • Rene (played by cferretrun)
    If ever there was a perfect person to pick a fight with, it's Rene. He's destructive, he's indiscriminate, and his lust for power knows absolutely no bounds. He's ruined internally just as he is scarred physically. And yet, there's still a heart hidden away in this broken boy. While he may deny it, while he might curse every god known to mankind, he's deep down something extraordinarily special and worth far more than he knows. He'll build you up and break you down, and I love it. - Damned

  • Copper Dragon's dedication to the RP Repository makes her a real credit to the mod team. Thankyou for being here and helping those in need :) - Darth_Angelus

  • Rawr~ That's right I stole it. Fight me, jk.

    I have to allot some love for my first GM on this site. The lovely SIN. Sin, is an eloquent writer and a firm but fair GM. Who's not afraid to come down on our heads when we're being idiots. Sin also serves as a voice of reason when inane arguments spark up. I strongly recommend this dragon if you're looking for a cool and friendly person. - SugaarCereal