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Forums » Smalltalk » little facts about yourself

i'm literally too busy to do anything atm but i love reading these so

- walden is my middle name but that's what everyone (including my parents) calls me by

- i present and identify as female but my friends (and dad) call me 'he' most of the time and tbh i'm just an enigma at this point

- both my first and middle name are usually used for boys which doesn't help

- i feel like they just wanted a son tbh LOL

- my dad took a short "taster" hair stylist course after my mum passed so he could make my hair nice for school

- i keep lots of animals because i can't maintain friendships

- i grew up on a farm and visit to help my dad every other day or so

- i'm chronically in love with my best friend
aaaah this is cute! i don't often throw myself into the forums but this looked fun.
  • i'm like 5'7 (i think) but god i don't check my weight anymore, i could care less about my weight as long as i'm healthy (which i'm not, i've literally been so sick for like almost 4 months now but isn't everyone unhealthy tbh?)
  • my hair literally grows so fast, i've cut it into funky styles, i've dyed it bunches of colors over the years but only more recently i decided to just start shaving it all off out of overall laziness and generally not caring. i might re-grow it though? thinking a pastel coral pink next.
  • i've gone two college twice now. first time dropped out, second time graduated but was THIS close to dropping out over stress. even so, still felt pointless bc despite being a culinary graduate I literally hate the restaurant industry with a burning passion. cooking? love it. working in a restaurant? BAD. (i could go on for hours about how bad my experience has been with restaurants)
  • i actually have had a dream since i was little about owning a small farm and i'm just now realizing I could actually do it but i never thought i would get this far in life so its this weird limbo where i'm scared to do it out of fear of ending up hating something i've dreamed about for my whole life. (wow too deep)
  • i have a 20 yr old, tortoise shell short hair cat named Lucy and she is a grumpy grandma of a cat who is loud and hissy but would never hurt me intentionally. i'm the only one who can pick her up without getting clawed. (that and i'm just not scared of her if she ever did) she's pretty much my familiar
  • i actually practice very uh.. minor witch craft. i guess you can call it minor. just little things to give me comfort when i'm feeling down. or just going through my gemstone hoard and picking out a few that make me feel better. I have a particular favorite; a brown aragonite that is polished and shaped like a dragon egg
i'm not very interesting, but i'll try this anyway!
  • i've actually been working on a game; it's an RPG maker game, the first concepts of it were born on a coding website called scratch, not sure if i should finish it though...
  • most of my characters on here were conceived after i joined the website; some were already existing, but i decided to flesh them out more
  • i started writing a book. i haven't gotten very far with it
  • i'm about 5'7" to 8", pretty tall for my age, i think?
  • i live and die for strawberry ice cream.
  • a have a gap in my front teeth, courtesy of my dad
  • i've had recurring dreams of me falling down stairs and dying. is that a problem? i don't think so. lol
  • my favorite DBZ character is frieza; he'll make a debut to my profile sometime this year!
  • i don't tell anyone my middle name; the reason for that being, is that i remember being made fun of and ridiculed for it, so i vowed secrecy of my middle name and only about 5 people i've met know it, maybe a little more?
~I taught myself piano in a unique way I learned over the course of maybe two-three professional lessons with a piano teacher then taught myself the rest I can only play the right hand well but I'm proud of it.

~I have High-Functioning Autism, Astigmatism, ADHD, a Mathmatics Disorder, Photophobia, and I love to snuggle girls named Xenoworlds.

~I love snuggling Gab in secret!(not a secret anymore oh no!)
hello yes I am here take my dumb facts

~I am fully Australian with some sort of accent?? I get asked if I'm Canadian a lot although a lot of my friends say that I don't sound Canadian or American and that it's a mix of something else and I'm so frickin' confused.

~I have an unhealthy addiction to strawberry milk. I get stopped on the street by people when they see me with some and get called 'Un-Australian' a lot and I actually think that because of the frequency of it it's made my addiction worse.

~I have a scar on my forehead from coral. When it was fresh, it resembled the Harry Potter scar a lot. I was popular for a whole frickin' week in grade one okay

~I canoe a lot. It's not that interesting of a fact I guess but whatever.

