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I was thinking I'd take another crack at the warrior symbol... but it looks like everyone thought of everything I did after I quit earlier XD
The registry refers to one of the ships, though I don't know if they mean a ship that was shared between Uss enterprise and ds9 or the series enterprise and then ds9
I can't think of any ships that docked at both that played a big part in Fed history -__-
"Spent time both on the Enterprise and on DS9. What do you think it all means?"

"Played an important part in Federation history in the year 2369"

"It's registration number was..."
'It' might not mean a ship, but something sexless. *grasps at those straws*
Darth_Angelus wrote:
Yeah, a script like that would be cheating :P

That's the point, you foals!!

*throws paws up and gives in* I tried almost every registration number of Nebula class ships. I'm doooone.
Do androids or borg drones have registration numbers?
The_Ross wrote:
Do androids or borg drones have registration numbers?

After falling asleep last night I had tonget caught up. And I was thinking Borg too.....but I'm not a huge Trekkie, so my knowledge is limited

Im looking at a cross over list from TNG to DS9 and there is are quite a few characters besides Worf and O'Brien. They seem minor but a lot are Klingon.
2369 was a busy year.
Link to second portal added to first page post. Best of luck, guys *u*
I don't believe any of the actual characters have reg numbers. The only ship that I can think of is the Defiant, but there are a ton of those. One played a huge part that year, but it was mostly just doing it's job. The enterprise-D delivered people to Terok Nor, which was renamed to DS9, then u.s.s Defiant became the like constant ship on DS9.

Yet it's a klingon thing, but I don't know of any klingon ships that played a huge part. One of the birds of prey did, and I tried it's registry and nothing.
I just stumbled across this clue not sure it will be of help or not since I'm not sure how to even do this... XD

"Sometimes the shape of the symbol is a clue... And sometimes it's just a shape."
Yeah, In truth I have no idea what I'm doing..

I think in this case, the shape is just a shape, as it's not widely known to be a Klingon thing.
I tried a lot of the Klingons and their ships that were crossed over. >.< Couldn't find anything that worked.
Have all the guardians been found?
Nikina wrote:
Have all the guardians been found?
No, only 7/10 thus far.
I think the jupiter symbol has something to do with 2001 a space odyssey.
Hmmmm, I knew we were missing some.
Dragonfire Moderator

Looks like we've got 8/10 guardians found - we're missing the Saturn and Rocket ones. We've found Origin and Warrior, but haven't figured out their seal-words yet.

(*waves sleepily* Mornin', dudes.)
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Good morning questers! You appear to be busy already with further heroics. :)

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