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Forums » Forum Games » What freaks you out in the dead of the night?

Kind of a smalltalk post, but in honor of Halloween this could turn into a game! What sounds (or whatever) make you nearly wet the bed to hear at 3a.m.?

I texted my friend, who had fallen asleep on his phone, and the buzz freaked him awake.

I also have this hamster...what likes to get his cardio run in when I sleep. But it sounds like someone trying to claw their way through my window.

So what makes YOU pee your pants?!
Angel statues, more than one shadow, rhythmic knocking...
Anything from Dr. Who, really. But most especially angel statues. My sister has one in her garden room in her house and I get so freaked out any time I go downstairs with the lights off because it's down there.

Any noise really scares the crap out of me in the dark, but the creepiest by far would have to be my son's breathing. lol He sometimes comes in my room, but instead of waking me up he just stands there and stares at me while I sleep. So when I finally wake up from that nagging feeling of having someone stare at me, the first thing I see is a face looking me dead in the eye. Children are terrifying.
Shadows that move without reason, strange noises I can't pinpoint, prevent, or quit from occurring (we once had rats in the floor and it wouldn't stop scratching), and mirrors. Screw mirrors, in the dark.

Oh, also- I am petrified of the dark. Absolutely terrified if I can't see. So I always sit and give my eyes to adjust.
Any time of day, I don't like large cornfields. Not a Children of the Corn phobia, just a general childhood lost-for-six-hours-in-a-million-acres experience that scared me for life lol.

Night time though... Hmmm. I don't know. I actually don't scare that easily (thank you, older siblings). A few nights ago I woke up to the neighbor's cats fighting at like 3:30AM. They were doing that possessed growling/meowing/oooooooh-long-tom-mrowrowrow thing. I was half asleep and my tired brain was like 'wtf is that?!' and I sat up pretty quick, trying to figure out where it was coming from lol.
Not so much in the dead of night--but anyone knocking on my door when I don't expect them. My heart jumps into overdrive as I leap behind the sofa. >_> (With Roo watching me, then watching the door.)

Anytime Roo (my mini longhaired dachshund) is fixated on something. Like the door. Or the wall. Is there someone there? Is there a bug? A spider???

And as Jinx mentioned: cats fighting. Lived in an apartment in CA for about a year where we heard cats fighting and growling and merowing at all hours of the night--it was terrifying. They do sound possessed.

Oh and last but not least: people walking past my windows. I'm on the ground/basement floor of the apartment complex and sometimes I forget my blinds are open until I see movement and freak out. Especially at night--when it's just shadows. *shivers*

Everything? I spend a lot of time reading creepypastas for my "job" on Creepy Noodle, so I've gotten used to being afraid of everything. The main ones are closet doors (ours are ALWAYS open, tied to STAY that way. Period. End of story. Always open.) and thunder. I don't like loud noises and thunder scares me badly enough I once did pee myself. It was really embarassing because I had to tell my husband why we couldn't sleep in the bed.
Sanne Moderator

Thunder. I don't know why, but it sets off my anxiety like no tomorrow. Even when I hear it in games I get super uncomfortable and have to turn down my speakers or blast music over it, or I'll end up lapsing into a panic attack.

I also suffer from frequent nightmares that transfer into my awakening. A while ago I had a bizarre moment where I was lingering between being asleep and awake. I heard shuffling noises coming from my front door and kitchen, but my cats were locked in the bathroom for the night. When I looked over I saw this shadow, shaped like a 10 year old kid, walking over and standing beside my bed, totally solid. Then it pointed its finger at me and starting screeching like a banshee.

I almost flew out of my bed and had to turn on the light to confirm it was just a dream, but it was bad enough I couldn't go back to sleep for a while.

In general I'm not frightened easily by the dark or by strange noises anymore though.
Spiders. I encounter them more during the daytime (and in video games >:(), but one night when I was about 13 or 14, when we were still living in Texas, I woke up and turned on my light. Probably wasn't able to get back to sleep, had the idea to read a book or something to doze off again. Anyway, when I turned on my light, something moving near the ceiling caught my eye. I looked up and over my bathroom doorway, and lo and behold what do I find crawling across the wall but a huge wood spider.

It was about the size of an American half-dollar, if I remember rightly, and that son of a gun crawled across 3/4th of my room's wall perimeter, with me too terrified to knock it down and lose it in the carpeting or wake up Mom & Dad. Eventually I cocooned myself under my covers and managed to get back to sleep somehow, even though it was still in there. The next morning my Mom was spring cleaning my clothes and found it tucked in the corner of one of my dresser drawers. It met its fate in the hand-vac.

