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DelicateBunnie wrote:
You feel your organs vibrating inside your flesh from the not-so-subtle power generated by the alien overlord's various doomsday weapons.


We already have that one unlocked. ^^
Novalyyn wrote:
Jane wrote:
Where is the guardian of the warrior seal?
Pops up sometimes in the "Did you know" box. We've got all his clues, though. Why?

I just thought we might have missed some ...
And "What do you think ..." ... the part is not cursive, so i think its part of the dialog.
What irks me:

Third Clue: Its registration number was...

Why not - IS ?
Then it could be any fleetship that has been destroyed during any one of the conflicts of the year 2369, expecially during ones that were influental..

What do you think it all means could refer to "The crew of the Enterprise-D, along with Romulan, Klingon, and Cardassian interests, deciphers the last work of Professor Richard Galen, revealing that a race of ancient humanoids is a common ancestor of most species in the Milky Way Galaxy."

or the DNA samples that were located/being looked for, but I have no idea.
Lachey wrote:
Novalyyn wrote:
Jane wrote:
Warrior Seal
First Clue: Spent time both on the Enterprise and on DS9. What do you think it all means?
Second Clue: Played an important part in Federation history in the year 2369.
Third Clue: Its registration number was...

---> What do you think it all means?
Is what I don't get ...
Why is this part of the first hint, i mean ...
Wondering if that might be a sort of bonus clue?

My fiance says "what does it all mean" is the sinker. Whoever can figure that out can figure the whole riddle out. I don't know why he says this...
Well, I looked the phrase up, and it pulled up the script for the Darmok episode.

Oddly enough its the same year.
Jane wrote:
Novalyyn wrote:
Jane wrote:
Where is the guardian of the warrior seal?
Pops up sometimes in the "Did you know" box. We've got all his clues, though. Why?

I just thought we might have missed some ...
And "What do you think ..." ... the part is not cursive, so i think its part of the dialog.
You're prolly right.
Warrior Seal

First Clue: Spent time both on the Enterprise and on DS9.
Second Clue: Played an important part in Federation history in the year 2369.

2369: The Bajoran Wormhole is discovered, stating a secure link between the Alpha- and Gamma Quadrants. (link)

Third Clue: Its registration number was...

What was the answer to the Triforce Symbol? I'm curious.
Vash and her artifacts might be something. Perhaps one of the artifacts has a registration number?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Busy busy I see! ;)
Dragonfire Moderator

Dog wrote:
What was the answer to the Triforce Symbol? I'm curious.

Anne Steele!
So, for the Trekkie one. That particular year is only episodes 1-19 of DS9, but there are a few episodes of TNG that involve 2369 as well. We're currently watching those episodes of DS9 again, so far nothing. If anyone has TNG, heres the episodes that involve the year:
"Time's Arrow, Part II" (in part)
"Realm of Fear"
"Man of the People"
"True Q"
"A Fistful of Datas"
"The Quality of Life"
"Chain of Command, Part I"
"Chain of Command, Part II"
"Ship in a Bottle"
"Face of the Enemy"
"Tapestry" (in part)
"Birthright, Part I"
"Birthright, Part II"
"The Chase"
"Frame of Mind"
"Rightful Heir"
"Second Chances"
Wish I had TNG!
There was an episode on one of them called the "Way of the Warrior" or such. And I believe it involved a ship that had the number changed...or maybe it was a renaming. The Defiant I think. But I've been drawing a blank. I've got the hubby, my dad, friends and none of us yet have put it together. It's gonna end up being something so simple. lol
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Dear adventurers, I see that you are diligently watching the relevant episodes for the warrior seal and hot on the trail -- can someone tell me what the status is of the other three that are being worked? We have two missing guardians, perhaps?
Got a random little robot dude telling me:
"Did you know that this is the RP Repository's fourth birthday? I wonder where all the usual loot is hidden." :)

"The unity the community has been showing in solving this portal mystery reminds me of a very special time of year, when clones go caroling."
Dragonfire Moderator

Kim wrote:
Dear adventurers, I see that you are diligently watching the relevant episodes for the warrior seal and hot on the trail -- can someone tell me what the status is of the other three that are being worked? We have two missing guardians, perhaps?

The Origin guardian has been found, but we've only got one clue from her. Saturn and Rocket haven't been discovered, and I'm scratching my head. :p

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