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Forums » General Roleplay » The Settlement Of Demeral ((Open))

D-4859 (played by Major_payne25)

“Sure...” Dee was looking outside the city was in ruins military vehicles of unknown origin were roaming the streets shooting anyone they they heard footsteps Dee charged at Ezra knocking her back into the bedroom and closing the door just as the door the apartment opened...
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

Gasping, Ezra blinked a few times to regain her focus, only getting a glance at the outer chaos before she was rushed back into the room. "What-?" She cut herself off, deciding it was most likely not the best option to speak at the moment. She looked around the room, quickly helping Dee to his feet as she gestured to underneath the bed while confusion flashed across her eyes.
Vladimir Dyukov (played by Major_payne25)

“obyskivat' kvartiru i ne brat' plennykh” a voice would say it was russian for “search the place and take no prisoners” what sounded like a city wide PA system played the Soviet anthem but the recording was distorted ina very disturbing manner:
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

Ezra looked around the room in a slight panic, her eyes landing on a window. Without a second thought, she found herself rushing towards it in a hurry. She swung it open and threw one leg over the ledge, mumbling. "Being injured is better than being killed, hm?" She huffed, looking up at the man before fully placing herself on the ledge of the window, daring to glance at the ground far from beneath her.
D-4859 (played by Major_payne25)

Dee charged at the 2 men taking the AK-47 from one and shooting them both in the head “c’mon put these on...” he helped Ezra back in and handed her the clothes of one of the soldiers as he put on the uniform of the other
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

She huffed, her lips puckered in irritation. "Or you could perform an escape with the use of violence." After sliding into the apartment once again, Ezra sighed, slightly disappointed. "We could've survived without.. harming them, hm? Next time, I will not be so willing to mend to your ways." It wasn't exactly a threat, but it was an attempt to be one. She muttered a small apologize to the soul of the soldier as she turned in the opposing direction, putting on the clothing she was given with regret filling her mind.
D-4859 (played by Major_payne25)

“Here...” Dee handed her an AK-47 as he picked up the other one and opened the door for her “Ladies first...” he said with a strangely deep Russian accent it was different from his normal voice but it seemed natural to him...
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

She almost winced. There was no possible way she could pull of a Russian accent, so her natural Irish tone would have to do, for now. Though, that was the least of her worries. "I.. I can't hold the gun." Immediately, Ezra handed the gun back to Dee. She was going to question his accent, but decided not to after a moment's pause. She rushed out the door. It only confirmed half of her beliefs, the accent and the killing. The woman shuddered. Dee could be trusted, couldn't he..?
D-4859 (played by Major_payne25)

Dee grudgingly put the rifle down picking up the holster with a makarov pistol from one of the soldiers and catching up to get to hand it to her “look you need some kind of gun or they’ll get suspicious... just put the pistol on your belt..”
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

"I'll tell them I misplaced it, if they dare approach," The red-head snarled, shaking her head and, yet again, refusing the weapon. "If I'm going to stand my ground against the laws of good humanity, I'm going to do it well." She glared at the gun. "And that means no weapons."
D-4859 (played by Major_payne25)

Dee sighed he clipped the holster onto his belt “so what’s the plan?” He said his voice strangely returning to its normal semi-southern accent
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

"Well, I was hoping you had one, but I suppose we'll have to make one now?" Ezra laughed nervously, twisting her hair into a sloppy bun. Finally, she muttered something about his accent. "Is that natural or..?" The red-head paused. "Nevermind that, I suppose. I mean, are we going t attempt to get to the facility, or are we going somewhere else..?" For the first time in what felt like forever, Ezra had no true idea of what she was doing.
D-4859 (played by Major_payne25)

“Well there has to be some way to get the door back... I’m guessing we have to do something first... though a more important question... can you speak Russian?
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

"Russian?" She paused for a moment, shaking her head. "Just Irish, I'm afraid. I'm guessing you can, perhaps..?" The red-head quickly caught herself as she fumbled over the air. "Well- I shouldn't assume. The accent you managed to pull off was.. believable, and, therefore, I made a guess. But, to answer your question, I cannot speak the language, no."
D-4859 (played by Major_payne25)

Dee stares blankly at her and his left eye twitched something she had said triggered something in him as he quietly mumbled jibberish...
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

Ezra took a step back. The last time she had irritated someone ended with nine bullets beneath her skin. "Dee..?" She rose a brow, slightly worried. "Are you alright..?" This was it, she thought, this was it. She had played her moves wrong, and now she was going to lose the game.
D-4859 (played by Major_payne25)

Dee shook his head violently “I... I’m fine...” he said his voice changing back to a deep Russian accent “we need to keep moving”he said as he opened the door to a stairwell to the street “Ladies first” he said with a sarcastic wink
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

With a roll of her eyes and a rough smile, Ezra began to make her way down the steps, trying not to drown in her series of thoughts. She decided it would be best of her to keep her mouth shut, and, when and if she needed to speak, she would do so when the two were not speaking to another. The woman sent a look over her shoulder. "Act as if I'm mute. I lost my ability to speak in.. in a fight. That will most likely be more believable than them hiring an Irish woman, wouldn't it?" Though speaking was nearly a part of her personality, it would not be the best quality at the moment.
D-4859 (played by Major_payne25)

“Da..” he said which means yes I’m russian as they reached the bottom of the stairs a few guards stood at the door...Dee walked up to them and began speaking with them leaving Ezra alone at the bottom of the stairwell
Paola Ezra Marlowe (played by AmberShades) Topic Starter

Ezra nodded once. To be honest, she already regretted her choice due to the fact she was forced to remain quiet. She shuddered. Memories haunted her. Though, the red-head's focus turned to the men Dee were speaking to. Straightening her posture, she stood to the side, attempting to understand what they were saying.

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