On a lighter note, Dad has a tendency to make me jump badly when it's night time and I have the headphones on and music playing. He likes to joke that I must be doing something inappropriate online to react as I do.
LittleBattyLady wrote:
Shadows that move without reason, strange noises I can't pinpoint, prevent, or quit from occurring (we once had rats in the floor and it wouldn't stop scratching), and mirrors. Screw mirrors, in the dark.

Oh, also- I am petrified of the dark. Absolutely terrified if I can't see. So I always sit and give my eyes to adjust.

I have an en-suite bathroom which I sleep directly opposite of. When I'm trying to get to sleep, I am under the illusion that there is something hiding in there, ready to pop out and scream at me, which really creeps me out, don't even get me started when I leave the room open with the light off. Not to mention that I'm very paranoid and my mind plays tricks on me daily.

I totally get the spider thing. o.o I woke up one morning to find a black widow under my sheets when I lived in Nevada. I've almost gotten to the point where I have to wash my sheets before I sleep in them lol
Copper_Dragon wrote:
Spiders. I encounter them more during the daytime (and in video games >:(), but one night when I was about 13 or 14, when we were still living in Texas, I woke up and turned on my light. Probably wasn't able to get back to sleep, had the idea to read a book or something to doze off again. Anyway, when I turned on my light, something moving near the ceiling caught my eye. I looked up and over my bathroom doorway, and lo and behold what do I find crawling across the wall but a huge wood spider.

It was about the size of an American half-dollar, if I remember rightly, and that son of a gun crawled across 3/4th of my room's wall perimeter, with me too terrified to knock it down and lose it in the carpeting or wake up Mom & Dad. Eventually I cocooned myself under my covers and managed to get back to sleep somehow, even though it was still in there. The next morning my Mom was spring cleaning my clothes and found it tucked in the corner of one of my dresser drawers. It met its fate in the hand-vac.

On a lighter note, Dad has a tendency to make me jump badly when it's night time and I have the headphones on and music playing. He likes to joke that I must be doing something inappropriate online to react as I do.
Jello_Monsta wrote:
I totally get the spider thing. o.o I woke up one morning to find a black widow under my sheets when I lived in Nevada. I've almost gotten to the point where I have to wash my sheets before I sleep in them lol

Twas once a time that was enjoying myself on my PC, when a large Daddy-long-legs decides to ruin the fun. Que a wide-eyed, gasp of fear as I look to my left. The meddler then decided it wanted to lurk under my bed, so I went and slept in my younger brother's bed out of fear that it would probably creep inside my mouth.
For me is the sudden and un-ignorable knowledge that I will die, my family will die, my friends will die, and my things will be scattered or destroyed. Some nights it just will not go away.

As far as more external stimuli as others are listing - cat pukes. That popHURK popHURK! is just awful and can be anything when you're not expecting it.
Fiaryn Topic Starter

Oh my gosh great answers! Jello, I agree...that's not the first time I've heard of kids doing that but it's creepy every time.

And just this morning a huge dog decided to raid our trash and wake me up at the buttcrack of dawn, but I thought it was trying to kill our cat so that was pretty freaky...

Anyone ever try to go "haunting"?
Our dog has a very, very aggressive sounding bark, and the last few nights, he's started to bark at exactly three a.m. A little nerve wracking. Our closet door has a habit of swinging open by itself, and it makes this awfffuuulllll squeaking sound. I usually just hide under the blanket for a while after.

In general, I don't mind the dark. I like nighttime. I'm just scared of what might be in said darkness. Lol
Its not the dark that bugs me, but what you can't fully SEE. Middle of the night sometimes the heater will kick on, and because heat rises, it hits my ceiling fan. Just seeing that BLACK outline of something moving around you... *shivers* ... It plays tricks on you're head! I'll lay down to go back to sleep and think im seeing things moving across the floor, even though my room will be pitch black! Its the visual part that does it for me most though. The dark is fine... but like... Silhouettes... Nooooooo Thank you...
Fiaryn wrote:
Anyone ever try to go "haunting"?

I'm not sure what this means? lol
Highjinx wrote:
Fiaryn wrote:
Anyone ever try to go "haunting"?

I'm not sure what this means? lol

Jinxy, I think it means to go to supposedly haunted places
I am afraid of tickling sensations in the dark, on top of the dark itself. I have a nightlight-alarm clock.

I can't have closets or drawers open in the dark. I hallucinate too much lol.

But yeah, going back to the tickling sensations! In my last home, we had a huge hole in my bedroom ceiling. We had a spider problem. I'd often find them on me during the day and I'm terribly phobic of these things. So I could lay down on my bed in the middle of the day and feel a tickling and look down and see a spider crawling into and out of my shirt from the neckhole.

At night, it's happened too. So I'd run to turn on the light and BAM A SPIDER OR THREE!

So now I'm paranoid about tickling sensations in the dark.

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