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Forums » RP Discussion » RP Cliches/Pet Peeves/Experiences with said peeves


1. This pertains exclusively to Furcadia, but it would be any form of in-game description of such obscene length that it must be maintained in the local .ini file to bypass the character limit. Guess what: there's personal sites for that level of depth.

2. People that never answer your whispers but also never go afk, and this happens multiple times. Escort yourself out the nearest pressurized cabin, please.

3. Characters of tremendous power, rarity, or mythological significance inexplicably occupying degrading or menial roles. This may include a slave, an accountant, a butler, or any other number of subservient and/or menial role (and there are rare instances where I see such bizarre things executed effectively), but the general gist of it is anything that produces a feeling similar to to visiting an Opera only to find the Diva scrubbing the toilets.

4. Characters that simply have to be in control at all times, and are simply too beyond the level of any other character to be phased, hindered, jimmy-rustled or what have you by these lesser peons. This is more an aggravation of abhorrent writing than a personal frustration; individuals that do this I tend to just not RP with, but their vapid and masturbatory writing continues to serve an affront to all sense of taste. One of the most engaging parts of any sort of upright and "superior" character is when they finally do crack, and their recovery from it, but I seem to see more examples of Twilight escapism than intellectually crafted pompous jerkoffs.

5. People that refuse logical correction (such as pointing out a gross math error), critique or feedback of any kind, and do so with either a venomous lashing or an indirect snub. An example would be messaging someone to point out, say, George Washington crossed the Delaware, not the Mississippi, so their Colonial Rebel would have served under him there. Rather than offer thanks, they A. Flame or B. Pretend to thank you but then insert a snippy, passive-aggressive mind-poops on their character information asserting they have checked their information so unless you're some kind of genius in the relevant category keep it to yourself.

6. Character age fapping. It's a shallow grab at an identity, and offers no guarantee of quality. 13 Years of poorly RPing a poorly designed character is 13 years of "oh my god why have you not moved on".

7. Art fapping: see above, replace references to time played to collective price tag of art.

8. Communists.
"Another thing I hate, hate, HATE is when people take IC drama way too far. And I mean taking it OOCly. I've been a victim of it, and I have people close to me that have had really bad cases of power getting to people's heads. It's ranged from 'wow your character is mean I never want to talk to you again' to 'omg you're ripping off my character stop it', and probably some other examples that I can't call to mind yet. It seems to be focused onto one of my characters specifically, but I think that's more to do with his controversial nature than anything. People play nasty characters, get over it! It's not going to be murry purry sunshine and rainbows all the time."

This, and:

"- My number one is probably the run-around of "You copied so and so/stole from my character!" and the bad feelings that follow. Unless you created an entirely new species that actually belongs to you or it's blatantly obvious, I wish people would chill out. There are going to be similarities between characters, it's a given. Sometimes there are a lot of them, sometimes only a few, just like in real life. And just like in real life this can present a really nice opportunity to get things going plot wise - friends? Enemies? Who knows."

It's a game people, it's only roleplay based on words and pixels. Take your head out of your butt and start acting like the adult you're supposed to be. I also hate people who discourage character development, usually because they don't like the direction your character is going.

I also hate it that people want to dictate what happens to my character. It's my character, it isn't bound by some mystical force to remain exactly how they were first created, reality doesn't affect an imaginary character that I've logged down on the internet. If I want to make my character a hundred foot tall? Guess what, I'll make them a hundred foot tall!

Something I've seen, directed mostly at the Furcadia system of roleplay, is that people stick to their cliques. I hate cliques, I refuse to submerge myself into a single identity that people will actually refuse to talk/roleplay/what have you, because I belong to a certain 'clique'. It's not the cliques I dislike, it's the attitudes of those within them - usually, they refuse to divulge in roleplay to those unworthy, refrain from accepting offers of roleplay from anyone outside, or simply act haughty, pompous and down right stupid to those that aren't a member of their fold. Get a grip, seriously, as I've mentioned before IT IS ONLY A GAME, THIS IS NOT HIGH SCHOOL.

