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Forums » Forum Games » Stop Right There

Rinoa Heartilly (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“You’re under arrest for a logical reason to play the game!”

Cause: Creating and spreading “Whatever culture” with Squall’s help. Squall remains at large. Suspect remains in a holding cell awaiting trial.
Stardrop (played by d1zzi3_gh0zt1e)

"Stop right there! You're under arrest for being too diddly-darn cute!" Io grinned, hands on her hips. "You can totally be arrested for that."
Nails (played anonymously)

"Yeah? Well right back at ya, sister. Where'd I put them cuffs?"

"Huh, a rogue doing arresting, what's the world coming to?"
Clover (played anonymously)

"You're under arrest for effectively doing an Uno Reverse Card - basically using the same reason for arrest as the person above you."
Richelieu (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Mon Dieu, you're under arrest for mentioning the Uno Reverse card but not having one on you!"
James Moriarty (played by Atheist)

"Oh, is that not how you play the game?" Jim perked revealing his guilty hand. "I suppose I'd better re-read the rules. You've caught me. I can do nothing but humbly oblige. Please be gentle; I've never been cuffed before."

He's sniggering now, but only briefly before he realizes another culprit on the lam! "Hold on now! I place you under civilian's arrest for being far too fashionable. I'm the only one permitted to shine around here, darling."
“Murder, arson, plotting to murder, being an arse hole, plotting for world domination, plotting in general, and being creepy as all get out. And before you cry out I can’t do this, I can’t arrest you for being an a hole, I never said I was arresting you for a government on Earth.”
Gorbert (played anonymously)

“Yor’ unduh arrest for sayin’ that muhdur iz bad! If yoo git paid, it’z leegul. Rite?”
Sierra (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"You're under arrest for encroaching on my paycheck there. Believe me, I want to be paid for the deeds I do for people."
Sherlock Holmes (played by Atheist)

"I'm afraid your knack for misappropriation has finally caught up with you," Sherlock states matter-of-factly. "If you're concerned about the details, I can assure you I make no deductions based purely on speculation. I have the supporting evidence I need, but kudos for the effort. The disguise was rather clever."
Aquila Arrowwing (played anonymously)

"Heya. I'm going to have to arrest you for being.. really.. long-winded."
A fallen (played by Thelordofmemes)

You violated the law, pay the quart a fine or serve your sentence [ you got caught stealing]
A fallen (played by Thelordofmemes)

Ima gonna arrest you for uh uh uh existing
A fallen (played by Thelordofmemes)

Your under arrest for being a trump supporter not hating any trump supporters
A fallen (played by Thelordofmemes)

The truth is, the game was rigged from the start
Jean Bart (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“Ah....Mon Dieu. You’re under arrest for throwing down four sentences in a row. You can’t do that.”
Deuce (played by lexiconflinger)

"Uh...what? What is GOING ON? I'm arresting you for somehow being a anthropomorphized battleship!"
Nemo (played anonymously)

"Stop right there! I'm arresting you for having a way too cool mask! No, wait a minute." They scratch their head. "Why am I getting deja vu—?"
The Mailman (played anonymously)

“Stop right there, criminal scum! You violated the law! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence! Your stolen goods are now forfeit!”

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