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I have actually never had a mustache, as it happens. I've always wanted to grow a beard but my company (I work in food service) has a policy against it in their stores. I chose to become The Great Sir Mustache because my niece insisted that I should grow one and that I'd look like 'a super-cool knight or something' and since I'm a sucker for small, adorable children, Sir Mustache the Great I became.

Lupus means wolf in latin, with wolves being my favorite animal I had to go with it. Raziel is the name of my all time favorite video game character(From the Legacy of Kain Series, look it up). And Shadows is the last name of a family of characters i made a long time ago, most of which are deities aligned with dark attributes(Like Death, Fear, so on.)
Tusitala: (Samoan for "Teller of Tales", i.e. a storyteller) The name is Samoan, meaning 'writer of stories' or storyteller. It was the name they gave to Robert Louis Stevenson, who lived his final four years in Samoa
The name Lux means light so Poof LuxofLight was born!
This is actually one of the nicknames of Dave Ryder, I took it from the name Bolt VanderHuge to be exact, in Space Mutiny given to him by other characters in the movie.

Honestly though, I just thought it was cool and really masculine. Like you can almost smell the musk and be tickled by chest hair whenever you say it.



Ohhh boy.

Many years ago, when I was a small child...

Nah, I think maybe around the age of 13 I first started using pltjess, so it's been uh, a long time. It's one of those ones that's just unique enough that I've never seen anyone else using it, so it just became practice for me to use it absolutely everywhere. Anyway, at the time I had just started taking flight lessons and later went on to get my pilot's license when I was only 17.

So, what did brilliant, young me come up with?

I took the vowels out of pilot since pilotjess was taken and just smashed it together. Oh, and my name is Jessica, but I just assumed that was obvious.

Ta da!
pltjess wrote:
At the time I had just started taking flight lessons and later went on to get my pilot's license when I was only 17.

Huwaaaat. You can fly a plane?


Vanderhuge wrote:
pltjess wrote:
At the time I had just started taking flight lessons and later went on to get my pilot's license when I was only 17.

Huwaaaat. You can fly a plane?


I flew a plane by myself before I had my driver's license for a car! XD

I was an oddly high-achieving child. I also wanted to be an astronaut, but alas, not all of our dreams pan out.
My username is my name with 14 being the day of my b-day!
Pilot Jess, I want you with me when the zombie apocalypse strikes, hah!

My name has two origins that came together to create my weird lower-case nickname of today. When I was 14 I came up with the brilliant idea of using 'dracothrope' instead of 'lycanthrope' as a nickname, because DRAGONS! COOL! YEAH! ...The novelty wore off quickly.

Around the same time I was into Piers Anthony's Apprentice Adept series, and one of his main characters' names was 'Stile', after a little stool to get between horse paddocks. One of my friends shortened my name to 'dray' because she kept spelling the original 'dracothorpe' (fastest way to make me flip a pool, lol) but when I went to see what the word might mean and found out it was the term for a low-sided beer-toting horse-drawn carriage I had to keep it. I like the weird mix of humility and conceit going on behind the idea of hauling a heavy load that is laden with delicious treats.
Easy! Its just a plant! Marimos are little moss balls that live in water. They are also called the Aegagropila linnaei!

Wow, everyone has such a cool stories behind their usernames and then there's me. You would probably think 'Wixiany' means something, maybe it does, but I have no idea. I just needed a new username without my name in it so I used random generator, changed the ending letter and bam, my username was born.
I kinda like pirates.
To understand my name is to understand his heart of my Jedi Celtic

Celtic was inspired by the son you raised me up, more importantly the Celtic Women version who I also named her after. Celtic is honest and a real Sweet heart so I just combined her personality with her name to get SweetyCeltic

dray wrote:
Pilot Jess, I want you with me when the zombie apocalypse strikes, hah!

Hey, you supply the plane and I'll get us out of here! Fair warning, it's gonna be one helluva bumpy ride as I haven't flown in years. It is one REALLY expensive hobby! XD
I couldn't think of a name, so I just used my first name.
Mine is from Sailor Moon. I love Usagi and the last part is my last name. 😄😁
I made up a word when I was twelve by cramming some extra letters before and after an abbreviation of my first name.

Which means I've had this same alias for more than half of my life, holy heck.

It's a nickname for my main character, Autumn. She's obsessed with glitter and makes people call her princess so a friend started calling her Glitter Princess.
My name derives from the 😑 emojii, which I tend to use on my face a lot IRL

Dash(-) + UnaSkor (_) + Dash (- ) = -_- = DashUnaSkorDash

Also kinda from my favorite YouTuber. IF YOU KNOW WHERE LAQUISHA IS LET SMOKE KNOW.

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