My pet peeves are also;
- People who suck up/brown nose to artists or people in a position of power.
- People who complain about a lack of RP but do nothing about it.
- People who complain about having no money but has several expensive digos (avatars, to people outside of Furcadia) and/or a mass collection of art.
- People who beg for money/art/digos/RP.
- People who think they have control over your character.
- People who listen to 'rumors' and don't approach someone for roleplay even if they're interested.
- Mob mentality. I see this a lot. If one person dislikes something, everyone follows like a heard of sheep.
OHHHH. OHHHH MAN. Most of what I write will apply to Furcadia. #SR

-First off, and a really big one for me is bugging me for art. :l I don't mind if you're my close friend or we're epic rp buddies and have been for YEARS but if I barely know you and have never rped with you before? Then why do you think it's 'okay' to bug me to give you something for free? I've had several people I hardly know bug me for art, and it's usually not polite and mature but OMG PLS DRAW MY CHARACTER ILY FOREVER ;___; PLSPLS. :l And those same kinds of people usually bug me to buy them stuff as well, such as digos and alts. Helloooooo, I'm not your sugar momma for art and whatever else you want so please back off. :l Usually, that sort of thing kills my want to actually stick it out and become a friend or even rp with the person, because it's quite clear what they want and I'm not on this game to spoon feed random people what they want, when they want.

-Characters that don't make sense species wise. :l Yeah, your werewolf/vampire character? Doesn't make sense. Your angel/demon? Doesn't make sense. Your cat/monkey? DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. Usually people don't have a valid explanation for these characters aside from ITS MY IMAGINATION, DEAL WITH IT. I get that people want to be creative but I can only commend people who do it with a valid explanation and reason, and sometimes that is just NOT possible with some of the combinations people have come up with in the past.

-Sex roleplay. :l Yup! This is a big one! HAHA! Don't get all defensive and go "WHAT WHY?!" just yet because you don't even know my reason why! Just read. <3 Now, I don't mean that type of roleplay specifically, since I have done it in my past and there is nothing wrong with it, my problem is what happens when that type of roleplay is denied. Some people just -have to have- sexytimes in their long or short term storyline and people like me who don't roleplay it for our own reasons? That usually means we do -not- get roleplay, not even the casual how-do-you-do bar chat because it won't end in the characters drunkenly scrambling about in the bedsheets like two eggs in a very small frying pan. I have been ditched several times in roleplay when it became clear (before I had rules put down on character pages saying NOPE) that my character was not going to have sex or even engage in a romantic relationship with someone else's. It's annoying that, in my experience, because I am respecting my real life partner (who also plays this game) by not engaging in that sort of roleplay that I have to suffer having less roleplay overall because people can't get their brains out of their genitals. Lately, the game has been less about actual story writing and creating -something- worthwhile to brag about to your friends who are missing out on epic roleplay and more about who-is-banging-who this week and just how often you can get your jollies off typing one handed at your computer screen. YEAH. I SAID IT. COME AT ME BRO. >:l Seriously, some of the best freaking novels of the century (and if you can't think of any then you might be one of those types that will not engage in roleplay unless sex can happen) have been written WITHOUT sexual scenes or even the HINT of something mildly sexual aside from pointing out a character's ROMANTIC interest in someone else. Let's get back to writing stories, not smut. :l But seriously? If you can manage your sexual roleplay on your own times but also engage in roleplay with people who do not do that kind of roleplay and have the maturity to respect their wishes? THEN PROPS TO YOU because there need to be more people like you on this game.

-Cliques. I see a few people have mentioned them already so I don't feel the need to repeat them in my own words. So yeah. Just cliques.

