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Forums » Smalltalk » Official portal thread

Dragonfire Moderator

spellplague wrote:
"The unity the community has been showing in solving this portal mystery reminds me of a very special time of year, when clones go caroling."

Heeeey, there's one of the missing ones!
The saturnian's voice is high and squeaky, as if she has been breathign a great deal of helium.

"Welcome to the sixth dimension. Your kind are new here... As is this portal that has appeared. If you can help us unlock its secrets, we would be most grateful. I can help you with the saturn symbol. Your first clue is: Created Saturn's E-ring."

"I can only reveal the second clue to someone who has at least 3 accolades."

"Your second clue is: A tenth the size of the largest moon."

"I can only reveal the third clue to someone who created two characters during the week of 2013/04/17 to 2013/04/24."

This seems like it should have something to do with Enceladus, the sixth-largest moon of Saturn, but Enceladus itself isn't the answer. Hrrrm.
"What better place to look for a guardian of a sci fi portal, than a sci fi RP?"
Where was the Saturn guardian?
Dragonfire Moderator

Rubix wrote:
Where was the Saturn guardian?

Kim went caroling once upon a time with clones. :p

The Saturnian

The saturnian's voice is high and squeaky, as if she has been breathign a great deal of helium.

"Welcome to the sixth dimension. Your kind are new here... As is this portal that has appeared. If you can help us unlock its secrets, we would be most grateful. I can help you with the saturn symbol. Your first clue is: Created Saturn's E-ring."

"I can only reveal the second clue to someone who has at least 3 accolades."

"Your second clue is: A tenth the size of the largest moon."

"I can only reveal the third clue to someone who created two characters during the week of 2013/04/17 to 2013/04/24."

"Your third clue is: Who discovered it?"

Answer was Fredrick William Herschel!
Dragonfire Moderator

w00tz w00tz!

Hey, Rubix, you also discovered a bit of the server's trivia during the great trivia loss, yes? :3 You should go look at the Origin guardian - I think you could unlock one of her clues!
I did but it's not showing up. :(
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

She might be more amenable to helping today.
Rubix wrote:
Answer was Fredrick William Herschel!

Well done! This second portal's been a doozy.
So, what is left?

The warrior seal, the origin seal, and the rocket?
The captain swaggers confidently down the halls of her freighter.

"That weird portal? Yeah, I've heard of it... And I've heard some things about the origin symbol on it. I can help, for a price... First clue is free: What once was old is new."

"I can only reveal the second clue to someone who started at least five RP topics in the Fantasy forum between January 2013 and April 23rd, 2014."

"I can only reveal the third clue to someone who found at least one piece of trivia during the Server's trivia collection."

"Your third clue is: Developed biological cold fusion."
I tried everything to do with cold fusion and biological transmutation I could think of...couldn't open it.
Rubix wrote:
I tried everything to do with cold fusion and biological transmutation I could think of...couldn't open it.

I opened the seal :)

Cold fusion is believed to be what Linea uses as a power source but in an organic form.

The answer was: Ke'ra
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Oddly enough, formerly known as Linea, she is renamed much later as Ke'ra when her own experiment gets out of control and erases her memory.
Kim wrote:
Oddly enough, formerly known as Linea, she is renamed much later as Ke'ra when her own experiment gets out of control and erases her memory.

Yea, she appeared as her younger self, and used the name Ke'Ra.
The warrior seal somehow is still troubling me.
I tried runabouts, shipts, freighters .. everything.
Ah! I was trying Linea and couldn't get her to work lol. Evil Kim!
Jane wrote:
I opened the seal :)
The answer was: Ke'ra
Very nice! Almost done... first post updated.
I go to sleep and there are only 2 seals left when I wake up! Well done, errybody. :3
Have we found the rocket guardian yet?

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus