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Well now I'm wondering if the answer isn't a character, but a piece of tech since it has a serial number...

One of the Qs?
I can tell you now, I am a HUGE Trekkie, that's the Klingon Trefoil. I've been sitting here with my Klingon Phrasebook (QAPLA!) Trying to see what I should put in it. So far, Kang, Khitomer, Warf, Klingon (Too obvious) and I think I tried Targ... Perhaps Martok? I shall beat this! FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
! Now this non-Trekkie is curious, what's the Klingon Trefoil?
Dragonfire Moderator

Hmmm. It couldn't be the Dax symbiont, could it? I don't know that they have registration numbers, though.

S'a pity my friend Kaze went to bed early; he'd know this for sure. XD
Dragonfire wrote:
Hmmm. It couldn't be the Dax symbiont, could it? I don't know that they have registration numbers, though.

S'a pity my friend Kaze went to bed early; he'd know this for sure. XD

The tribble thing? Maybe... I wouldn't say Dax played a HUGE role in that year though. Worf did. And Worf is Klingon... so the Klingon thing makes more sense
Copper_Dragon wrote:
Hiya, Libertine! We're working on a star trek puzzler atm!
Thanks Copper!
I'm afraid Sci-Fi's not my strong suit v_v but Novalynn linked me to a summary of the current guardians & hints, I'll add it to the front page shortly :>
Copper_Dragon wrote:
! Now this non-Trekkie is curious, what's the Klingon Trefoil?

It is the symbol being used for the Warrior Seal, basically!
...Oh! *dumb* Cool!
Libertine wrote:
Copper_Dragon wrote:
Hiya, Libertine! We're working on a star trek puzzler atm!
Thanks Copper!
I'm afraid Sci-Fi's not my strong suit v_v but Novalynn linked me to a summary of the current guardians & hints, I'll add it to the front page shortly :>
You made sure to get Zenith's, not just mine, right? Zenith's was more up to date.
I think I might need a break from clicking every single one of these. I am thoroughly stumped.

I was so certain that the answer was the USS Rio Grande/NCC-72452!
See I'm not so sure the answer is meant to be a ship... For some reason all of the ships I found the registries for didn't work, I tried the Rio Grande, Valiant, Defiant... Ones I tried to remember.

The Trefoil is the Symbol you're clicking on. That's the symbol of the Klingon Empire.
My fiance and I have -also- tried the registration number of every single registration number we could find forward, backward, with or without dashes and Nada. Are we sure it's a ship? XD
Dragonfire Moderator

Wizard wrote:
I think I might need a break from clicking every single one of these. I am thoroughly stumped.

I was so certain that the answer was the USS Rio Grande/NCC-72452!

A Herculean effort, Wizard. That one definitely looks like it should fit the bill, but alas!

I think I need to go get some shuteye, though. Quest on, brave scholars and scientists!
See, I'm trying to find if it's something they used and brought aboard...
By the by, I have this up as a live chat so I can keep up with it. I copied the clues elsewhere for my personal convenience.
Novalyyn wrote:
Libertine wrote:
Copper_Dragon wrote:
Hiya, Libertine! We're working on a star trek puzzler atm!
Thanks Copper!
I'm afraid Sci-Fi's not my strong suit v_v but Novalynn linked me to a summary of the current guardians & hints, I'll add it to the front page shortly :>
You made sure to get Zenith's, not just mine, right? Zenith's was more up to date.
Yep vuv
First post updated!
Hmmm... What could this BE... I even asked my dad (where I got my Trekkie genes from) and he doesn't seem to have a clue.
Maybe it's not a ship, indeed! It evidently has to be something with a registration number, though, and I cannot think of anything else in the universe that has those. Mind you, I'm not very well-informed when it comes to Star Trek, either, let alone Deep Space 9.

The trefoil and the name (Warrior Seal) do definitely offer direction, but the only major Klingony thing I can think of that happened in the year 2369 was Worf going to that slavery camp or whatever it was.

What about the individual' serial number? For instance, Picard's is SP-937-215.

After all, it IS a something or someone.

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