-When people don't want their characters to suffer the consequences of their actions in roleplay. SO many times I have run into people who whine and moan and make all sorts of other unpleasant noises when their character is being punished for committing a crime or doing something mean and/or stupid. Your traitor to the kingdom? Should be dead but since you whined for hours about losing your character that you are just oh so attached to everyone just stopped caring so you can continue prancing around the dream as a TRAITOR yet hated by NO ONE? Puh-lease. Your character insulted my berserker yet you don't want your pretty face rearranged into a Picasso painting? Seriously? Just like in real life you are punished for your actions, so why shouldn't your characters be? Some people will say THIS GAME IS TO ESCAPE THE REAL WORLD. Sure, I can understand that argument for all of two seconds until I remember that yeah, while it's a game it's also supposed to make a little sense. And it doesn't make any if your traitor to the kingdom is running around my roleplay flaunting your attitude to my berserker while remaining completely -untouched- by the natural consequences of such actions.

-When people leave a roleplay suddenly for no good reason. And I don't mean they disconnected or had a real life issue to attend to, because those are legit reasons. I mean, and this happened just the other day, that they -ditch- an rp altogether to get to another roleplay. Why can't you just give everyone a polite heads up that you can't post again? Or, if you know you're about to ditch for another roleplay why don't you make an EXIT post instead of writing another post creating MORE conversation between all of the involved characters only to rudely leave the area we're rping in without warning or apology and without waiting for everyone's reply? I'm sure watching your arena fight could have waited another ten minutes but instead you left everyone involved kinda going WELL WHAT DO I DO NOW since my post was directed at them?! :l Seriously, if you need to leave a roleplay for another, whether planned or not, just APOLOGIZE to all parties involved, give your reason and go. No one's going to get angry so long as you're honest, jesus.

-PURPLE PROSE. Enough said.

I think that just about covers it. :3 If I think of anything else that bothers me I'll just post again~
Sanne Moderator

Wow, there are quite some lists on here of things that bother people! I hope you all feel a little better having vented about it. :)

I do want to remind everyone that while we have no problems with you venting your frustrations, please be mindful of other people when expressing your opinions; everyone is free to RP what they like and it's not necessary to put them down for their choice of character species/personality/actions. You don't have to agree with their choices and you can definitely express that it's not your cup of tea, no problem! But there is no absolute right or wrong, just preferences and differences in opinions. :) I understand it's frustrating when people do things that don't make sense to you but don't forget they're people with feelings who just want to have fun like all of us.

Some posts border between expressing frustrations and putting down people for their choices. I'm afraid this will create friction and unnecessarily upset some. I'm hoping everyone can keep this in mind and show that we can vent and express ourselves without doing this, as we have done before and doing just that what I love this community for! <3
And remember:

~Friendship is Magic~
Vali (played anonymously)

Yes yes and Yes to pretty much EVERYTHING above.

I agree mainly with Orange's view on sexual rp, though I often avoid it because it makes me terribly uncomfortable and while I enjoy romance, I have no interest in writing smut. No thanks.

I also hate it when people complain about a lack of RP in a certain area of Furcadia and refuse to branch out. Yes, I understand they are comforable with their human/wolf/cat/lion/dinosaur/etc character but when you constantly whine about not finding other people to RP with in your community, there is no harm in trying something new.
But yet its like a huge taboo to try and dabble in a different kind of rp.
Oaky wrote:
The most common offenses are descriptions of the body. For eyes, there are hues, orbs, etc. etc. And they always find a way to pierce your soul. O.o It's freaky. For hair there is, of course, the infamous long flowing tresses, locks, or whatever else isn't just hair.

Are normal words no longer valid? (I realize that I am contradicting my point made earlier about the overuse of the word form. There needs to be a balance between synonyms and regular words. Both can be tiring with excess.)

This. Just. This.
Also, normal looking characters are completely non-existent. Everyone's uber attractive and perfectly built. I know this is supposed to be fantasy land, but come on.
I quite enjoy this topic as I have very many peeve stories. Lets unleash the queen of rage.

Just a disclaimer, these are my opinions, if you do these things I hold no grudge against you or anything like that. They're just things that bother me.

