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Forums » Forum Games » (IC) First impression of the character above you

Kokichi Ouma (played by SunbroTheAbysswalker)

"Very mysterious. I want to stay as far away from you as possible, so I don't steal from you and end up decapitated."
James Moriarty (played by Atheist)

"Oh, it's you!" Jim exclaims. "You said we were very similar once, but I don't know if I can properly appropriate the comparison without further interaction. I'll just accept it as a compliment nevertheless and let me just say that you have some interesting preferences. Purple has long been associated with royalty, you know -- originally because Phoenician purple dye was extremely expensive."

The consulting criminal paused, tapped his chin thoughtfully and continued, "Purple was the color worn by Roman magistrates and eventually became the imperial color worn by the rulers of the Byzantine Empire and the Holy Roman Empire, and later by Roman Catholic bishops -- oh goodness, I'm so sorry! Anyway, you're just precious, aren't you?" he cooed.
Alwina Coldwill (played by Thatnerdychick)

Well, you'll certainly be a pain to get out of the mortal coil when your body drops dead. All those chains that bind your soul.
Aquila Arrowwing (played anonymously)

"Any colder and I would need a jacket to survive in your presence..."
Connor Kenway (played anonymously)

Connor actually manages to crack a smile. "Your name bears much significance to me. Like a true eagle, I hope you soar high."
Kit Badger (played by Folklore)

"An actual assassin..? I... I feel like I should call the police--"
(Can I keep this one here? I was writing it and when I posted it Kit had apparently posted before me. This is to Conner Kenway)
“You seem familiar, like I’ve met you before... though I don’t see how, you’re quite stand-offish at times and rarely, just plain rude. But you do seem to carry yourself in a dignified manner and would probably make a a great friend to have.”
"I do not trust this one. They appear to know far too much joy."
"I..I don't know what I'm seeing here! Is it a deerclops? Wortox, that you? No, no can't be..." Wilson frantically ruffles his hair. "Nothing here ever makes much sense. Where is my beloved science machine? I have to perform an experiment just to assuage my doubts that physics still adheres to life in the Constant!"
“Oh hello there, who might you be? Ah, you’re like me aren’t you, trying to put on a brave, normal face while in your head you desperately claw at your demons to keep the madness at bay. From one demented individual to another, I’ve found that it’s best to let the madness show every so often, think of it as letting out the steam from a pressure cooker, better to get scalded than to be blown up. I’m not certain though that we would be good influences on each other though, so I bid you adieu.”
Kokichi Ouma (played by SunbroTheAbysswalker)

"I'm going to do everything I can to keep you away from me, because that would just be a disaster! Nishishi!"
Hood (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“My first impression of you is not a very pleasant one. However, I promise you, if you break past your barriers, I’m sure you’ll find what you are looking for, whether that be love or friendship. Just remember, elegance is not just for show.”
Kulsto (played by fiesch)

Honestly uncertain what to make of are human? But not. I suppose it is like how I was human but now I am not...or maybe you're not human at all?
Tyro Desit (played by TyroDragon45)

You don't seem to be the worst of people..and to be honest, make what you want with your impression of me, but I can tell that if you try landing a finger on me you will regret it.
Tyro Desit (played by TyroDragon45)

Primarily since I don't know any of the people here, obviously
Taluna (played anonymously)

"A pretty grumpy and self-centered fellow."
Shuichi Saihara (played by SunbroTheAbysswalker)

"I don't know what to say about this one... You seem... Interesting...?" He sighed.
Zavik Adler (played by Sorrisky)

"A bit....eccentric aren't we? I do have to say it feels like you are just staring at me a little too much. Perhaps I'll just go the other way, find myself a good drink instead of talking ya?"
Xyren (played by TyroDragon45)

You...don't look to be all you're racked up to be in my opinion..
Sherlock Holmes (played by Atheist)

"Speaking ill of a gambling man when you yourself have no scruples to adhere to? Hardly seems justifiable," Sherlock sniffs indignantly. "Racked up indeed..."

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