~I am obsessed with toucans and snakes. I love like, all the animals but I have a special place in my heart for those two.

~My wrist got touched by a redback spider not too long ago and I like to joke about it to my friends but I'm lowkey still freaking out about it and keep scratching that area of my wrist.

~Speaking of spiders, I have one living in my ukulele. I haven't researched what it is properly but they are Geoffrey and I love them. They're probably a really dangerous spider honestly.
I'm bored and feel like sharing some more so... here more facts!
  • I have arachnophobia and trypanophobia (the fear of spiders, and needles)
  • I too can raise one eyebrow at a time.
  • I can do a British, Southern, and sometimes accidentally Australian accent while speaking.
  • I once spoke in a British accent for a week and couldn't figure out how to stop speaking with it XD
  • I want to learn to play the guitar and drums but I have no musical talent whatsoever.
  • All eight of my family members that live in my house are blonde and all but one have blue eyes.
  • I have horrible vision and where glasses daily.
  • I love Chinese food
  • Hate sushi
  • I only stand at 5'2" but my uncle likes to tease me about it by calling me 3'9"
  • Me and my dad swear at each other and call each other names playfully all the time.
  • I do not like being touched or having my hair touched. Never have and probably never will.
  • I am super shy and antisocial in person but online I find it very easy to be outgoing.
I hate people that push their way into a bus/train, when half the people that need to get off haven't even left the damn thing yet, with the passion of a thousand, fiery suns.

I also greatly enjoy grapes. Grapely, if you will.
Some updates to some facts about myself:

~Though I was born two years about from my brother and a week or so apart we were born basically at the same time just at a different part of the day I was born 4:05am my brother was born 4:05pm our birthdays are also easy to follow mine on the 21st my brother's on the 28th meaning we are almost if not always on the same day just one week apart.

~I have an addiction to checking on the British Columbia Live streams of the special Tiny Kittens HQ youtube page(its a shelter and adoption center in Victoria BC Canada that doesn't Euthanize its pets)

~I was so good at ancient history, world history and mythology that my world history high school teacher literally let me teach a lesson about Egyptian Mythology when I was able to answer things about Osiris that my teacher couldn't I also helped a fellow classmate out while the teacher was out of the class.

~Said history teacher wanted me at the top of his last world history class before he retired the following school year, due to my knowledge and understanding of ancient, world, and mythology history I was made exempt from having to actually attend the class but still came in to help the teacher I passed the class despite not doing much.

~Although I probably am no longer as good at playing it as I was when I originally found the sheet music at the time that I did I could play the entire Opening theme to Elfen Lied Lilium on my piano keyboard even if it was only the Treble(Right hand).

~I can play the final parts of the 1812 Oveture by Tchaikovsky on my piano keyboard(Treble/Right hand only) and use it as a warm-up to get my finger muscles set for playing.

Dunedain-Ranger wrote:
Ah, the 'tidbits of information' thread! Here's a few.
  • I love pizza
  • I love cheese
  • I love beer
  • I'm addicted to RP
  • I need coffee in the morning