Number one
If we are doing an rp through a chatroom/messenger (not forum or pm) it really irritates me if I ask to rp and you say 'maybe'. Seriously. Give me a yes or no answer. One of the people I used to rp with did this to me and it agonized me. They were the only person I had to rp with before I discovered this site. They were also the first person i rpd with so I was always really excited to continue. It was my stress relief and when I ask to rp, telling me maybe just makes me want to rip my hair out. So i would sit there for hours bored out of my mind (I have dial up and live in the middle of nowhere) asking every 2 hours to rp. Everytime the answer i would get was 'maybe'.
Thats why I mostly just do pm rp's. makes my life less stressful lol.

Number two
God moding. When i was a newbie I didn't really get it as the person who I mentioned earlier also constantly did this to me. It was impossible to beat their characters. I would chop their heads off and they lived. My characters were never ever allowed to win. Drove me nuts sometimes. I'd win, then someone else would come and fix that. :I Then I felt bad when I did it to people without realizing it once i rpd with others. I probably still do it now, but I try to leave the fight open like: Raine drew her blade and ran at the man. She was aiming to strike at his side. Its up to you to decide if he dodges, gets nipped or impaled.

Number 3
The perfect girl. I'm sorry but this is why I cannot play with other female characters. Something about it just makes me go rawr. When they're that sweet, innocent i-never-do-anything-wrong type of person, I want nothing more than to have Raine punch your character. Now don't get me wrong, I think why I have this attitude is because that is how Raine used to be. I made her ms. Perfect who cried every time someone got into a fist fight. All I ask is that you give them a little bit more personality. Raine may be really beautiful but she is a mean son of a..... and has such an interesting personality (in my opinion at least)

Number 4
Pure sex rp. Do not want. Please for the love of god. no. I enjoy 18+ rp's it really helps with development in my opinion. But the one thing that really makes my ears turn red is when I am guilt tripped into it. So many times have creepy people whined at me because Raine refused to sleep with their character. I'm sorry, Raine isn't going to jump into bed with them 5 minutes after they met.

I severely do not like being told to do something I am not comfortable with. One time I rp'd with someone that was the size of a finger. I thought it would be cute. His character was a guy that my Elise bought. (He was a slave and she bought him because she wanted to be friends) I expected this to be a cutesy rp where they could find a way to transform him into normal and they live happily ever after. My lord. 20 minutes later he's asking Elise to swallow him for sexual pleasure. Now if thats your fetish good for you, but i was completely shocked. I said no. and he proceeded to throw the biggest hissy fit I have ever seen. I told him several times it bothered me and I would not do it. I had to proceed to end the rp and block him.

Number 5
One liners. Please, give me something to work with. :I

Number 6
Begging me for drawings. I'm sorry but after doing tons of fanart for an rp with someone and then getting nothing in return. I completely scrapped the idea for drawing anything for anyone ever again. Especially when that person was not grateful for the work you put into the drawings. So sitting there and begging me is just going to tick me off. I will draw the picture if I want to. Sometimes I do that for rp's that I really like. If not, please do not pester me.

I probably sound really whiney but people made me this way XD
Honestly, I have many pet peeves and could go on forever about them, however many of them were likely mentioned. Honestly? My biggest pet peeve that I don't believe was mentioned? People with unrealistic height / weights / body type combinations. For example, you'll see somebody who's 6'6, 200 lbs and claims they have a 'body builder' physique. A lot of it stems from people not knowing what is a proper weight for a certain height or how muscles weigh differently than fat. Honestly, it doesn't take much effort to find a body builder in google search of an athlete to base your characters body off of if you're that determined to have a perfect height / weight.

Other than that? The usual hypocrisy that surrounds most RPs ranging from magic always being a solution, to the usual cliches that are found more and more these days, whether it's a werewolf with a superiority complex, a seductive kitsune or vampire, or the ever popular immortal, ageless creature that still views love like a high school student.

