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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • Sundrop
    SUNDROP is fun,and cool to roleplay with.Surprises around every corner,and maybe even alittle random something. :3 If you havent roleplayed with her i recommend you should *deathstares* or else. - Rhythm

  • Adelise (played anonymously)
    A departure from mediocrity, Adelise and her player are a breath of fresh air in every sense of the word. The antics of the siamese tend to leave those around her intrigued, befuddled, frustrated, and wanting more. I always look forward to chatting and role playing with her. Do yourself a favor and get a front-row seat. This is big-tent event you won't want to miss! - Wordsmith

  • Rythm, the most bada** role player ever to rp with ever on this earth. Her humor is fantastic, her ideas are like writing golden ink on silver paper! If you haven't rp with her, give me 29 bucks and we can schedule you for next week!XD - Sundrop

  • Shes awesome to RP with,so much excitement,so much fun.Her replies just about always are interesting,and easy to reply to along with that.People who havent Roleplayed with her you should. - Rhythm

  • HAHAHAHA KAT! Shes my Best friend. Someone you don't want to tick off there Assassin Chars. Grate role player and all around the best friend you could ask for. - Sweetyceltic

  • Eri
    From day one we've hit it off, and Airekuh proves herself to be a charming and intelligent individual. Her role play, characters, and stories are top-notch and she's always a pleasure to chat with OOCly. I highly recommend getting a slice of her pie, if you can. It's delicious. ;3 - Wordsmith

  • Don't RP or OOC with Earendill if you value the ability to not be in tears from laughter, or if you like not having your gut hurt from the above. Seriously. AVOID him.

    I'm still recovering from a severe attack on my health from this man. Every time he comes on IT JUST GETS WORSE.

    Send help - Tate

  • Few people compare to this girl. She's really friendly, her characters are dynamic and well developed not to mention how detailed their RPRs are. She's an absolutely fantastic RPer with a great sense of humor although she can be hyper and rather random at times. Her sense of 'adventure' and the plots she comes up with are intense! Love her, her RP, and her characters. - Elbosque525

  • Riks (played anonymously)
    aww he has a kudos page now! riks is one of my favourite characters to rp with and he is just a very interesting character with dynamic and interesting relationships with others and his environment. 10/10 would recommend to a friend - tzi

  • One of the best roleplayers I've had the good fortune to know. She weaves pictures, and stories are always better with her involved. Imaginative, friendly.. overall, a wonderful person that I love very much. - Eri

  • Mauricio (played by XinonHyena)
    All the good things to say about the Grand Inquisitor... he has the no-nonsense, suspecting, critical air I'd expect out of such a position.

    Xinon plays him in such a way that makes every scene with the ermine intense but awesomely fun to play alongside! - Copper_Dragon

  • Johann, a marksman skilled at shooting people with bullets AND snark!

    This is an awesome character that's always a joy to interact with! His personality feels alive and complete with excellent characterisation provided by his cool player.

    A legitimate badass and a worthy foe for any inquisitor! - XinonHyena

  • I also want to add that I'm impressed by Ross' artistic abilities. He enriches Sam's roleplay with (cartoon) drawings of scenes that happened, something which I've never seen anyone do. It makes reading his roleplays more fun as they're effectively illustrated and add a whole new layer of depth to visualizing what's going on. - Sanne

  • It's been an absolute pleasure seeing Sam at work in the Busy Bee RP. Ross is an excellent writer who is consistent with his character's personality and the choices she makes. She has a solid background and Ross sticks to her motivations to make her believable and intriguing.

    Whenever I see a notification in my feed for a new RP post with Sam, I just have to read it! Reading Ross' posts is like reading a good book, I'm constantly eager for more and excited to get to every new chapter. - Sanne

  • Elea (played anonymously)
    One of the best profiles on RPR. A simple story that doesn't need a lot to flesh it out with beautiful artwork. If you can check her out! - TheLily

  • This chick, so cool. omg. look at those beauties of character. I just drool all over them likeomg. covered in slober - Zoey

  • *Luff N' Fluff* I've known Heimdall for SEVERAL years now and there is no one better to RP with in my mind. Wonderful and interesting characters that run the gambit. And beautiful person ta boot. <3 - Toxi

  • She is one of the persons whoms reply I have patience to wait for! Every reply that I get, are detailed and kick the story forward, whilst others wait me to alone push the plot.
    Perfect, absolutely perfect RP companion! - Renechiel

  • Chuck227
    Love this guy! He and his characters are just wonderful, and he brings such depth to his back stories. One of my favorite people, both IC and OOC, easy to play with, and a great friend! - Lenoria

  • I will always adore the ever loving hell out of this woman. She is not only one of the greatest people oocly, but brings the fun in the rps out. So if you haven't done it, yet, I'd pretty much tell you, that you really should. - Horror