- I'm small and short (will not say how small and short so don't ask) everyone agrees and teases me though.
- I can't math.
- English is the only language I'm fluent in, but sometimes I'm not so fluent and I stammer and stutter a lot 😅.
- I have two bunnies, both are brats, who are currently in my bedroom making a bunch of noise and I'm sure when I go in there they'll have made a huge mess... My male's name is Chip, he is really old, he just turned 9, and my female is Elizabeth, but I call her Elle, Elli or "You irritating punk!" She's going to be 3.
- I also have a mellow cat who sneezes too much (I worry) a hyperactive black lab and a blue beta fish named Eeyore.
- I love black and exasperate my mother, grandmother and sister and pretty much anyone who cares about fashion (I don't) because I literally only wear black or grey tees and jeans consistently.
- I love combat boots
- I'm a metal head and I love rock, classic rock, hard rock, punk rock and techno and video game sound tracks (I like other things too, but that makes the majority of my music).
- I collect anything Kingdom Hearts related...
- I have a huge Captain Jack Sparrow figurine under my standing lamp (about as tall as my arm is long).
- The Pirates of the Caribbean is my favorite movie series.
- I worked at a pizza place for a while, but the manager was really mean so I quit recently.
- I game too much.
- I adore dark chocolate.
- I don't like being touched.
- I don't like big loud crowds, makes me anxious.
- I love cosplay and anime conventions (that and rock concerts are the only types of crowds I don't mind).
- People usually think I'm between 14 and 16 when they first meet me... I'm not...
Th-th-th-thats all folks!!
Everyone here is so interesting!
  • I am 5'2"
  • I fell into a pile of glass shards when I was 7 and was bandaged from head to toe!
  • I only have one parent. (My dad.)
  • My favorite fruit is pineapple.
  • I used to be really into the Jonas Brothers. Still kinda am.
  • I'm a really emotional person. I cry quite easily and often.
  • I have a chronic illness/chronic pain.
  • My favorite color is emerald green.
  • I have a hard time with confrontation due to past abuse, even if someone is not a good person and/or is frightening me I tend to just sit anxiously until I can't handle it anymore, espeically if they have a strong or aggressive personality in general.
  • I LOVE writing. I am obsessed with RP and am writing a book. <3
  • I'm always either too cold or too hot, never just comfortable.
  • I've never been able to touch my toes.
  • My favorite food is mozzarella sticks.
hm... what else.. ?

I about 1,60m - that would be about 5'2'' - yes I am German so I use the metric system ;D

I was born Friday 13th, Good Friday at that (my Grandma always saw that as a very bad omen)

I am a huge Terry Pratchett fan

I have two different ears in shape - according to my mum, one looking like hers and one (the not so nicely shape one as she puts it XD) looking like my dad´s 0o

I love snow though I am cold easily which makes me look basically like a wandering bundle of clothes from late autumn onwards till spring

I have a second given name (after my god-mother)which is rather embarassing and thereforeI tend to avoid using it
HouXin wrote:
hm... what else.. ?

I about 1,60m - that would be about 5'2'' - yes I am German so I use the metric system ;D

I was born Friday 13th, Good Friday at that (my Grandma always saw that as a very bad omen)

I am a huge Terry Pratchett fan

I have two different ears in shape - according to my mum, one looking like hers and one (the not so nicely shape one as she puts it XD) looking like my dad´s 0o

I love snow though I am cold easily which makes me look basically like a wandering bundle of clothes from late autumn onwards till spring

I have a second given name (after my god-mother)which is rather embarassing and thereforeI tend to avoid using it

I reallllly wanna know the embarrassing name 😆
:P - I´ll tell you in secret via PM if you are really in for a good laugh XD :P
Cuz why not, I guess.

- I'm 5'5"-5'6"ish

- totally the personification of an Asian stereotype, except the personality and lack of accent. I play violin and piano, love food including rice, I'm good at math when I put my mind to it (doesn't mean I have to like it though).

- I LOVE beef jerky. Seriously tho.

- I'm a wannabe weeb and wannabe gamer. I'm really sheltered and honestly I don't have time to really get into much stuff.

- dragged_out_of_bed.gif . I work halftime and am in college fulltime along with the extensive writing I put on this site. I respond to at least 40 Dms a week.

-English isn’t my first language. I spoke Spanish until I was ten, then I never spoke Spanish again because I moved to America.

- I have a scar on my arm. I was cut in a cooking accident.

- I also have a scar on my hip, someone in school had a razor and thought it would be funny to randomly cut or stab people.....

- I have a thing for for Koreans, THEY’RE JUST TOO CUTE!
At school, two girls make fun of my petite (nice word for scrawny) physique. I can't help it, I have rapid fast metabolism. xD

I hate the smell of old ketchup. Yeah, it's weird, I know.

I like heavy music.

I used to be emo. I had a long run though. About four years of hair in my face. x3 That's pretty good though, since people give the phase up for about four months or so. RAWR!