Personal experiences with peeves and cliches? It brings a negative light on people who play character types / races that can fall into a cliche or are close to it. If you're honestly a fantastic enough writer to play a seductive vampire and keep it fresh and fun, you shouldn't be viewed negative for it. When other people fail at it though, it's easy to get looped in with others. For example, my main character is a unique race on the game he is played on, unique enough to the point that there are only maybe seven or so related to the race still alive. Does the race have super unique powers? Not really, but it's probably easy to loop a unique race in with people wanting to have their own tweaked out character with no disadvantages which is so commonly used.
Belial wrote:
Honestly, I have many pet peeves and could go on forever about them, however many of them were likely mentioned. Honestly? My biggest pet peeve that I don't believe was mentioned? People with unrealistic height / weights / body type combinations. For example, you'll see somebody who's 6'6, 200 lbs and claims they have a 'body builder' physique. A lot of it stems from people not knowing what is a proper weight for a certain height or how muscles weigh differently than fat. Honestly, it doesn't take much effort to find a body builder in google search of an athlete to base your characters body off of if you're that determined to have a perfect height / weight.

I am usually really HGHGNN about the height/weight thing. I try to do as much research as I can for such things. I lol at seeing Olympic body builder characters and seeing their height and weight makes them have super strange proportions if you were to actually look at them.
I think for me it will be the static characters who never learn and improve themselves (usually because the player thinks it's charming or cute to continually screw up), and also the putty characters who are suddenly EXACTLY whatever the player needs to unlock a problem one day and go back to not knowing anything about whatever they were an expert at yesterday. I feel characters should be written to travel along a smoothly rolling path, as affected by their story.

The sub-category for this same problem will be people who play very old characters who have absolutely no skills. If your character is a bard, she's probably still had to heat up soup at some point. The man who has been at war for the past thousand years probably knows how to darn a sock. It takes about 20 years to get really good at something - just as it's annoying to find 15 year old Experts In Everything, it's annoying to find immortal demigods who don't know ANYthing.
Pet peeves? Well, okay.

1. People whose number one goal is to get into either you or your character's pants. This is a problem, and it is quite an irritating one, and it's one I've seen crop up in regards to friends as often as I have encountered it personally. It is creepy and suggests an unhealthiness that I would certainly prefer to avoid. Making less than subtle comments about one's character's womanly features to near-complete strangers is an action in poor taste and worse judgement; playing up the role of a annoyingly helpless damsel is not going to win any favors, either. (I will note that this one has always confused me. I have hardly ever played anything except older men that are not designed to be rugged or handsome or 'old man attractive' in the slightest, and I like to think it obvious that I am not interested in smut. This doesn't deter people, though, and so has cemented this as my number one peeve.)

2. Characters that don't do anything. I hold in my heart a fondness for simple characters with complex psychologies--there are plenty of interesting people in this world that are mere humans, and don't rely on weird cross-species heritage or unusual powers to be deep and fascinating, since, of course, those things do not really exist. However, there are some folks that try so hard to subvert the trends that their characters are completely bland and boring, and do absolutely nothing to contribute to scenes. They are the polar opposite of the characters that attempt to do everything, and they are just as frustrating. This is, of course, sometimes simply a result of poor roleplaying skill, when a player wishes for all the fun to come to them rather than contributing to it themselves.

3. The "clichés are bad" assumption. I will admit that I often sigh and pass on by whenever I see another werewolf or vampire, but I firmly believe that any cliché can be done well, and that some of the best characters in the world are based on old concepts with which we are familiar. A cliché is often a wonderful base for a character and helps readers to get familiar with some aspect of them right away, instantly providing expectations that you are then free to weave, twist, subvert and play with in surprising manners that enrich their experience and further your own. I have found that characters that make an effort to be 'too unique' often come across as unorganized, clumsy and aimless. There is no shame in starting with a good cliché and making something new and exciting out of it!

