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Taloir Male "quiet but brilliant slave"


Anonymous Male


Bananasaurus Cisgender Male It's No Surprise to Me, I Am My Own Worst Enemy...

Anizen Ronera

AliRevellian Cisgender Female Strong-willed princess who won a war at the age of fifteen

Elias Blackfyre

Anonymous Cisgender Male

Isolde Eira Lothar

Anonymous Cisgender Female

Emrys Bash Valor

Anonymous Cisgender Male

Xavier Collins

Anonymous Cisgender Man Does love even exist?

Allison Joden

TwylaFalaCaddell Female "Of course I love uni. It's fun!"

Adrian Togoth

TwylaFalaCaddell Male "I'm just a man searching for answers."

Derek Smith

EquineGurl23 Cisgender Man Animals are better than people


Lucretire Male A cheeky-tongued mage with an aloof persona.

Jordan DeShay

EquineGurl23 Cisgender Male People aren't worth the effort sometimes


FadedTapestry Male Yuan Ti Rogue/Warlock Captain. Pirate-Lord. Once-Deposed Noble. Hunter of Slavers. Ruthless with a Heart of Gold.


PhoenixReyn Gender Fluid


DumboOctopus Male The kind of guy that would say "I play on people's nerves" when you ask him if he plays any instruments.


BroBot Male Friend till the end. and potentially afterwards

Casper Galewind

Experiment407021 Demiboy A vampire lord who's been around for a very, very long time..

Camdyn Moore

Experiment407021 Male A former yandere who made a huge mistake in the past and regrets it

Gwenevere Grace

Anonymous Female "Now thats the spirit!!! ... Get it? Spirit? Oh you're no fun."

Dana Wyne

Anonymous Cisgender Woman Broken in Love

Tammy Field

Anonymous Cisgender Woman Just an average woman from California living in the Pacific Northwest

Aluel Deng

Samiakki Cisgender Female "I wouldn't try that if I were you."