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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • Witty, humorous and far too friendly for his own good, Zelanze is both a great person to talk to and a fantastic roleplayer. He is like the voice of reason to my bad habits! - Esoterica

  • Has very extensive knowledge of bird anatomy, is actually a hen IRL/OOC. Very original n cute characters. ^u^ - dede

  • Is VERY knowledgeable in 1950's linguistics. e.e Loved rping with and felt like I was really there. - chemicalswirl

  • This woman helped bring me into the fold and revitalize my desire for roleplay after a long, dry spell. She is highly skilled, compassionate, and truly a treat to RP with. I count myself very lucky to have met her, and I can only hope to have her in the stable for a long time to come. She's a favorite, and each and every post is a gem worth waiting for. If you haven't RPed with her, it's your loss. - Auberon

  • This sweetie is one of the loveliest people you'll ever meet! A soft, exciting personality behind the keyboard with a gorgeous style in both words and art, I couldn't be more excited to unfold new and magical story-lines with her in the present and future! Tap my vein, Bel, 'cause I'm addicted. 8D - Stormie

  • Faux-li is, perhaps, one of my favorite people to roleplay with on God's green Earth. <3 Her characters are visceral and bring with them a statement of surreality that plays into the environment and setting so well, you'll be left with vivid imagery in your head and a constant craving for more. An amazing RPer, and an even more extraordinary friend, I'd be lost in this game without her. <3 - Stormie

  • I'm really glad that I stopped being such a lurker because I was finally able to be introduced to this awesome RPer whose art I kept seeing everywhere. Tons of fun to play with, and I'm so, so happy I was finally able to meet her. Here's to many twists and turns in future plots! - Auberon

  • It's rare that I find someone who fits into my RP stable so quickly, but this player already rules the roost. Her writing style is fabulously agreeable, and the subtle details she blends in, the consideration for an environment beyond just the character's actions -- it all comes together perfectly. I've enjoyed the RP, and I look forward to many more. There is no escape. I call dibs. - Auberon

  • There are just not enough words to describe how amazing this lovely woman is. She's a great friend, funny, honest, and stunning! Yeah that's right, she's hot shit. ;) Her friendliness will draw you in as much as the characters she plays. Her creativity and skills blow my mind (and my panties.) Yes, I simply go crazy over this wonderful woman and lay claim to her right now for you all to know! Sadly this box won't let me type more, so I will end with saying this.. Britty, you're amazing <3 xo - Isnelx

  • she is a wonderful role player that is all i have to say about this chick
    she all ways has correct spelling, can play with any other people, and she all ways goes along with the rp even when it suddenly changes - booobear

  • Lucy has quickly become one of the most beloved users in the core RPR community! She's definitely contributed a lot of greatness and her personality brightens up every room she walks (clicks/types?) into! Kudos, Lucy. - Oaky

  • Although you are crazy at times, i love roleplaying with you. I love the roleplay we are currently doing (All Gone) Hope to do alot more rp's with you in the future! <3 - Wolfpup13

  • A wonderful RPer, amazing friend, and a great listener! She's always happy to help me with any problems; she puts up with my whining, has the patience of a saint and has a wonderful way with words. RP with her! <3 - Lizzie

  • A delight both OOCly as well as ICly, MsMousey never disappoints! Every interaction with her on either level is chock full of fun. My only disappointment is that we did not roleplay sooner! She is truly a gem, and worth every single minute you will spend roleplaying and chatting with her. Do not let her pass you by! - Keke

  • It is always a joy to roleplay with this guy! His characters are well thought out and he plays them in a way that is wholly believable. He is fun to interact with on an IC level as well as OOC. You'd do a good thing for yourself if you give him a chance! - Keke

  • Just met him, but Epic is a great guy! Friendly to chat with, Creative to bounce ideas around with, and keeps great pace with the RP! The detail he has shown with his character reflects that imaginative spirit we all love when it comes to RPing! He's freakin' Epic!!! Cheers Mate! - EnkeliAgon

  • He's a very descriptive and amazing RPer. Just seeing how much he can write up in a short amount of time is just great. Thanks to him, I have stepped up my game, falling back into old RPing habits. Thanks mate! - Epic

  • Chibi is what every Rper should strive to be. I had the best time Rping with her and given the chance I would love to again, she always creates these scenarios that to me seem impossible to get out of but somehow we do which is always fun. She's also not afraid to let you take the lead not knowing where you would be going with it she still manages to make it her own which isn;t easy to do. Bottom line Rp with Chibi because I promise you won't be the same after your done. - Prince-Dono

  • Kurt is very adaptable player - both IC and OOC. He is creative and adjusts to anything thrown at him in game and is easy to plot with.
    His replies are both interesting and informative - I enjoy learning more about his characters and the race he has created (with enough information to make it plausible).
    All in all, he makes pleasant, patient and thoughtful RP partner who knows how to keep your attention. Certainly good choice for a new game!
    Kudos to you, Kurt, thank you for playing with me! - Sadrain

  • I have been in an RP with I8a Serthumon for some time now and I must say it is one of my favorite RPs. She always writes strong and descreptive replys and really gives good material. I enjoy reading her post and look foward to the next paragraph to continue our exciting adventure. Definetly a player that anyone should have the honor of writing with. All around amazing person and storyteller. - Kurt