4. Badly done magic-users. This is very specific to me, but I am sure others have similar feelings about other character archetypes. I cannot help but be extraordinarily disappointed when I encounter characters whose magical abilities have no effects on their minds or bodies, or who can do everything, or otherwise operate as though the magical ability was only tacked on. Magic is a wonderful and incredibly complicated, deep aspect of writing that positively brims with potential, and seeing it treated as an afterthought on so many characters makes me shed sad wizard tears. :'(

5. Petty limitations and arrogant rules. If someone has these on their character's profile, odds are that I won't want to roleplay with them, even if I 'qualify'. Certainly, it is easy enough to avoid these types of folks, but it still irks me, just a little, when I click on a profile and find lines upon lines of ugly snark, often baseless and unnecessary and seemingly put there just to make the player look "badass". I have never had rules like this on any of my character profiles, and I get along with everyone I meet just fine--perhaps even better, because of it!
Prince wrote:
I have to agree with Beinnj on the trends thing, only with vikings. Mostly because people think they were all blond warriors :C Which, warriors fine but there were also other occupations!

"You know, we have a surplus of dragon-fighting Vikings. But do we have enough... bread-making Vikings? Or small home repair Vikings?"

... I'm sorry, I couldn't resist dropping that quote.

Hnng there's just so much I agree with.

Prince -
"Kind of going on off the above, I also dislike it when people try and play characters from a certain culture and do little to no research on said culture. I mean, I don't claim to know everything about every culture, or even everything about the ones I do play, but I try and find out as much as I can before I go off and.. have my character tell women to get back in the kitchen in a matriarchal culture or something like that."

Oh my god yes this. I absolutely love reading up on cultures (with my favorites being ancient Greek and Hindu), so when I see a character that's supposed to be from an ancient civilization but sports NONE of the characteristics or traditions of said just makes me sad. There's just so much potential you could have to make your character three dimensional with external environments, but no. They'd rather have a Dark Ages woman who leads armies into battle and is better than any male soldier at fighting.

Red_Stars -
"4. Characters that simply have to be in control at all times, and are simply too beyond the level of any other character to be phased, hindered, jimmy-rustled or what have you by these lesser peons. This is more an aggravation of abhorrent writing than a personal frustration; individuals that do this I tend to just not RP with, but their vapid and masturbatory writing continues to serve an affront to all sense of taste. One of the most engaging parts of any sort of upright and "superior" character is when they finally do crack, and their recovery from it, but I seem to see more examples of Twilight escapism than intellectually crafted pompous jerkoffs."

I see this a lot with werewolf characters. Not to say that every werewolf character is like this, but there are a few that exhibit this trait to the maximum. I know people likely think the same for me with my werewolf character, but I can assure you, he gets annoyed rather easily.

Orange -
"-Characters that don't make sense species wise. :l Yeah, your werewolf/vampire character? Doesn't make sense. Your angel/demon? Doesn't make sense. Your cat/monkey? DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. Usually people don't have a valid explanation for these characters aside from ITS MY IMAGINATION, DEAL WITH IT. I get that people want to be creative but I can only commend people who do it with a valid explanation and reason, and sometimes that is just NOT possible with some of the combinations people have come up with in the past.

Just...all of this. All of it.

Belial -
"Honestly, I have many pet peeves and could go on forever about them, however many of them were likely mentioned. Honestly? My biggest pet peeve that I don't believe was mentioned? People with unrealistic height / weights / body type combinations. For example, you'll see somebody who's 6'6, 200 lbs and claims they have a 'body builder' physique. A lot of it stems from people not knowing what is a proper weight for a certain height or how muscles weigh differently than fat. Honestly, it doesn't take much effort to find a body builder in google search of an athlete to base your characters body off of if you're that determined to have a perfect height / weight."

I forgot to mention this in my original post because I am a derp, but yes, this. Some people really don't understand how tall 6ft + actually is. When I make a character, I always physically judge their height against mine so I can see how tall they'll be.
And then you get characters that are 5ft11" and weigh 75lbs and you think, "Why aren't you dead yet?".

Meedleboot -
""You know, we have a surplus of dragon-fighting Vikings. But do we have enough... bread-making Vikings? Or small home repair Vikings?"

... I'm sorry, I couldn't resist dropping that quote.

I saw a Viking character that was into furniture. What ever happened to him?


And one more of my own.

