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Lai Male

Yngra Firehold

Samiakki Cisgender Female "I came, I saw, I learned something new."


Slendy Cisgender Man


Slendy Cisgender Male

Rodney Hobbs

Anonymous Male Oakwood’s Star tailback


Marzhipan Cisgender Man

M1917 Enfield

AgitoAceXIII Female A soldier of misfortune


Alex_the_dumbass Agender A halfling trying to survive the real magical world on their own

Riya Nuvre

VeraVe Female Jaded, powerful & dangerous, yet lonely & disposed to change.

Aerith Gainsborough

AgitoAceXIII Female "I'll be going now. I'll come back when it's all over."


AgitoAceXIII Male "When nine and nine meet nine, the depths of reason shall stir. When the seal of creation is broken, a voice like thunder shall sound, and thou shalt know””We have arrived."


Slendy Gender Nonconforming


Robyn Female 6 inches tall with something to prove beyond the secrets of generations before her. Aspiring Illusionist.


Stormiedayz Female Kyria is a very curious, adventurous, and mischievous angel. She is a fierce and strategic warrior when necessary, but has a gentle and loving nature.

Caterina Aries

Anonymous Female

Aleksandr Azarov

Anonymous Male

Emily Vanderhaven

Stormiedayz Female Emily always gets her way. She loves being the center of attention. Catty with females not in her circle.