Wearing colors other than black make me feel very uncomfortable. it's just not me.

I have a bad case of anxiety.

I flunk at school, and will likely be a senior twice next year, since I'm a junior. It's not like I'm dumb or anything...I'm actually am quite intelligent. Ugh, I don't know what's wrong with me. But, I'm gonna get my GED and get a hair stylist job. So, that will diploma will help me greatly.

I used to be popular in fifth and sixth grade. People just enjoy being around me then and still do. I'm like a magnet always attracting new people in my life. Heh heh.

I'm always looking for new anime to watch.
HouXin wrote:
:P - I´ll tell you in secret via PM if you are really in for a good laugh XD :P

I promise I won't tell anyone lol

-iam a mom of two, and dont sound or act my age on a normal basis most think iam younger than iam.

-I have an intense obsession with wolves and anything about them

- Iam Wolfkin, mostly noone knows what this means but iam.

-i used to write and draw ALL the time and sing litteraly instead of talk...none of these do i do anymore i dont know why.

-I know more about animals than i do anything else and alot of it is information most dont know.

-I suck at spelling like i kill words if there could be blood there would be...

Hmmm... stuff about me... okay, I'll try to sound interesting, but I dunno if I really am all that interesting XD
I have three dogs at home and they're all idiots.

I'm the only one out of my siblings (I have one older brother, one younger brother, and one younger sister) to get my mom's green eye color. My other siblings have my dad's brown eye color.

Although I'm 18, I can't drive. I want to learn, but I'm nervous and haven't really found the time lately.

I'm attempting to write a book (on the second chapter at the moment)

I'm a biology major, though I kind of want to try majoring in something related to creative writing.

I have Turner Syndrome, meaning one of my x-chromosomes is broken up or missing entirely. I actually find it to be a really interesting genetic disorder and have actually written about it before. I'm also currently writing a research paper on it.

I'm very indecisive at times.

I still love Pokemon with a passion.

I still own stuffed animals.

I'm obsessed with Disney movies (specifically Lilo and Stitch)

I'm also obsessed with Country music

I have a boyfriend that I met on here. We've been together for a over a year.

When I find something I like, I tend to focus intently on it.

I love thriller novels, specifically ones by Dean Koontz.

I have a tendency to apologize a lot.
Well, that's about it, I guess XD
  • 5'10"
  • I've lost about 35 pounds so far since (roughly) August-ish on keto
  • I collect dachshund stuff (RIP Oscar)
  • I built an RPR table for Epic Week two years ago
  • I own a guitar and a bass and can't play either (Except for the opening lick of Secret Agent Man)
  • I work construction
  • I brew wine and mead for fun.
  • I built a furnace for aluminum casting as a hobby.
  • I love little eccentric or anachronistic things like Galileo thermometers, globe barometers, and hourglasses.
  • Bisexual (Happy National Coming Out Day everyone)
  • Marine Corps vet, worked on F/A-18 weapons systems
  • I usually read at least one book a week during my lunch break
  • I've met eight RPRians in real life (Though three are kinda cheating)
  • Love classic rock
  • Dallas-Fort Worth area Texan
  • I've been to Japan twice
  • Gun nut
  • I've seen Bigfoot
  • Eagle Scout
  • Six tattoos, might get another one this weekend if I'm bored
  • Scars scars scars scars scars scars. Just listing my scars would be a whole 'nother list.
  • I've been published for poetry twice. Even got paid one time, technically making me a professional
  • I enjoy washing dishes
  • Cooking is one of my favorite hobbies
  • I've been to or through 35/50 states, and Guam
  • Both shoulders are "double jointed". Really it's ligamentous laxity and I can dislocate both shoulders at will.
  • Favorite book series are Jack Reacher and Mercy Thompson
  • I love beer
  • I like to do flash raffles on RPR
  • GoT nerd
  • Favorite foods are buffalo wings and Thai curry
  • Browncoat 4 Life
  • Sole user of Milwaukee tools in my DeWalt-dominated job

That's all that comes to mind right now.

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