The one I wanted to add is people who put disclaimers on theirs sites telling people not to make the same species as their character 'for fear' of it turning into another werewolf boom. I mean...that's just ridiculous. You can't limit someone else's creativity, or their freedom to do what they want with a character. People get inspiration for characters from all over the place, and it's likely that YOU were inspired by something else to make your own character. Or, heaven forbid, your character actually inspired someone! How terrible would that be? I just don't understand how that's become such a terrible thing. I would be honored if someone told me that their inspiration to make their character came from one of my own. Think of it this way; imagine your favorite author. You want to become a writer like them, and one day you get the chance to meet them and you tell them that they inspired you to write. And they lean in and say "You're not allowed to write because I said so.". It would make you feel pretty bad, right? It's not in your control to tell them what and what not create. Don't like it? Don't roleplay with them, simple as. There's no need to complain about it, just get on with your day.
Oaky Topic Starter

Ooh! Ooh! I forgot to add one big one that really gets on my nerves.

You know how- Hang on. *No, I'm writing it right now. Give me a minute.*

Okay, so, sometimes, when you're in an RP with a really impatient- Ugh. Uno momento por favor. *No, it's not done yet. Can you wait a few more minutes?*

Okay, so, when you're writing a post, especially in a chat-based RP, and someone keeps- *NO!!! FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY STOP BUGGING ME ABOUT IT!!!!*

Okay, in all seriousness, it's really annoying when someone gets impatient and they can't. Stop. Bugging you. It's like their life depends on you posting within a certain amount of time!

"Is your post done yet?" No, I like to finish my post and then not send it.~ That's just how I roll.~

Oh, or how about "Poooooooooost!" or "Post already!"

Now, I get that live chat RP is supposed to be more fast paced than forum RP, but it's really hard to concentrate on making a post interesting when a little *ting* keeps sounding every few minutes.

Same goes for other forms of RP, too, however. PMing me about that forum RP we're in? I haven't forgotten about it. Unless, of course, I haven't posted in two months. In that case, politely say:

"Hey, remember that RP we were in a while ago that was left on that gigantic cliffhanger where both of our characters were literally hanging off a cliff? I'm still really anxious to know what happens to them! Maybe could you post please? At least so I can have some resolution? Thanks."

Sure, uber-polite person in my RP that I've been meaning to post to but completely forgot about because of real life! I'll gladly provide that long-awaited post for you that you've been eagerly awaiting for two months! I'm so sorry!

LOL Just my two cents.


(Since it's already been said about a dozen times, I won't say that I pretty much agree with other peoples' peeves.)
Beinnj wrote:

Meedleboot -
""You know, we have a surplus of dragon-fighting Vikings. But do we have enough... bread-making Vikings? Or small home repair Vikings?"

... I'm sorry, I couldn't resist dropping that quote.

I saw a Viking character that was into furniture. What ever happened to him?

D'oh, I'm not sure. I never saw this character ; ; If I had, though, I would have given them a nice big cookie.
Interior decorating viking?
Miss wrote:
All of this awesome that you posted on the first page.

I know this thread is old or what have you, but I have very little time to spend on the computer and I only just noticed it. I've been reading all the posts and have to say that I'm swinging back and forth pretty much agreeing with everything everyone is saying... And then staring at my own characters and thinking I could do with some overhauls.

As far as my own pet peeves, I have to say the only thing that really gets me is what Miss was saying. Someone that doesn't allow for my character to be in trouble or feels that they have to find a way to one-up me if they don't like that I have one particular ability that would ultimately throw drama into their characters life. I enjoy getting in trouble and finding ways to add drama to the story as long as it is kept IC. Please don't ruin my fun and I promise not to ruin yours.

On another note, however... I know I have super-powered characters. I know I have rich characters. I also know that I have poor characters, shy characters, evil, and good. I have demons that look human and perfect. I also have a woman that has far too much chest for her own good. That's just who I am. I love playing those characters, but they all have flaws. I couldn't say that I would never role play with one sort of character because they can all be played poorly or well.

In short. Its all personal preference.

Oaky wrote:
Another thing that bugs me is the person who types multi paragraph posts and then says "sorry, short." After it. Whoa whoa whoa. Let me get this straight. The norm for you is longer than that wall of fluff you just posted at me? And you expect me to top it? Do you realize just what you implied by saying those two little words? Oh, heck no. *ragequit*

LOL thats soooo me, I just do it when I do a super big post too for a small laugh, or when I feel after 2 and a half paragraphs I could have gone more into detail and I mean it :v However, I only do it when its a semi small group rp, and with friends :3


Now as for rp peeves, ehh I'll just name a few.

God-modders/over-powerful chars - You know the ones who can split mountains with their pinky fingers? Eh no thanks...

I used to have a pet perv for horse furry chars....(but I got over that one), the problem I had though was I kept running into horse chars who only bragged about the size of their (-ding-a-ling-long-) *censored* >.> but then I noticed not all horse chars where like that, and they where just kinda bad at rping.

Also related to the one above, chars that had descs like "My char looks at ___ and winks and your chars feels ___ and then does this ____ action, and it makes you feel ____ way....ect" I usually see this in some char desc's.....I'll just sum my thoughts up into these words "When I read your desc, I rather see what your char looks like, not some forced rp scene that my char wouldnt react to anyway. I try to avoid chars like that...

Only other thing I can think of is....unwanted drama. I see this in Furcadia sometimes, here you and someone else are rping, things are going great and BAM, char out of nowhere comes in, tries to cause drama, drag your char away from any story development between you and your friend ect.

I also had this happen when people mix ic and ooc. Someone gets upset at me icly for something my char said, then oocly got upset and tried to cause drama icly in rp, tried to cause ooc drama with random harassment, and even using alts to attempt to rp with me, just to ruin it a few mins later. .....Or using an alt with a huge Furcadia digo, to hide my char from view just so they cant get a favored seat in the Furcadia dream >.> Which was very annoying as I went unnoticed then, but they where childish so I ignored it.

Its sad what some immature people will do sometimes.
All of these words and floating information could be put to use. Balancing act without a script and I am in a writing mood. What time is it and what should I eat if I knew the time remains a mystery. Even to me.

Mythical creatures that act human. Seriously, why on earth would a chimera have even anywhere near the same perceptions as a human? Replace 'chimera' with 'dragon', 'gryphon' and the list goes on. More humanoid beings would depend on the strength of their humanity; have they been human before, or do they simply look it? I can understand a fledgling vampire or demon being very human-like in many respects, but one that has been around over half a century or more and yet still acts like a teenager? It simply makes no sense to me.

In relation to that, anthropomorphic characters that act entirely like humans tends to make me raise an eyebrow a bit as well. What about their limb movements, like ears and tail? Do they perk or lower with their mood? Do they bark, meow, chirp, neigh or whicker? If they don't... why not simply play a human? Why play an anthro OC, when it has no animal characteristics?

Insta-romances. No, just... seriously, no. Romance does not happen instantaneously in real life, even if the ol' spark happens on a first meeting, but it still takes time to develop, deepen and strengthen. OCs that meet, greet and get engaged in a week make just as little sense to me as any of the other peeves I've listed. Developing a character relationship is fun, no matter how long it takes!

I multi-paragraph post, at times. Not all the time, but I usually give a fair 'warning' that at times I may go over one standard Furcadia paragraph of text if I feel inspired enough by the scenario or it is appropriate (ie, a fight, interacting with multiple characters, emotionally-charged moment or flashback scene). But after stating that, typing out a decent amount (say, 10 lines), then waiting ten minutes and getting back three? And consistently three throughout the whole interaction? I can understand maybe not being inspired, but when I write something that is appropriately succinct/non-fluffy and get back something that literally gives me nothing whatsoever to work off, it's like a stone wall.

Whisper roleplay I'm fine with. Whisper rp without any prior warning however, I am not. I don't always do it, but I will if busy working on something else, as the ding often alerts me to a post.

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