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Forums » Smalltalk » Official portal thread

Rubix wrote:
Ah! I was trying Linea and couldn't get her to work lol. Evil Kim!

First clue is free: What once was old is new.
Dragonfire Moderator

Rubix wrote:
Have we found the rocket guardian yet?

Nope, haven't tracked down that one yet. It is the elusive one!

(Totally different from the Illusive one.)

"Search your heart, young jedi."
Ilmarinen Moderator

Hmmm, I had already looked at my friends list, and at some of my characters' friend lists, but I didn't find anything. >.< No luck doing a search for "heart" or "your heart" too. XD
Heimdall wrote:
Hmmm, I had already looked at my friends list, and at some of my characters' friend lists, but I didn't find anything. >.<

I tried "your heart" in the search, and looked at friends and my account settings.
I even checked Kim's profile, considering her the heart of RPR - nothing X:
Dragonfire Moderator

I found a database of all the starships in the Star Trek series. :p It has registration numbers for things that were only even mentioned in passing.

I did try a whole bunch, but nada so far.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Jane wrote:
I even checked Kim's profile, considering her the heart of RPR

Found him! You had to search for a legit heart!
The time traveler winks into existence in front of you. He looks as if he's just escaped from some kind of gun fight.

He brushes off his vest and holsters his gun. "I'm glad I caught up with you. I've been doing some snooping into the rocket symbol. The first clue I've uncovered is: It was a little known acronym before 1999, but had begun its rise toward usage by the general public in the US by 2000."

I can only reveal the second clue to someone who has at least 25 mutual (player) friends in their friendlist, but no more than 50."

"Your second clue is: For most of the general populace, the first time they heard it involved a bicycle accident."

"I can only reveal the third clue to someone who has a username ending in -ed."
Dragonfire Moderator

Highjinx wrote:
Found him! You had to search for a legit heart!

Yep, that's the one.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

One seal left...
omg, what was the answer to the Warrior seal? It was killing me?
What was the answer of the warrior seal?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

You had it, Jinx. It was just being really anal about formatting. Check your inbox.
Highjinx wrote:
omg, what was the answer to the Warrior seal? It was killing me?
I agree, i've been checking on it for hours.
eight correctly guessed lmao
what was it?

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus